Monday, January 21, 2008

Fifth Avenue

Wow - was it ever COLD yesterday. The weather report said 24 degrees at 1 p.m., but it felt colder.

That was about when I was walking on Fifth Avenue near 19th Street, and I became interested in these barricades, with their fluttering ribbons and interesting shadows. Pictures just didn’t do them justice, though. The fluttering was essential. So here’s a short video.

There’s a bit of shake at the end because a woman walking her dogs INSISTED that I step forward so she could walk behind me. (I was standing against a wall; maybe she didn’t want to be in the picture.) Also, notice how the light changes at the very end when the sun goes behind a cloud.


  1. I did notice the light shifting at the end. Love this vid (of course)! Love the shadows of thepeople walking past, too. And the soundtrack. It's so NYC. Bravo!!

  2. I loved the flutter and shadows of the tape, cars throwing everything into shadow, the pedestrians, and I liked how the little dog found something of interest to look back at while waiting for the light to change, before trotting across the street--his paws must have been cold. He was definitely up for a walk though.

    it is so weird, but in such a short video, there must be so many stories.

  3. ☆*´¨`*☆.¸¸.☆*´¨`*☆.¸¸.☆*´¨`*☆.¸¸.☆*´¨`*☆

    is that really what 5th Avenue's like? I thought it was impossibly glamorous... streets paved in marble; if not gold itself... how terrifically vulgar!!

