Thursday, July 11, 2024


Wouldn't you know it -- as we left Rio yesterday, the sun came out and the mist was slowly rising from Corcovado. From the window of our departing car we could see Jesus magically reappearing over the city. Oh well!

Here in Búzios, which is a three-hour drive east of Rio, it's much sunnier (above). The community is spread out over a rocky peninsula, a collection of guest houses and modest hotels surrounding a small patchwork of streets, shops, restaurants, parks and undeveloped green space. And all that encircled by a rocky coastline and a few tiny islands. There are beaches, but they're tucked among the rocks. It's a very interesting landscape.

Getting here was an adventure. We left our hotel about 10 a.m. with a driver named Mario, who insisted on taking our picture with a banner from his tour company before we began. ("It's so he can send it to the kidnappers and tell them who's on offer today," Dave said. Nothing like dark humor!)

We drove over the bay in Rio and through Niterói, and then eastward along the coast. We got held up by a traffic accident on the expressway, and then Mario drove like a maniac on some of the less busy stretches of road -- we think he was trying to make up the time. Lines on the pavement were mere suggestions to Mario. I put in my AirPods and listened to Stan Getz and João Gilberto as I watched the hilly farmland, roadside fruit stands and red clay soil roll past.

In Búzios, where the winding, cobbled roads forced Mario to go slower, we came around a corner to find this guy strolling across the street. It's a capybara (world's largest rodent!) and it was rejoining its pals, as you can see. This is the only picture I had a chance to take because Mario was not stopping.

But based on the signs I'm seeing around Búzios, I'm guessing that won't be our last capybara. (Extra points if we catch them playing football and wearing sunglasses!)

We got checked into our hotel, which is nice but also kind of strange -- we think it might be run by a religious cult. The guy who checked us in was named William and he had a curious serenity. There are bible verses on the patio wall and a boat on display in the courtyard called "God is Good." We're surprised they allowed us sinful homosexuals in, but so far it's been very pleasant and no one has looked askance at us. (I'm pretty sure William bats for our team, too.)

After lunch I took a walk to Praia da Foca, across the peninsula. There's a beach down below and to the left, but this shows the rocky coastline.

 Flocks of huge frigate birds soared overhead...

...and the great kiskadees called attention to themselves with their tropical screeee sounds.

Aside from the birdcalls and the occasional passing vehicle, it was so quiet on my walk. A big change from the urban sounds of Buenos Aires and Rio, and the steady rumble of Iguaçu Falls.

Today we have some kind of boat trip planned. Dave isn't keen on going but I'll go either way. Maybe he'll join me!


  1. How was the itinerary on this trip decided?

  2. Maybe the religious trappings were to please the ptb while allowing everyone to be free to be themselves. Sounds strategic.

    What marvelous things you're doing and seeing. I had no idea this trip was to be so comprehensive.

  3. This trip sounds like perfection to me. I’ve never seen a capybara in sunglasses play football. They usually don’t wear their sunglasses while they play.

  4. Dave cracks me up -- I like that humour! It looks like a wonderful place to be and this trip is really fantastic. Capybyra? Never seen one of those, either!

  5. I have to say that I would be quite frightened to see a smile like that on a capybara!

    I like to wonder to the links and listen to the birds sounds you are hearing. The kiskadee recording tickled me. I can hear another bird in the background as well as a barking dog!

    Dave has a rather droll sense of humor, doesn't he? 'today's offering'...

    Enjoy your time with the cult, but don't drink the koolaid.

  6. It's awful when you find yourself trapped in a car with a driver who claims to be professional but drives like a nitwit. I always want to say "Slow down!" or "Get off your bloody phone right now!" or "Keep your eyes on the road!". The region your are in right now looks and sounds utterly delightful but don't get mugged by a capybara!

  7. It isn't such a queer thing for a gay person being important in a strict religious organisation. The sinner can not help his sins. May the Lord forgive him. Something like that.

    I've really no idea where you are now. I need a map.

  8. Love the tour, the capybara and the signs, but it's Dave's joke that slayed me.
    I have that same sense of humor.

  9. I would be so freaked out by the god-stuff. I really would be. "Curious serenity" is a perfect phrase to describe the god person. Also by the capybaras. Strange to think that where you are, they're as normal as squirrels are here. Probably.

  10. Like Ed I am wondering how you decided where to go on your trip. You certainly are getting to see a great variety of places and I am wondering what will be your favorite when you look back. Such fun adventures but your driver might have made me carsick...

  11. I would prefer the quiet and peace of this part of your trip. I'm not a huge fan of cities, even though I live in one, I much prefer the quiet. The scenery is much more beautiful too.

  12. Mario gave you a wild ride. No abductions! The rocky coastline is beautiful. The sea looks calm and a boat tour sounds like fun. I hope Dave is seagoing.

  13. I had to lol at Dave's comment, as well! Luckily, the kidnapping crew didn't get the message!
    I am so enjoying your trip, seeing sites I would never see on my own! ❤️

  14. I appreciate Dave's humor. I guess watching for Capybaras on the road there is like watching for deer here. I bet hitting one could do a lot of damage!

  15. You're having so many adventures! It's wonderful to document them on the blog with pictures. You'll come back and re-read these posts, I bet! I would be scared of that Capybara. It looks like a fake animal to me. (probably because I've never seen one) Enjoy your new place and surroundings. I would probably stay back with Dave since I have a regrettable tendency toward seasickness.

  16. That was a very stressful car ride to the airport. So are the bible verses in English. This is going to bean exciting trip in more ways than one.

  17. Your trip sounds so good. With every post I have a window into someplace that I have never been. Sorry about your lost jacket!

  18. Dave is probably right...and I don't think that Mario is altogether trustworthy...your trip is beginning to terrify! A serene William welcoming you into "god is good" haven- utterly frightening! Your trip is not for the faint of heart- glad it's you and not me, though I am loving your photos and tales SO MUCH!! Are Capivaras delicious? Adventures in dining...Stay well and safe.

  19. Great Kiskadees make the best sounds out there.

  20. What a fantastic trip you guys put together. I feel like I have really missed South America and appreciate you sharing it. Every day seems filled with new wonders.

  21. Oh! Your picture of the giant kiskadee brought back memories of one of our homes in Mexico back in the 1990's. There were a whole flock of them that would start their loud screeching early in the morning, about dawn I think. But we loved them anyway.

  22. It certainly is beautiful wherever you are at the moment...between your indies going on an adventure and your jacket going to Jesus, I have no idea where you are other than Argentina...

  23. Dave's kidnapping comment made me laugh.
    A nice quiet walk along a rocky coastline sounds heavenly to me.

  24. Ed: It was a pre-planned tour that we bought through Secret Escapes, planned by a company called Exoticca. (With two c's, for some reason.)

    Boud: Maybe it's owned by a church? Who knows.

    Mitchell: A risk of breakage, I'd imagine!

    Jeanie: They are MUCH larger than you'd think!

    Debby: I think an unhappy capybara might be even scarier!

    YP: I sort of let go and just look out the window. I figure I can't control any of it and they know what they're doing in this country and culture.

    Andrew: I gave you a map in the next post! Hope that helps.

    Bob: Dave is a card. Sometimes exhaustingly so.

    Ms Moon: Exactly! It's very strange to think they're wandering around out there, free as birds and totally typical. (I'm talking about capybaras, but that applies to cult members too, I suppose.)

    Ellen D: Well, Rio de Janeiro was really the impetus for the trip, so I'd have to say that was my favorite -- but it's hard to choose!

    Pixie: I LOVE urban environments, but it's nice to get out into the country too.

    Susan: Dave did gin up the courage to go, so that was good!

    Marcia: Maybe the kidnappers just didn't want us. We're not very high-value targets!

    Kelly: Yeah, I can only imagine! They are LARGE.

    Margaret: Oh, bummer about seasickness! That is one thing I've never wrestled with, fortunately.

    Red: The verses are in Portuguese, but we can tell they're Bible verses because of the citations.

    Michael: Glad you're enjoying it! The jacket's no big deal, really. It just gives me something to complain about. :)

    Linda Sue: Oh, I'm making it all sound much more dramatic than it actually is. It's actually been a very nice, well-organized trip and I'd recommend it to anyone!

    Roentare: They DO make great sounds. Very jungly! (If that's a word?)

    Claudia: There is so much to see and do, and we're only hitting the highlights. (And only two countries!)

    Catalyst: Yeah, I was surprised to see they live all the way up to the Rio Grande. I'm surprised we don't have them in Florida!

    E: Ha! Well, we're in Brazil now, actually -- have been for about a week. Argentina was the first half of the trip.

    River: It IS nice to get out and walk and just enjoy some scenery!
