Friday, July 28, 2023

A Duck in the Bathroom

As I write this it's been raining for at least four hours. It sounds like the front yard is pretty much all water. Hopefully the weather won't affect my flight out this afternoon. Ah, Florida!

Yes, I am returning to London today. Needless to say, I'm eager to see Dave and Olga, though I'll be landing in the middle of a transit strike so I have no idea how I'm going to get home from Heathrow. I'm going to play it by ear.

To wrap up my stay in Jacksonville, here's an assortment of photos taken around town during the past week.

I love the colorful building above, which looks like an old bank or office building. It's now being used for astrological readings, according to the paper signs outside. The Buddhist monk just happened to be walking by. "I didn't mean to photobomb you!" he said.

My brother and I took a long drive out toward Huguenot Island yesterday morning. We found this along the way. It looks like a remnant from an old putt-putt golf course. Dinosaur? Alligator? It's anyone's guess, and I suppose they are basically the same thing.

Some colorful graffiti in the Five Points neighborhood, where we went to lunch yesterday with my stepsister and her husband. My brother knows an excellent Mexican food place there, and I seldom get Mexican in London, so that was a treat.

More Five Points graffiti -- this time with an anti-police message.

This colorful building is in the Springfield neighborhood of north Jacksonville. It was a karate/judo school but it looks like it's closed now.

I mentioned that we spent some time Wednesday in an antique mall. (We did more antique browsing yesterday with my stepsister. I bought a postcard and an old hotel room key from the Fontainebleau in Miami Beach. Groovy!)

Anyway, one of the dealers on Wednesday had a horde of old magazines, including this one, which looks like the kind of traumatic fare regularly foisted off on children at mid-century. (Along with "Old Yeller" and "Bambi.")

Speaking of ducks, the paint was peeling off the wall in the men's room of another restaurant we went to, leaving this peculiar shape. Someone wrote next to it, "It's a duck." It does look very bird-like.

And speaking of men's rooms, this one (in the Mexican place) was decorated with a plethora of mirrors. A good opportunity for a self-portrait!

Next stop, London!


  1. That's a great selection of pictures. Bon voyage.

  2. "Mirror, mirror on the wall - who's the fairest of them all?"
    "Not you buddy, that's for sure!"

    Have a safe trip back to Heathrow and if there's no public transport available you could always walk. It's not so far.

  3. Safe travels, Steve. Olga and Dave will be so happy to see you!

  4. That's a very fancy looking men's room with those lovely mirrors. Have a safe trip home.

  5. All good, and how nice it will be to be home with Dave and Olga.

  6. I hope you can find a quick and easy ride home from Heathrow.

  7. I enjoyed the photos. I reckon you will be alright with the transport from Heathrow as trains will be running.

  8. It will be nice to be home again, won't it, Steve?! Olga and Dave will be happy to see you. Safe travels!

  9. You do have a talent for finding the quirky and colorful!
    I love that Mexican restaurant bathroom decor!
    I don't think I ever read that particular Junior Classic but just seeing the logo on the top left of that book gave me a thrill. Oh, how I loved those things!
    Safe travels across the big ocean.

  10. I love that mural and the Buddhist monk photo. I think he looks like he belongs in that painting.
    Wonderful collection of photos, especially the one of you in the mirror.
    Have a safe journey home to Dave and Olga!

  11. the peeling pain image looks more like a toucan. and The Ugly Duckling, you don't know the story? ugly baby rejected by the duck mamas turns into a beautiful swan.

  12. I hope all goes smoothly today. Great collection. The Buddhist monk couldn't have had better timing. Maybe he does the readings.

  13. This is a wonderful collection of photos and I love all the murals and painted buildings. It's all so cheerful!

    I hope you have a good flight home. I bet Dave's got Olga hyped for your return!

  14. You have a great eye, Steve. Your photos remind me that there are interesting things all around us if we just look. I hope you have a smooth flight and get back home without too much bother.

  15. That building in the first photo is beautiful. Someone did a fantastic job with it.
    I love the self portrait in the mirrors. That's a great spot for taking photos.
    I hope you have a safe journey home!

  16. I think that monk makes that photo - very cool!

  17. That's a great selection of photos..and here's to a good journey back.

  18. Hope the trip from Heathrow to home went well. Florida is such an interesting place, so much of it is old and interesting. Then there is Miami.

  19. Safe travels! I can't imagine planning anything requiring transportation in London as often as there seems to be strikes going on.

  20. I do hope the transit strike won't make it difficult for you to get Home? So, you were in Florida, they're on the News a LOT. *LOL*

  21. That wall colour is the perfect backdrop for all the gold framed mirrors. I love the first building you showed.

  22. Fun things! I stayed at the Fontainbleau once for a PBS meeting. It was groovy! (The whole area was pretty fun -- that was a good conference!)
