Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Mermaids and Mountains

I had a great time last night with my friend Bill -- we went to see “The Little Mermaid” on Broadway. I am one of about three people on the planet who have never seen the movie version of “The Little Mermaid,” so I was starting from scratch when it comes to plot and characters, but let’s face it -- it’s not very complicated. Your basic Disney princess romance with fins.

The costumes and the sets were spectacular, cleverly evoking an undersea atmosphere with lots of glimmery translucence in shades of aqua. The performances were good, too, though some a bit generic. I particularly liked Sherie Rene Scott as Ursula, the evil octopus, and Brian d’Addario as Flounder.

So there, you see -- I’ve reviewed the show. I earned my press seat!

I was so sorry to hear about Heath Ledger’s death yesterday. (Brad Renfro’s, a week earlier, was bad enough.) I’ll never forget Ledger’s lanky, drawling presence as Ennis in “Brokeback Mountain.” It's hard to imagine dying at 28. I can barely remember being 28.

(Photo: Street art, Meatpacking District, Jan. 2008)


  1. It's shocking to hear about Ledger's death. He was so beautiful, and such a good actor.

    Love your review of The Little Mermaid (I never saw the film either, not being a fan of Disney movies, with or without fins).

    Love the image, too. Street art? It looks engraved. Cool.

  2. I am sad to say I have never seen any form of the little mermaid. I doubt if I will in the future. Not a big Disney fan either, really.

    28 is incredibly young--the best years follow that age, self growth, watching your kids grow up, getting your life together, etc... Now Ledger will never spend that important time with his daughter.. a real loss. Everyone at my house loved Brokeback Mtn-- we have the dvd, and for me it is an epic, Ang Lee-- a classic love story, and Ledger should have gotten an Oscar for his performance.
    All the things he could have experienced.. it is too sad.

  3. I round out those who have never seen The Little Mermaid, as the third.

    Grief is so blinding and keeps us from seeing that it is also transient. I so sorry for Mr. Ledger and his family.

  4. ps

    I feel dense this morning--

    I can't figure what the street art says--it may be something important ! Is it 3D or a stencil?

  5. Dennis cannot watch a mermaid show. Dennis likes humans best, but Dennis would want to bite a fish. Steve has confused Dennis by talking about this... creature.

  6. I'm so glad I have company in the new-to-Mermaid club! (Sorry for the confusion, Dennis -- nothing I say will overcome your instincts.)

    The street art is a stencil on a sidewalk. It says, "Become a more and more perfect instrument of the divine." (I assume they don't mean the big drag queen, but you never know.)

    Indeed, Merle, transience is what it's all about.

  7. Steve,

    have you ever created graffiti? I have a stencil... and I am in the ...thinking about it stage. Perhaps start on my own curb, something tiny.

  8. yes, so shocking and sad, he was lovely in Brokeback - and also in a Knights Tale.

    great photo, i really like this (i do have a thing about pavements, as you know...)

    so - did they go with the disney happy ending, or with the original tragic ending?
    (as if i can't guess)
