Monday, December 16, 2024

Goldfinches and 'White Christmas'

As I looked out the back door yesterday morning, watching the squawky parakeets on our bird feeder, I caught sight of this pair of goldfinches feasting on our teasel seeds. I've always read that goldfinches like teasels, and I always leave some up through the winter to give them foraging opportunities. But the goldfinches in our 'hood often seem to go for other plants, like the verbena or the tamarisk. I'm glad this time they were appreciating the food I deliberately left for them!

We pre-ordered an Uber (and yes, we got an Uber Pet!) to take us to Whitstable on Friday. It turned out to be not nearly as expensive as I feared -- about £130. Of course there will be a tip on top of that, but it's still a pleasant surprise and it will be so much easier than the train with incapacitated Dave and ancient, creaky Olga. Not to mention all our luggage, which I would otherwise have to carry on my own since Dave is under strict instructions to lift nothing heavier than a tea kettle.

He's supposed to get "the tomato" removed today, so we're off to the hospital as soon as I finish this post. No one has contacted us about exactly where to go or when to be there, so we're flying in the dark here, but I have faith that when we arrive someone will take care of us. Removing a drain should be an easy task.

When it came time for our evening TV ritual, Dave wanted to watch a Christmas classic, so we opted for "White Christmas" with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye, from 1954. Somehow I had never seen it, at least not that I remember. Dave thought he'd seen it before but he didn't remember specifics so it was like new to him, too. Vera Ellen, who played one of the lead parts, was an amazing dancer but she looked unusually skinny, and sure enough I read online afterwards that she struggled with anorexia -- back before it was fully recognized as a condition. And every time I see Rosemary Clooney I can't help singing, "Extra value is what you get when you buy Coronet!"

Anyway, it was an enjoyable movie in the slightly tedious way of many '50s musicals.

I woke up in the middle of the night and stepped outside for some air. I saw the moon, almost full, behind scudding clouds. Isn't it cool that everyone on the planet sees the same moon in their skies, in the same phase? It's unifying.


  1. Your last line sounds as if it could be a song - Actually I think it is!

    1. Is it? And here I thought I had an original thought. LOL

  2. In Britain we just call it the kettle.

    1. So as not to limit the kettle's function? I use mine for coffee, admittedly. :)

  3. Unifying us all seeing the same moon is good, but so puzzling to me. I always have to think about how it happens, and then I get bored.
    I used to tip taxi drivers in a very minor manner, but I've never tipped Uber or Didi drivers.
    That fare is say AU$250, a lot of money, I suppose necessary because of Dave's healing and taking Olga with you.

    1. It's high for a taxi fare, but in the grand scheme of things it's not as much as I was afraid it would be. And yes, in this case, it's worth it.

  4. I would support a moon mission which involved the astronauts spraying massive letters on its surface:- "CHOOSE PEACE".

  5. I love looking at the night sky just before going to bed or when I wake up during the night! Of course here in town I never get to see as many stars as when I'm at O.K.'s cottage in the village, but I still appreciate what I can see, and the (almost) full moon was visible during the night in spite of the solid grey lid of clouds that was firmly in place all day.
    This kind of finch is called Distelfink in German, Distel being thistle - so they are named after their preferred food. Your photo of the birds among the teasels is great, as is the one of the moon.

    1. Distelfink! I love that. I bought a special feeder for them containing thistle seeds, but they seem to much prefer them straight from the plants.

  6. So glad you have your getaway to look forward to and I’m proud of you both on splurging for the Uber. I couldn’t possibly count how many times I saw White Christmas. Once every year during my childhood and many more after that! Fantastic finch foto. And majestic moon.

    1. I don't know how I haven't seen "White Christmas" until now! I've known about it for decades.

  7. I love Bing Crosby in Holiday Inn for Christmas, though it handles all the other holidays too!

  8. I'm not sure I've seen "White Christmas" either. I usually blame such things on the two decades I lived without a television.

    1. Maybe that's my reason, too. I really didn't watch TV all through the '90s and aughts.

    2. Well, except for "Seinfeld" and Thursday night "Must See TV," which I watched at a friend's house!

  9. I'm glad you sprang for the uber. Good decision all around. Dave needs a simple journey with no other people to contend with, and you don't want to be juggling him, Olga, the luggage and the cocktail shaker on the train!

    1. Yes, exactly. It's going to make life so much easier for all of us.

  10. I often have that same thought about the moon. It's such a simple concept and yet, somehow so amazing at the same time.
    When we went to the kid recital the other day, one of the girls sang "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas." She had a lovely voice and I teared up. You know me- I do not get sappy about anything Christmas. But there is one Christmas movie that I love. "The Family Stone." And they play that song at the very end of the movie. It's a bittersweet moment and I always cry when I watch it. Now it seems that I cry just hearing the song.
    I am not sure I ever would have thought of getting an Uber for a trip that long. Of course I had to google driving distance from London to Whitstable. But that's a very good idea!
    Here's hoping the drain got removed easily and quickly!

    1. I remember when I lived in Morocco, I got great comfort during bouts of homesickness by looking up at the moon and thinking, "People in Florida can see this SAME MOON!"

  11. I saw this moon this morning just after sunrise from this side of the world. It is truly a wonder that we all see the same moon.

    1. And yet, as River says below, we also all see the same sun and no one thinks about it!

  12. just call me Scrooge. I'm already sick of the christmas music in stores, the christmas themed commercials, the christmas themed shows. you name it.

    yes, we all see the same moon no matter where we are. pretty cool. just like we all smile in the same language.

    1. We're not watching much TV so we're missing a lot of those commercials, I think. And British culture tends to not be as overboard about such things as American culture.

  13. I can sit on my couch and watch that moon as it begins to rise ... Peeking over the Eastern ridge to begin with until it is fully visible and high in the sky! 😲 It is quite awesome inspiring!
    I get all the Christmas ⛄🎁🎄I can handle on the Hallmark channel! Some of those movies are actually quite good and some quite funny!
    I'm glad you two fellas and Olga will be able to get to Whitstable to enjoy the Holidays!

    1. I never knew there were so many Christmas movies until I watched the Hallmark Channel with my mom. In fact, don't they have a separate Christmas-themed channel? I think I read that somewhere.

  14. Having an Uber take you from London to Whitstable is ideal. Door-to-door transport is convenient and makes the trip easy and pleasant for you, Dave and Olga. A beautiful start to your holiday!

  15. Your photos are amazing, Steve. Really terrific! I like your thoughts about the moon. Quite lovely. Hope all has gone well for Dave at the hospital today. Hope you have a fabulous time in Whitstable. You all need a good relaxing break.

  16. Enjoy your time off and I hope Dave recuperates.

  17. I'm so glad you decided on an Uber, taking the train seemed like a scenario for another disaster to happen. We saw that same moon indeed on Saturday where it added it's light to the Christmas parade in town!

    1. We like the train normally, but under these circumstances it would have been an unnecessary complication!

  18. Brilliant - uber to Whitstable! Friends with too many children have tken a limo to the airport in
    Seattle and it was easier and cheaper than renting a car. Thinking out of the box- I am glad to know that Dave will be well cared for.
    We love the moon!

    1. And we don't have the car rental option because we don't have British drivers' licenses. I have an American one but I can't rent with it because I live here.

  19. The unifying moon. I like how you think, Steve. You seem to be a glass half full kinda guy. So glad you found the Uber solution, which made things easier for everyone.

    1. It depends on the circumstances -- I am often quite cynical -- but I think overall most people try to do the best they can.

  20. Excellent choice on the Uber. I've been wondering how you would manage Dave, Olga and the luggage on the train. We once took a taxi between cities in Italy, ending in Rome, because we had so much luggage from a cruise, a week in Rome and a bike tour through Tuscany and Umbria. The thought of doing all of that on a train was unbearable. It was an excellent choice.

    1. It just came to me, it was Siena to Rome. Good trip.

    2. Sometimes it really is the best option! I didn't know it was possible to take a long-distance taxi in Europe. I wouldn't have thought of doing it with Uber, either, but my nephew once took an Uber from Ocala to Tampa so I knew it could be done.

  21. Great idea to take an Uber to your vacation destination. That should be a much easier option. I've hired drivers several times on trips. I don't recall anything about "White Christmas" even though I know I've seen it.

    1. Yeah, I guess it is like hiring a driver on an overseas trip, which can solve a lot of problems!

  22. Is White Christmas the one where they sing Sisters? If so, I love that movie!

  23. I've not seen many old Xmas movies because I'm not a fan of musicals (shhh, don't tell Dave) nor can I stomach some of the (over)acting and fake North Atlantic accent. Glad you have the trip organized!

    1. Ha! Actually, Dave is not a fan of musicals either, believe it or not. He thinks the music is shallow. (And it often is.)

  24. Rosemary clooney’s “have yourself a merry little Christmas” on ER was bloody moving

    1. Have I seen that?! I can't remember! I should look it up on YouTube.

  25. I've never seen White Christmas. I watched Holiday Inn (also starring Bing Crosby) for the first time a few years ago and loved it. I've never been a fan of Rosemary Clooney's voice.

    You had me researching the differences between American Goldfinches and European Goldfinches. Both are beautiful little birds!

    1. I don't know if they're even related, are they? I think, like robins, the European and American versions are completely different creatures. We should watch "Holiday Inn" next!

  26. The other night when I got up before 5 a.m. to feed the pestering cat, I thought that the neighbor had left his patio light on again. But then when I got to the window and looked out, it was NOT on. Then I figured out it was a full moon. It's amazingly bright in a clear sky.

    1. We've had the same experience here. It really lights up the living room!

  27. Good call on the Uber Pet, especially since you're the "beast of burden" for a while.

  28. I'm amazed that your goldfinches have red faces! I'm glad that you found out about pet friendly ubers!

    1. Yeah, the European goldfinch is different from the American goldfinch. When Donna Tartt wrote her book "The Goldfinch" about that famous Dutch painting of the bird, it shows the European version. I've often thought that must have confused Americans!

  29. We all see the same sun too, but nobody mentions that. I've never seen White Christmas, though I hear the songs enough every year in the shops.

    1. Yeah, it's funny how nobody mentions the omnipresent sun. I guess it's so steady and unchanging (unless there's an eclipse) that the commonality of the experience doesn't occur to us?

  30. The uber-pet is a brilliant idea and well worth the extra bucks, especially under the circumstances. You'll be more comfy and so will Olga. White Christmas is one of my all-time favorites. Definitely a holiday tradition and I've seen it so many times I can say the dialogue (and sing along) with the characters. It's very hard for me to restrain myself when I'm watching it with Rick or anyone else. I always thought they should play it on the big screen and have one of those sing-along events that were popular ten or fifteen years ago. I'd go -- and force friends to come along!
