Friday, April 21, 2023


Time to check in on our orchids! Now that it's spring, several of them have burst into bloom, and several more have flower stalks that haven't yet fully developed.

These yellow/green ones have been blooming for a couple of weeks. In fact, I thought I'd already posted a picture of them but I can't find it now, so maybe not.

This is where five of the orchids live, on the dining room windowsill. We have two more in the bedroom and four in the living room. About half of them are foundlings that I retrieved from trash cans or found abandoned somewhere.

This one is one of my favorites, and it hasn't bloomed in a couple of years, so I'm glad to see it having another go!


  1. They are very pretty, my mum would have loved them. She always tried to grow some. She did better with begonias though.

  2. Such beauties and what great shots you took. I never have any luck with orchids and I tried. What's your secret?

  3. Moth orchids are beautiful..pirate has taken a liking to them!
    The best if our houseplants have been fostered while we're were away...thanks for reminding us about them!!

  4. Well I finished the last episode of "BEEF" last night. It delivered. Thanks again for mentioning it on your blog.

  5. They are very pretty, although I am not keen on the green one. I never have been.

    We pay between $8 and $16 for a bunch of flowers each week. We can buy a flowering orchid in a pot for $25 to $30 and they will last a few weeks. Pretty good value. But most of yours were free!

  6. Gorgeous! I have a soft spot for orchids. Yours are especially nice!

  7. I am so envious of your many orchids ... they are so beautiful! My little purple orchid has been in full bloom since the end of January and shows no sign of losing blooms at all!
    It was a gift 5 or 6 years ago and has amazed me with flowers every Spring.

  8. As pretty as these are, and they're truly gorgeous, orchids always remind me of the dentist office.

  9. You're definitely an orchid whisperer. I'm more likely to have abandoned them! These are beautiful.

  10. Your orchids are so beautiful. I still have one plant that is languishing. It hasn't bloomed in years. How do you care for your plants? What kind of potting soil? I'd love to know.

  11. I can't begin to tell you how impressed I am. These are simply beautiful and the fact that you have kept them alive and thriving is truly amazing to me and my black thumb. Such gorgeous blooms.

  12. So pretty, Steve. You got the magic touch for orchids!

  13. Someday I would like to try my hand at orchids.

  14. These are beautiful. I'm so glad you rescued so many of them. I'm sure if they were able to speak, they'd tell you that, too. Instead, they're blooming for you!

  15. Those are real beauties - do you talk nicely to them!

  16. They're beautiful. I'm impressed that they repeat bloom for you, they die for me.

  17. I love that spotted one too. I have a weakness for multi-colored flowers. Orchids are too persnickety for me, plus I'm awful with indoor plants!

  18. Steve,
    Absolutely Beautiful!!!!

    I would love to have your green thumb. I have zero plants at the moment, but I plan to rectify that soon. I really have zero room and I have a tiny patio and no window sills. Sometimes I hate apartment living.
    I loved them all so I don't have a favorite, but love seeing your beautiful Orchids.

  19. You must have the perfect light. They're dazzling.

  20. They're absolutely beautiful!


  21. Your orchids are beautiful. Nature is rewarding you for being so caring about her own.

  22. River: We have a begonia too. I've adopted them here and there!

    Sabine: I think people give them too much care. They want morning sun or bright, indirect light and good drainage. I water mine once a week like clockwork, and let all the excess water drain away before putting them back in their saucer. I could probably water them even less often in winter.

    Mitchell: Well, I have failures, but these are all hanging on!

    GZ: And they're actually quite tough. Everyone thinks orchids are so delicate.

    Ed: Glad you liked it!

    Andrew: Yeah, I don't love the yellow/green one either. And we bought that one! It does produce a lot of flowers, though.

    Jennifer: They're nice to have around!

    Marcia: Yeah, that's a great thing about orchids, at least of this variety -- the flowers last a long time!

    Deedles: Ha!

    Boud: There's really not much to it. It's just a matter of being patient for a year or two until they bloom again.

    Robin: I use prepared orchid compost (mostly bark) and water once a week. I don't repot them if I can help it.

    Bindu: Thank you!

    Sharon: Thanks! I'm surprised myself, to be honest. :)

    Ellen D: They seem to like our little environment here!

    Colette: Indeed!

    Debby: My only word of advice is not to love them to death. A lot of people think they want a lot of care, and I think the less the better.

    Kelly: Their method of talking. :)

    Coppa's: No, I threaten them. (Kidding!)

    Allison: Orchids mostly die when they sit in water, I think. The next time you get one, make sure it has good drainage and doesn't sit in water. That might do the trick!

    Bug: Thanks!

    Margaret: Well, a lot of it has to do with indoor light. British houses tend to have big windows, and that helps!

    Beth: Glad you enjoyed them!

    Jeanie: Yeah, I think morning sun and bright indirect light serve them best. The ones in the dining room get a little baked at the height of summer, to be honest. It's probably a little TOO bright in there at that time of year.

    Janie: Glad you like them!

    Caro: I wonder how similar these are to anything in nature. I imagine they've been hybridized quite a bit. :)

    Catalyst: Thanks!

  23. You certainly have the touch with orchids. they are beautiful.

  24. Beautiful. And the photography captures that.

  25. I've done all the waiting thing, I know how to do orchid care, less is better, but there are still quite a few that don't come back. I knew a propagator who would give them away after he got no results after years of waiting. He said there's really no way to know which will come back, so anyone who wanted could have them. He knew when to say enough!

    Better just enjoy, and accept that it's nature, not the gardener!
