Monday, April 21, 2008


Well, I had a great weekend! Fun and busy and exhausting.

I got together with Bob Friday and Saturday nights. On Saturday we went to one of my favorite swanky bars, atop the Beekman Tower hotel, which has a great view of the East River and the area just north of the United Nations. I even had a martini, which is rare for me, and which just about knocked me out!

During the day on Saturday I went to the gym and cleaned the house, and then walked over in Chelsea. I wanted to see whether any of the street art I put up a few weeks ago was still there -- and it wasn't. Transience indeed.

Yesterday I was at the Zendo in the morning and then went walking in Tribeca, where I haven't been for about eight months. I was sorry to see that several popular locations for street art had been completely cleaned. I guess the denizens of all those ritzy lofts and shiny new condos wanted a tidier streetscape. But it's their loss.

Last night I transcribed a Dharma talk -- which is something like a sermon, or a teaching -- by a senior student at the Zendo, so we can publish it in our newsletter. It was an extra little Dharma lesson for the day, since I'd already heard a talk that morning. (But you can never have too much teaching, right?)

(Photo: Door in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, March 2008)


  1. steady on ste!
    thanks for the birthday wishes.
    i wish i could attend too, especially since i hear there will be a maypole. i danced around the maypole in primary school once, in traditional costume (a pair of my mums tights and an old shirt of my dads), but oh did i skip with glee! all these years i have secretly yearned to dance once more.....
    oh, and yes, tis i

  2. Pod! You're so handsome - wow!!

    Steve - what a great weekend. You did it all, it seems, with time left over to clean your room. Very cool.

    What was the topic of the dharma talk?

  3. a very balanced weekend - martinis and zendo!

    maybe the are has simply been relocated and not trashed.

  4. Sounds liek a very fulfilling weekend.

  5. what a jazzy looking photo today!

  6. Right you are Steve!
