Saturday, August 28, 2021


Dear God, what a week. It was all library, library, library, and there was a lot of physical labor involved -- moving furniture, shelving books, shifting boxes. You may remember we launched that huge reorganization project last spring, so in May and June and then continuing in August we moved pretty much every one of our 26,000 books. (My co-worker gets the credit for coming in a week early and getting almost all of the remaining re-shelving done.)

Our space was also used as a summer storage location for deliveries to many other departments, so we had to get stacks of boxed textbooks and bales of new chairs to the right places in the school. In some cases we had porters do the actual moving, but sometimes I did it myself. Whew!

The good news is, though, we are now ready to roll. The books are all shelved and organized, with accurate shelf signs. The magazines have been made available to staff and people have signed up to get the ones they want in their staff mailboxes. (They circulate among the staff after being displayed in the library for students.) Our newspaper subscriptions have been restarted. The tables and chairs are in place; we made new book displays; we ordered new materials.

I know this is isn't very exciting to all of you, but it gives me a huge sense of accomplishment and there's no better feeling than being prepared. I still have stuff to do, of course, but I can do it with kids running around.

Yesterday, after school, staff and faculty gathered on one of the playgrounds for a little drinks-and-snacks social hour. I drank four Pimm's cocktails -- the first I've had all summer, I believe. Pimm's is a British institution, a gin-based liqueur infused with fruit and usually mixed with a sweet carbonated drink like Sprite to make the eponymous cocktail, which is traditionally served on hot summer days. It was cool and cloudy yesterday, but those Pimm's still hit the spot. (They're not very strong.)

We came home and finished "Mare of Easttown," which had a somewhat improbable ending, I thought -- but it's still a great show and worth watching.

(Photo: A street scene in Soho, last week.)


  1. I reckon I could make a Pimm's that would really hit the spot. My mother used to drink and occasional Pimm's but I've forgotten the taste and I expect I would find it too sweet now. As I have become more bitter, so have my taste buds.

    1. It is very sweet, and I normally don't like sweet drinks, but I've come to appreciate a Pimm's from time to time. They really do require a hot day, though.

  2. I like the top picture. There's so much going on in it. So many random tales of urban life.

  3. First, the photo is wonderful. Like an avant garde stage set. I love everything about it.

    Congratulations on getting the library in working order. That must be so satisfying. Maybe I should drink a Pimm’s in honor of your achievement. (Actually, I still have a can of Norwegian gin and grapefruit in the fridge. Not dissimilar.)

    1. Gin and grapefruit sounds pretty good, actually! I believe I've had gin & tonic made with grapefruit tonic, or perhaps I'm making that up.

  4. Your photo made me think of a movie set with random stories taking place. Great shot.

    Sounds like you and the staff have done a masterful job of getting the library (and school) in shape for the new year. Pimm's were just what was needed to cap off a week of hard work.

    1. It does look a bit like a movie set, doesn't it?!

  5. There is always a delight at getting something done and being ready. Congrats.
    And, It too, love the photo. I don't know why but it's giving me Broadway musical Newsies vibes. I am ready for all of them to burst into the opening number!

    1. Ha! You're right -- I can imagine them all bursting into song!

  6. As everyone is saying- that photo is amazing. It absolutely does look like a movie set piece. Or a scene from a play. Just perfect timing.
    Glad you've got the heavy work behind you. And now- just regular work!

    1. It was a very lucky shot. I was initially attracted by the guys cleaning the sign, and then the bicyclist swung into view around the corner.

  7. Sounds like a lot of work and now it is done! Yay!
    The photo is so interesting, a moment in time, life... click.

  8. Librarians are busy people .There are many different jobs to do all year.

    1. It is ALWAYS busy in the library, and we're not even THAT big of a school.

  9. it's a relief to get all that organizing done in time. just think, you could have paid to go to a gym to get all that exercise.

    1. Ha! That's true! It must have done me some good, surely?

  10. I have been studying that photo and can imagine all sorts of scenarios happening with the people shown. I think the guy on the stool is trying to clean some bird poop off the sign. I can just picture birds sitting in the circles of "Co-op". The guy on the stool is saying, "Did I get it all?" and the man in glasses replies, "I think so"!
    Congrats on setting up the library! Ready, set, go!

    1. The guys cleaning the sign were what initially attracted my attention. And then I liked the graffiti in the background, and the bicyclist appeared just as I clicked the shutter -- and BAM, perfect timing.

  11. I love the top photo, it does look like a movie set.
    Glad your box shifting is over. We have received the heavy sewing table, the desk is still to come. We're very tired of the heavy boxes, as I am sure you were, as well.

    1. Oh, I bet you are! Moving an entire household is hard work!

  12. I've read read about Pimms in books (my British mysteries) but never knew what it was. Thanks for explaining. I'm two episodes in to "Mare" and will continue watching. I'm always drawn in by secrets and have to find out what happened.

  13. Well done and congratulations for getting the library in shape for the students. That photo looks like a shoot for a TV series being filmed.

    1. It could be a stage set, couldn't it? I think it appears that way partly because of the solid wall at the back -- there are no open vistas or horizons.

  14. Steve, that Soho street scene is just wonderful, there is a lot going on there and you truly captured it.

  15. A sense of accomplishment is a good feeling to have! I've never had a Pimms. I should try it one of these days. I love the photo. It almost looks like it was staged.

    1. I paid all those people to do exactly what they're doing. LOL! :)

  16. What a fabulous street scene, so many stories in flux there. Love it. Also I was pretty stoked to hear about your library week. My OCD thrilled to the idea of all of it getting progressively organized, everything in its place. Sounds like a big week to me!

    1. It IS weirdly fun and satisfying -- if one is the type to enjoy that kind of thing, as you and I are!

  17. What a spectacular street scene! This is more like the kind of things you caught before Covid, when there was life on the streets, but this is Bruegel-esque. I really love it. You got the guy cleaning the CoOp sign just at the moment when the guy one the bike leaned into the turn and it is spellbinding. You have an amazing eye.

    1. Well, I could not have planned for the bike guy. I composed the picture and then he just rolled right into the middle of it! Someone once said a good photo is partly skill and partly luck -- this one was definitely lucky.

  18. It still tickles me how wild and crazy you librarians get! Seriously, I congratulate you on getting so much done this week. Now for the new school year!

    1. It's funny that everyone thinks librarians are so timid. I think this is all because of Marian the librarian from "The Music Man." Although I suppose the stereotype must have existed even before her.

  19. It's very satisfying to get everything organized and ready to go. When I occasionally do that, it feels good! I wish I could motivate myself to do more often. Of course, when we have to do it for work, there's the motivation right there :)

    1. Avoiding future problems and complications is pretty good motivation!

  20. Oh the word Pimms makes me feel ill,lol.Quite a few years back,I was drinking it sat in my garden on a lovely sunny afternoon.It went down a treat!..Until i thought that maybe getting on for 2 bottles,large,were making me feel a bit...very giddy.I went to bed.The room started spinning and I will spare you the rest of the details.I have never touched it since!xx

    1. Ha! I totally understand! Sweet drinks can be deceptive and it's easy to consume too much. I once had a similar experience drinking Tom Collinses, and I don't think I've had one since.

  21. the soho shot looks painterly, everyone posed. Great!!
