Monday, July 22, 2024

A Cemetery Walk, and 'Pink Narcissus'

Dave departed for Ireland yesterday morning, leaving Olga and me to wile away the day on our own. We spent the morning in the garden and then, after lunch, I tried walking her to the cemetery, where we hadn't been in a month or so. Our walks there are less and less frequent as Olga often doesn't want to go that far.

But yesterday, she was up for it! She posed for a picture at Fortune Green (above), with her tennis ball. She doesn't chase it much these days, but she will catch it in her mouth and carry it around.

And of course she still rolls vigorously in the long grass!

Even though she's about 100 in dog years she seems to get impatient with my dawdling.

We came across a big patch of native hogweed (the same kind we have in our garden). This is a little like "Where's Waldo?" but Olga is in there somewhere. I've noticed that some areas of the cemetery seem to have been treated with herbicides to kill weeds. Don't get me started on the folly of that. I've always thought one of the most beautiful aspects of the cemetery is its semi-wild state. I hope this hogweed is permitted to remain.

We only walked the back portion of the cemetery, and then made our way home very slowly. But bravo to Olga for her adventurous spirit.

I have not heard the turaco at all this year. I think it has flown this earthly coop, or maybe merely moved on to greener treetops. Granted, I haven't been in the cemetery as much. Olga and I used to go weekly, if not twice in a weekend, but now it's more like once a month.

One of the photos I saw at the Elton John photo exhibit at the V&A on Friday was this film still from a movie called "Pink Narcissus" by James Bidgood. I don't remember ever hearing of this movie before, though I must have seen it mentioned here or there. A photographer and costume designer, Bidgood filmed it over several years in the '60s, mostly in his studio apartment, and it was released in 1971 at the dawn of the gay rights era. After a little research I found I could rent it through the BFI subscription service on Amazon. So I took the plunge and watched it last night. It is very of its time, a sort of psychedelic fever dream of homoerotic imagery -- but fascinating from a queer history perspective. I also ordered a monograph about Bidgood and his work, because apparently I don't already have enough in my reading stack. (Sarcasm!)

How do we feel about Biden? I'm sorry for Joe that he had to step aside -- it must have been a very hard thing to do -- but I am certain it's the best thing for the party and the country. I think people, young people in particular, can get more excited about Kamala and I am so happy to have some fresh blood in the race. I'm optimistic, for the first time in months. On to victory!

And now I have to go catch a train. Why, I will tell you tomorrow.


  1. I am sad that Biden has had to step aside but happy that he realised it was time and I am sure Kamala Harris will do well.
    Love Olga rolling in the long grass and I saw her in the weedy cemetery patch easily enough. It makes me happy that she was able and willing to walk that far with you this time.

  2. I’m hope Harris is exactly the kick we need. Scary times. Olga has still got it. I saw Pink Narcissus in the late ’70s. Your description is of course perfect.

  3. Olga proves that growing old is not a smooth slide downhill. The line is more like a zigzag with ups and downs, good days and bad. Bravo to her for dragging her master to the cemetery - for old times' sake. I hope the mysterious train ride goes according to plan. Are you off to Hogwarts?

  4. From one old lady to another -- go Olga! You show 'em. She's pretty fit for her age. I'm glad she could make this walk.

  5. Spam?? I sound like Monty Python.

  6. My, what a big smile by Olga in the first photo.
    I remember the name Pink Narcissus, but nothing else. I've probably seen it.
    If only black people in the US would get off their arses and vote, this time for a woman who is one of them.

  7. You know, something has struck me here. Olga is aging and slowing down, but still she walks, and instead of chasing her ball, she carries it. She doesn't see herself as an old dog, I am sure. She just tries to do what she's always done.

    Biden is no different, I suppose, but being a creature of reason, it is hard to be confronted with your own mortality and accept the fact that you are not what you were. I'm sure it is a very lonely time. I will tell you that I do not believe that he would have run had tRUMP not ramped up for another run.

    Like you, I believe that fresh blood, and someone who will get up and speak reasonably about what his happening, clearly say why trump and his ilk are a danger to our democracy will make make a win so much easier. None of these clever one liners and 'dark Brandon' bullshit. This is not entertainment. This is a presidential race. Pete Buttigieg really told it like it is, and wouldn't mind seeing him in the VP position.

  8. Love seeing Olga's smile first thing on a Monday morning! It took me a moment, but I spotted her in the brush!

    I, too, was sad about Biden's decision to leave the race, I think it was a smart choice. It reinvigorates the party and, judging from Xwitter yesterday, there's a fair bit of panic in the GOP now.

  9. I think Debby said it best above and I can't add a lot.

    Last night when I went to bed, Harris seemed very much in the air as the next choice but this morning, it seems like she might get it much easier than anyone thought. I like that she is younger and more vibrant than Biden. Being a centrist, I do think she is a step in the wrong direction from Biden for my tastes but I suspect she will appeal to most Democrats. I think she will make for a tighter race and has a better chance of winning. If definitely shakes up things a bit which makes it more interesting for someone like me to watch and see what happens.

  10. My dog is getting up in years too and is slower but still keen, just like Olga. JB is a hero and will go down in history as such. Aging and health have taken a toll but that is life. KH as current vice president is well prepared to take the office of President. She is 10X smarter than DT. I've seen her debate and she will cream DT.

  11. I'm thinking of the last time Trump ran against a woman, one who was eminently prepared for the job in every way and how incredibly shocked we were to see her lose to the reality show clown. Forgive me if I do not feel overwhelming optimism.
    On the other hand, it is cheering to see Olga still able to run her paces, even if more slowly and with more care.
    Wherever it is, have fun.

  12. I have super mixed feelings about Biden dropping out. He was very unpopular with a segment of the Democrats (Genocide Joe!), and his age was a consideration. But I'm having the same foreboding that Ms. Moon is. We're such a misogynistic nation, and Black women are at the absolute bottom of the totem pole (through no fault of their own!). Can we overcome that?

    P.S. I saw Olga in the grass!

  13. I like the "Where's Olga" photo and I did spot her eventually!
    I think a lot of people had tuned out from politics as they weren't thrilled by the rematch. Now that it's been shaken up, I think a lot more people may start paying attention. Young people and undecided voters now have a different choice to consider. I remember when Obama first ran and some thought - a Black man can't win. But then we made history and elected him. I'm hopeful.

  14. I am so hoping that this switch in candidates will invigorate Democrats to get the vote out. I'm sure it was a very painful decision for Biden but,I think this is the right thing to do for the country. The discussions about his health were never going to end.
    I love all the Olga photos. Have fun on your adventure.

  15. You're holding us in suspense for tomorrow. I'm like Olga. I get out less and less. I'm not 100 yet.

  16. I think that Biden did the right thing, and he put his country first. I am hoping that Harris will prove to be a formidable opponent. For the first time in a long time, I am feeling hopeful. Safe travels on the train trip. I am looking forward to reading about it.

  17. Like Ed, I'm a centrist and Harris (depending on who's doing the talking - an african-american woman or an asian-american woman) is too far to the left for my taste. Regardless, Biden needed to step down. I'll be curious to see the party's final ticket.

    All these Olga photos made me day. There's something rejuvenating about seeing a dog rolling exuberantly in the grass!

  18. I supported Joe but also understood the complexities of him staying in once he'd been judged wanting, partly due to the emphasis on his age and misspeaking (but not T's constant word salads and craziness??). I think Kamala Harris will energize the party BUT like several other commenters, I don't know if this backward country is ready to elect a woman. Hillary Clinton was eminently qualified and got upended by a narcissistic incompetent clown. I'm glad Olga can still do fun things, modified though they might be. I'm in the same position. :)

  19. With my daughter pining for her pup, I feel very tender and sentimental about Olga getting older, and love that you are giving her such a caring and good elder stage. The old girl looks like she has tons on miles on her yet! C'mon slowpoke! lol

    Re Biden, even though I would have voted for him regardless, I feel a jolt of excitement about the new younger ticket. I think it will ultimately be a good thing. Or at least, I hope so!

  20. Cemetery is always an interesting photography subject.

  21. I found Olga-Waldo right away. I love seeing her roll on her back, still carefree. I'm excited about Kamala. The president's decision has given the party new energy. Now we have the prosecutor v. the criminal. I don't think being a woman will be a problem because Kamala can build on Hillary's experience. Although I'd love it if Pete were her running mate, I think she'll have to choose someone who is straight, white, married, and moderate. Mark Kelly?


  22. River: It always makes me happy to see Olga out enjoying herself, just being a dog!

    Mitchell: It's a very weird movie and apparently Bidgood wasn't happy with the finished product, which is why he took his name off it and for years no one knew who had made it.

    YP: That's exactly true. It's a very zig-zaggy path.

    Boud: The vet always mentions how healthy she is for her age. Your Monty Python reference made me laugh!

    Andrew: Not just black people, but young people! In the past it's always been a challenge to get young people to vote.

    Debby: I think Buttigieg would be a great VP but some black voters don't like him. Interesting parallel between old Olga and old Joe!

    Bob: Yes! The GOP are scrambling to mold their opposition to fit a new candidate. I love it.

    Ed: Well, I'd like to hear her lay out her vision. I'm not sure she'll depart significantly from Biden in terms of policy. I don't think she's THAT far left. She's not Angela Davis!

    Susan: Yeah, I can't wait to hear how that debate goes!

    Ms Moon: Yeah, but Hillary had a lot of baggage, for some reason. I can't begin to understand why so much of America dislikes her, but I think it has as much to do with HER as with the fact that she's a woman. We shall see if a different woman can get better traction.

    Bug: The polling seems to think we can, but we've seen inaccurate polls before. (I do think Trump supporters lie to pollsters.)

    Ellen D: Exactly! Obama seemed like a long shot but instead he proved to be a huge victory. I hope minority voters and young people turn out for Kamala in similar ways.

    Sharon: He had just become so burdened by all that "Sleepy Joe" stuff, not to mention "Let's Go Brandon" and everything else. I just want all of that to go away. He also didn't do a good job selling his successes, in part because he made few public appearances and press conferences.

    Red: Just trying to make things interesting. :)

    Michael: Same with me! I feel hope, finally! And that exciting sense of new energy.

    Kelly: It's interesting that you and Ed say that. Maybe I need to pay more attention to Harris's positions and statements. I don't think of her as particularly far to the left.

    Margaret: I really think Hillary Clinton was an anomaly. A huge portion of America built up a lot of grievances about her, and I'm not sure why.

    37P: As YP said above, Olga's energy levels sort of zig-zag. Some days she's up, some days she's down. Like all of us, I suppose, but more pronounced.

    Roentare: I used to spend SO much time there. Less so these days!

    Janie: I'm not sure it needs to be a man. I think a two-woman ticket would be awesome. Gretchen Whitmer?

  23. Well done, Olga! I'm so glad she made it to and from all in one piece, albeit slowly on the way home. Still, that's great-- she's showing more energy for her walk than I am today! I love the wild look of the cemetery. Now I'll think of days when I'm not up for my walk as an "Olga" day! And yes, I found her in the photo. I saw, "Let's do it, Kamala" -- and I have hope that she can.
