Saturday, July 27, 2024

Daily Minutiae and a Behemoth Bush

This is our flat's front garden. It's a little crowded, I know! We haven't had it pruned in a couple of years and that Hebe, in particular -- with the purple flowers -- is threatening to swallow the house. The Russians have complained about it a couple of times but I want to wait until the Hebe is done flowering before doing any trimming.

Where the back garden at our flat is our responsibility, the front garden is our landlords'. So ideally they should have someone come and trim it. I've done light trimming myself and I might just do it again in the fall, or I might ask the management company to send someone. I'm not sure yet.

You can see Mr. Russia's stripped and sanded porch railing, which he's going to paint. It's always something with that guy.

We've been dealing with another minor maintenance issue -- a leaky toilet. I think it's been leaky for a while, to be honest, but we didn't really notice it until we got the new floors in the bathroom last year. Water is slowly dripping from the bolts that connect the tank and the bowl. It's not a lot of water, but it's enough that a small puddle forms. The maintenance company has sent someone twice to solve the problem and by golly, it's still happening. They probably should have just replaced the toilet when they renovated the bathroom.

Remember how I loaned some of our garden waste bags to Mrs. Kravitz, and predicted I'd have to chase them down to reclaim them? Well, they've been sitting in a huge pile of garden waste at the front of her house for a couple of weeks, and for some reason, the waste collectors won't touch it. I suspect she hasn't paid her annual garden waste fee. So yesterday morning I grabbed two of my full bags from her stack and put them in front of our house, and that did the trick -- the waste guys emptied them. Now I have them back. Isn't that exciting?! (🙄 Eye-roll emoji again.)

Yesterday afternoon, after Olga left with her dog-walker, I went for long walk on my own to Hampstead Heath. It always feels a little weird going there without Olga, but she can't walk that far anymore -- and doesn't really want to. It was a beautiful day and I made a short video of some of the wildflowers and happily buzzing bees:

In order, you'll see purple knapweed, yellow ragwort, some purple loosestrife (I think?), pink hairy willowherb, a white umbellifer of some kind, some scenery from Parliament Hill, and more ragwort at the end.

But don't feel too bad for Olga, because she was on a different part of the Heath with her dog-walker (who has a van and thus can drive her to and fro). He posted this to the dog-walking company's Facebook page:

She was having a great old time! (And she got a bath last night.)


  1. Thanks for the wonderful video. It's amazing to discover that there are places of such beautiful nature within walking distance of your home.

  2. Lovely happy Olga!!

    Hebe isn't the easiest to prune if I remember correctly...needs to be done a little every year at the right season...but if you get it tidy and forgo a year's flowers that is no big deal.

  3. Ragwort is having a very good year...there are lots more than usual in the field where we walk. Love the view from the hill....I went there once years ago when my son lived on Haverstock Hill.

  4. Muddy water. Olga’s idea of paradise. A wonderful photo!
    Do you suppose Mrs. Kravitz will thank you?
    Your list of what would be seen in the video began to sound like a Shakespearean witches’ brew. Some purple loosestrife, pink hairy willowherb, a white umbellifer... What’s a white umbellifer? Keepin’ out the rain. (add groan here)

  5. Your dog is certainly having a good time

  6. Wonderful to see Hampstead Heath looking so floriferous and hairy. The white umbellifer is Daucus carota, or wild carrot. It’s having a very good year, as is the ragwort which although poisonous to livestock is flourishing here in the South Downs. Is the butterfly a skipper or copper I wonder. I should go across to Butterfly conservation to check the ID. It would be great if you could do a 15 min survey for Butterfly conservation Steve. You can do them anywhere, not just your own garden, and to my mind there is nothing nicer than sitting quietly on a sunny day for 15 mins and noting the butterflies that come into view. Sarah in Sussex

  7. I think I heard Olga barking towards the end of that video. My - how her voice carries! It will be interesting to see what colours Mr Russia uses on the handrail. I hope it's yellow and blue.

  8. I actually like the somewhat wild look with slightly overgrown plants. :)
    I certainly wouldn't complain about it.
    Olga looks like she has got nothing to complain about either.
    She has found a way to cool down in the summer.
    She's adorable!

  9. I love that photo of Olga. She looks so content and happy. Dogs are indeed the best.

  10. Yes, a new lavvy lovie should have been installed.
    The garden at the front of your house looks ok to me. It just needs to be kept off the steps.
    Knapweed and ragwort are terrible pest plants in Australia.
    What a fab photo of Olga.

  11. Maybe Mrs. Kravitz should pile her yard debris in front of your house???

    Goddess, Olga looks like sheer joy.

  12. That picture of Olga is a keeper, so happy and playful.
    Purple loosestrife is a beautiful menace here, invasive monoculture, driving out native plants around waterways, which in turn deprives birds and fish of food. A lovely plant in the wrong place.

    Your neighborhood is endless excitement, garbage bags, porch railings, bushes!

  13. Olga looks like the happiest dog in the world. She is just a glory. As is Hampstead Heath. I am so impressed that you have this beautiful place to roam.
    Father Russia and Mrs. Kravitz are never, ever going to change, are they?

  14. Steve, as a “plant and garden” person, yes, the front garden DOES need some work— and more than just trimming. From this photo it appears to be the classic case of too many plants allowed to grow too many years in too small of a spot. Everyone does it. When the plants are new they all look small so people (even landscapers) plant too many just to make it look “full”. Then they just let them grow through the years without a thought to how crowded they are getting. The real solution is to select some of them to remove totally and allow the others to remain. There would still need to be some pruning and trimming but not as often. Ideally once a year.

  15. I love the Heath and Olga looks very happy!

  16. That was a lovely Heath break! And I'm glad that Olga still gets to go there & enjoy it.

    I would have done the same with the yard waste bags, grumbling the whole time about how I would never lend them again, while also being 100% aware that of course I will lend them again because that's who I am as a person.

  17. The front garden is crowded but very pretty as well. And lovely Olga just looks so happy and contented.

  18. (That last comment is a hard act to follow!)

    That's one blissful dog. And one that I wouldn't let into any vehicle of mine.

  19. Olga looks very pleased with herself sitting in that water. I loved the video. Lots of wildflowers and lots of people enjoying the view. It looks like a perfect day for a walk.

  20. I felt like you were being a bit sneaky and unfaithful to Olga by waiting until she'd left with the dog walker to make your escape to the Heath. I'm glad you shared their photo of her. She was clearly having a wonderful time without you! 😉

  21. Interesting to learn about your front garden, toilet, neighbor's bag borrowing etc...but Olga takes the prize!

  22. It seems like landlords will do as little as possible. It appears that some tenants play the same game.

  23. The Hebe is blocking the picture window and soon there will be no view to the outside. I like to keep things below the windows. Someone will have to do some serious trimming to get the bushes sized for the space. It will look so much better trimmed. Olga looks very happy in the water. Does she enjoy swimming too?

  24. Olga is enjoying that water! Lovely video with great views from the heath and beautiful shady trees at the end.
    I've had Hebes in several gardens but never stayed anywhere long enough to find out how big they would eventually get.

  25. I think you should do the same with more of your garden bags and get them all back. I also think the maintenance people should do better with your leaking toilet, probably the seals within the joints need replacing.

  26. Yael: We are very lucky to have the Heath!

    GZ: Soon after we first moved in, the landlord sent a gardener who cut that Hebe back to almost nothing. But somehow it survived and eventually thrived!

    Frances: I always like to see ragwort because cinnabar moth caterpillars might be on it. Haven't seen any yet this year, though.

    Mitchell: That is groan-worthy, but I suppose umbrella and umbellifer must be related words. Not sure what the root is.

    Roentare: Doesn't she look happy?! LOL

    Sarah: We've done the butterfly survey in past years. We haven't done it this year (has it happened yet?) and we're not seeing as many butterflies as usual. I think the wet/cool spring got them all off to a late start. The one on the knapweed is a skipper, I'd guess.

    YP: Ha! Maybe it was the spirit of Olga, sending a telepathic bark to my phone?

    Ivana: Olga thanks you! We like the slightly overgrown look, too. Thanks so much for stopping by. :)

    Michael: They really do put it all out there, don't they? No subterfuge.

    Andrew: Well, that's our normal modus operandi -- to keep the steps clear -- but I think it HAS gotten a bit too large. I want to be able to see out my window!

    Bob: Ha! It may come to that! (Or she could just pay her bill.)

    Ms Moon: People are people, and as a rule, no, they don't change.

    Don: Thanks for the input! Dave said the same thing -- that we should take out some bushes. But that's really not our call, given that the landlord maintains that garden. I'd say they need to decide what to do!

    Ellen: She does indeed!

    Bug: Ha! Yeah, that was pretty much my response.

    Marty: Alas, I deleted the comment to which you refer. Oh well! Yeah, I'm glad WE don't have to drive Olga to and from the Heath.

    Sharon: It really was the perfect day!

    Kelly: Oh, geez, don't make me feel more guilty than I already do! I just can't take her anymore, but as long as she gets to go with the dog-walker in a van that makes me happy.

    Red: They do nothing unless we speak up, which I guess is normal. They wouldn't know otherwise!

    Susan: Yeah, I cut it down below the window last year but you'd never know it now!

    River: There's something to be said for moving before the garden plants get too big. LOL! The plumber did replace several seals and also the bolts holding the cistern to the bowl (which is where the water is coming from, as best we can tell). Still dripping, though.

  27. ALSO (sorry -- you were all in spam):

    Boud: Fortunately, purple loosestrife is native to Europe so it's not seen as an invasive here the way it is in the USA. We have some in our garden, in fact.

    Pixie: It IS pretty, and that's one reason I am reluctant to have it trimmed. It always winds up looking bald afterwards.

    Barbara: Yeah, I can't argue with that! LOL

  28. Coming in late to say that I love that joyous photo of Olga! It would be tough to get up those stairs, especially carrying anything. :)

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  30. You're right -- Olga looks so happy! I can see that bush does need trimming but yes, should be someone else. Still, smart to wait till the bloom is over. It looks good, though!
