Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Back Home Again

I am indeed back in London, after yesterday's long day of training followed by my flight home last night. (And a long-ish tube ride from Heathrow, given that there was a signal failure on one of the lines I would usually take and I had to go in a roundabout way.) It's good to be home!

I'm mostly looking forward to eating my own food and getting some exercise. Although I walked around Vienna, I missed my daily walks to and from work.

Once again, most of yesterday was spent in a meeting room, but after our training sessions broke up around 4 p.m. I went straight into town and had one final look around:

I think my phone did pretty well for photos on this trip. I occasionally missed having the big camera -- when I wanted to zoom in on something, for example -- but I sure didn't miss carrying it.

Anyway, after a quick walk I caught a train to the airport -- that's the Vienna train station in the top photo, with all the umbrellas -- and made my way back to London. No cranky security agents, no Strauss waltzes on the plane. (I flew home on British Airways.)

Now I have to go to work and sort out my expenses, somehow making sense of my stack of wrinkled receipts!


  1. I think I'd like to browse in that comics shop for a few hours.

  2. I love seeing the world through your eyes.

  3. Welcome home!
    It is the same everywhere..if we don't look up we miss so much.
    Thankyou for looking up!!

  4. There is no sense of greater relief than turning that final corner after an absence and seeing my house still standing and knowing of all the familiar comforts that await me inside.

  5. Glad you are home safe and sound.
    Gorgeous photos - I wonder if there is anywhere on earth not marred by graffiti/tagging?

  6. Local knowledge can be so helpful when public transport goes wrong. You know alternatives, as we had to use today.

  7. Love the photos, especially the umbrellas.

  8. That's a contrast -- Golden arches on a lovely old building! You must be glad to be home.

  9. I think my favorite pic is of the alleyway, curious what those bulges on the walls are, and the sticker is pretty great too. I didn't notice the McDonald's arches at first, they look very out of place, kind of jarring.

  10. Not unexpectedly, you managed to bag some quirky images of Vienna - rather different from what most visitors would capture.

  11. I love seeing your views of Vienna, Steve. Those yellow M's make me think there's a MacDonald's there. That surprised me. Welcome home!

  12. I love those umbrellas!
    I think seeing the McDonald's arches attached to some grand, old building is always amusing.

  13. Glad you are home safe and sound. My favorite is the Comics store! So much like here!

  14. Wow, that umbrella picture is stunning. Are all the other pictures from Vienna as well? I'm intrigued that signs and shop names are in English. Did you know my godmother lives in Vienna? She is in her 90s now. She married a Viennese man. Also welcome home. My daughter and her fiance landed in your city this morning! They're staying in Southwark, I think. I have no idea where that is.

  15. Love the umbrellas too! A whirlwind trip but you made the best of it and did a lot.

  16. I'm glad you're home and I bet Dave and Olga are, too! I enjoyed all the photos you shared with us.

  17. Love that installation at the airport and it's fun to see so many pix. I'm glad your phone did well. It has to feel very good indeed to be home.Welcome back!

  18. Gadfrey! You had to get that picture of MacDonald's in Vienna! So sad.
