Saturday, July 13, 2024

Até Logo, Brasil!

I confess that I am cheating a little bit and writing this post on Friday night, because we have to wake up at three in the morning on Saturday to catch our car to the Rio airport. Why so early, I'm not sure -- and there's a whole story behind this, involving tour companies and scheduling, but it's too boring to tell. Suffice to say I will not have time to blog, so I'm going to schedule this to post while we're in transit.

I had a quiet final day in Búzios on Friday, just walking around town and taking pictures, so I thought I'd share some final shots with you. (Dave's day was even quieter than mine -- he barely left the hotel room! Sometimes he just needs to withdraw and watch YouTube to recharge his batteries.)

I mentioned the "God is Good" boat in the hotel courtyard. Here it is, in case you wondered what it looks like.

And yes, I got my snorkeling pictures back from the photographer! This is probably the best one -- me with some curious sergeant majors.

As I was walking to lunch -- I went back to Mata Hari for some ceviche -- I passed a vacant lot on a corner and saw some critters leaping around in the trees. I took a closer look and found these tiny monkeys! Imagine being in a place where creatures like this live on the corner. Mind-blowing. (This one was very curious and got closer and closer as I held up my phone to take photos. I eventually got out of there because I was afraid it thought I had food and was going to jump on me!) I think this is a buffy-tufted marmoset -- in which case it is an endangered species -- but I could be wrong.

I like this picture because there's a lot going on. I actually walked down this street specifically because I saw that woman in the flowing blue dress from a distance, and I figured I could work her into a photo somehow.

"Good things are going to happen."

I will post slightly later than usual on Sunday from London, if all goes as planned!

*Até Logo, the phrase in the title, is an informal way of saying goodbye in Portuguese, akin to "see you later" or "see you soon." And since I'm using a Portuguese phrase I figured I'd use the Portuguese spelling of Brazil, too.


  1. I suppose this is a wrap up post or a penultimate post. That is a terrific photo of you in the sea. The woman in the blue dress would be terrific company and have so many stories to tell, if only you could speak the language. I didn't know what to expect with your South American adventure, but it certainly reads well. There must be a negative beyond becoming a member of a cult.

  2. That picture captures an enthusiasm that was missing in you by the end of the school year. You need to frame this and put it somewhere to remind you of who you are, deep down. Carpe diem. Or is it carp diem?

  3. Having seen a number of wheelbarrow and board ramp videos end up in disaster, I would have stayed around watching that. Safe travels!

  4. Great photos, especially the Under The Sea shot!

  5. Such beautiful pictures, Steve. I feel like that woman is my sister. We have almost-matching dresses.
    That church is so pretty and the black and white dogs are perfect there.
    I think we all agree that's a very cool picture of you swimming with the Sergeant Majors.
    And oh, little monkey. What a pleasant expression she wears. I even like the god-is-good boat.

  6. I wonder if I should learn a reading knowledge of Portuguese. I'm getting a need to do it, but first to find out what are the classics of Portuguese lit..
    Welcome home when you arrive! Olga will be beside herself with joy. Unlike a cat who would give you the back of her paw for leaving her.

  7. Look at you smiling under water! That is a terrific photo!
    Hope your trip home goes smoothly! Olga will be so happy to see you! ;)

  8. I have really enjoyed our excursion to Brazil, seeing sights I would never see otherwise!
    How in the world can you smile underwater? Did you take on much seawater? You should frame that one, Steve!
    I hope you get home to Olga and your own bed in good shape and now ... dealing with jet lag!

  9. It sounds like you have had a great trip with lots of new things to see and enjoy. That picture of you underwater is fantastic. That's a keeper for sure. Your adventures in Argentina made me recall my own trip there many years ago. The bird photos reminded me of my trip to Costa Rica. I was in awe of the birds and wildlife when I was there.
    Safe travels back to London!

  10. I love your snorkeling photo! What a great shot! And I would also love to have that blue dress.

    Thanks for taking us along on your vacation! Now I'm off to catch up - crazy busy week at work & I know I'm at least one post behind.

  11. You've had a wonderful holiday and made lots of great memories. The scuba photo is outstanding, I'd frame it and have a copy on my desk at work. Those monkeys are very curious, nice photo. The plaza photo is fantastic. Safe travels. Olga will be one happy girl.

  12. That snorkeling photo is way cool. Love it! And Mata Hari and ceviche sounds like my kind of place. I've so enjoyed your "walking around" -- you find such good things! Safe travels home.

  13. I LOVE that snorkeling photo! Enjoy the rest of your final day in Brazil. Wishing you an easy early rising and a pleasant trip home.

  14. OMG that is the best merman shot EVER! Frame-able for sure! Happy safe travels, jet lag awaits...

  15. Your snorkeling photo is WONDERFUL! Definitely worth purchasing! I can relate to Dave's need to recharge. I did the same most afternoons I was on vacation with my kids.

    Did you see many stray street dogs on this trip? I know y'all are looking forward to seeing your girl!

  16. The snorkeling shot is indeed great. But aren't you supposed to keep your mouth closed when you're under water? Never mind. You've provided a great tour for those of us who will never get there. Thanks again!

  17. I love that photo of you snorkeling, love all the photos really. Thank you so much for sharing your trip with us. Where are we going next?

  18. Some places influence us more than others. This will stay with you for a long time. To bad you didn't spend more time to understand some of the culture.

  19. You are capable of writing blogs as you travel a packed itinerary

  20. Look at you swimming with the fish! You should frame that one and hang it somewhere to see every day:)
    I've loved "having" this holiday with you.

  21. I know how you feel about the 3am start. We had to get up at 4am ( in Premier Inn, North Terminal, Gatwick) for our flight to Slovenia. I was amazed at how many people there were at 5am in the airport!
    Hope that your journey went with hitch. Welcome back.

  22. It feels otherworldly to be out at 3 am but I've done it for flights also. Love the snorkeling photo! I can't imagine that kind of wildlife around the neighborhood. I think I prefer it to my raccoon though.

  23. What an epic trip you’ve been on. I’m all caught up now. Thanks for showing me Brasil!
