Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Clematis and Clogs

That's our next-door neighbor's clematis, which is blooming up a storm right now. (I took two pictures of it in different light, and I couldn't decide which one to use, so you're getting both of them.) When I sit on the couch in the living room I can see it over the fence. It's like living next to a cloud.

I'm trying to get some domestic issues sorted out. Our new washing machine arrived last week, so that's one problem to chalk off the list, but another one has been added: The downspout next to the front door is clogged at the bottom, where it should be emptying into some sort of drain or reservoir. Instead it's filling with water, which then overflows the gutters. This creates a cascade in front of the door (see video here) and down the walls, where the bricks are showing some deterioration as a result.

I tried to unclog it myself with no success. So I was directed by the management company to call British Gas, which maintains drains on our property thanks to our landlord's home-care policy. They were supposed to come yesterday afternoon. I raced home from work but they were a no-show, so I have to follow up on that today.

We also have someone coming tomorrow from the construction company that's going to remodel the bathroom. They're going to measure the floors to see how much new flooring we need. So I'll be home from work for that. Maybe I can get the downspout problem handled then too.

Fun times!


  1. I hope there isn't something dead blocking your downspout. Leaves etc are much easier to remove. Could be something like an old bird's nest? I hope you get it cleared asap.

  2. I'm glad you shared both photos. I love them both. I don't know why you'd want to part with the water feature in front of the house.

  3. Clematis is such a beautiful plant.
    Keep posting your household woes. It will remind me why we are building!!

  4. British Gas looks after your drains. That makes sense.

    That is one serious drain blockage. I would hate to think there was any renovation rubbish from the Russkies above that went into your drainage pipes.

    I must look up the colours of clematis as white seems surprising.

  5. Lots of luck with the drain pipe. My guess is a deceased squirrel. Or a bird's nest. Somebody needs to get up on a ladder and riddle out the downspout from above, maybe.

  6. Wow! That would definitely make it hard to get in and out of your house without getting drenched.
    Do you like your new washing machine? I know. It can be hard to get excited about a new household appliance although I definitely can and do.

  7. I need to get Rocky to come replace two sections of gutter and of course they are the ones over the deck. they sit lower than the downspout and so hold about a half inch of water and are already rusted with several holes that drip onto the deck.

    I do like out new washing machine even though I don't do the laundry. It seems like the clothes are getting cleaner.

  8. It's always something with a home, isn't Steve? My clematis is purple but not blooming yet... Good luck with the house appointments!

  9. Perhaps because I have a fair amount of recluse in me, those sorts of weeks simply overwhelms me. It also possibly explains why I would probably unplug the downspout, install the washing machine and remodel the bathroom myself.

  10. Our downspouts have flooded like that. Lots of stuff lands in the roof gutters and makes quite a mess after a winter of wind and rains. It's a bit of a mess to clean them out, and Roger does it every year. Ugh.
    That clematis is so lovely. I love the beauty of spring.

  11. Renovations in the house upset the whole routine.

  12. Your title had me at first picturing you admiring the clematis while shod in 1980s Scandinavian footwear. :o)

  13. Clogged downspouts are tough to deal with if the clog is up high. Ugh. My rental needs new gutters--what a mess to have the water cascading down all over the house. Hope you can get the appointments and repairs sorted out.

  14. Home repairs, even the good kind like a remodel, are stress inducers.

  15. Both photos are lovely, but pressed to choose, I'd pick the second. Does clematis come in pink, too?

    I hope it's not anything too gross clogging up the downspout.

  16. 'Domestic issues' are just never ending aren't they? Love the Clematis, mine is a 'late' variety but I can see some tiny buds unfolding .. yay, spring!

  17. Your downspout is probably clogged with leaves. At a previous house (and when I was much younger) I took a hose up on top of a tall ladder and flushed out the eaves and the downspout and the water quit overflowing onto the porch. But if you've got someone coming to fix the problem just tell them that and hope they don't laugh at you.

  18. That's a lot things to handle all at once. Good luck with it all.

  19. A white clematis Montana...that really does go for it(The pink one a little less so)
    Downpipes and guttering...or spouting as some places call it..always needs clearing!!
    At least yours appears to be running the right way although blocked!!

  20. Ugh. It's always something, isn't it? Gorgeous clematis. I'm glad you can occasionally work from home -- makes it much easier, doesn't it?
