Monday, July 10, 2023

A Family Matter (Not Mine)

A pretty low-key day yesterday. A lot of reading -- I finished off a New Yorker and caught up with newspapers and blogs. I also potted up some cuttings of "wandering dude" that I found while walking the dog recently. Someone had tossed a whole pile of it in their yard waste bag and we didn't have any, so I took a few bits and rooted them. Now they're in a pot next to the purple heart plant, one of their Tradescantia cousins.

Maureen Dowd's column about Hunter Biden's daughter has caused a bit of a stir. The right-wing media has been harping about this story for months, and some people think Dowd crossed a line by giving it prominence in the mainstream press. (For those of you who don't know the backstory, four years ago Hunter Biden, while in the depths of his drug addiction, fathered a child with a woman from a Washington, D.C. strip club. She was briefly on his payroll while pregnant. Although paternity has been proven and Hunter is paying child support, he has never met the girl and the Biden family doesn't publicly acknowledge her existence. The child now lives in Arkansas with her mother.) Dowd says the situation damages Joe Biden's pro-family message, but many commenters think it's a private matter that the Bidens should navigate themselves, without public intrusion.

I'm of two minds about this. On one hand, I think the right-wing media's obsession with Hunter Biden is tiresome and cruel. They hammer him because he's an easy target, having not been his best self during the years of his addiction, and they use him to hammer Joe -- and Joe is not responsible for Hunter's behavior. The family has been through one tragedy after another and as we all know, different people cope in different ways. I agree that broadly speaking, Hunter Biden's private life (including his stupid laptop, which is another matter) is none of our business.

But I do think it's odd that while Hunter has supported the child, the Bidens publicly pretend this girl doesn't exist. I hesitate to draw any judgments or conclusions, given that I'm not a family member and I don't know the details from within the inner sanctum, but I question what I would do in this situation. I don't think I would do that. Granted, there are also bigger issues here -- the girl's mother has received support from Biden's political opposition so I can see why they might be suspicious of her and want to steer clear. But it's hard to argue with Dowd's conclusion that the Bidens' view of family appears "dated and inauthentic."

Should the story matter in the public sphere? Is it even a story? Only within the context of the Bidens' emphasis on the importance of their family life. And it's an interesting column from a journalistic perspective, treading the line between what's public and private. I understand people's distaste for it, though, and I wouldn't want it to change anyone's vote.

In the afternoon, I walked the dog. She was happy to go but she wasn't exactly brimming with energy. Some days are diamonds, some days are stones. 

Isn't the ragwort beautiful in the cemetery? (That's the yellow flowers.) In past years we've had some in the garden but I haven't seen any this year.

Last night Dave and I watched Netflix's new documentary about Wham! I really enjoyed it. Of course it's hugely nostalgic for me, as Wham! became famous just as I was graduating from high school and starting college. Their songs were the soundtrack to my early college years. I think I've written before about what a huge impact George Michael had on me. I remember first seeing him in the "Wake Me Up Before You Go Go" video and thinking his double hoop earrings -- which no man had at the time, at least not that I'd ever seen -- were so sexy, even though he looks laughably blow-dried by today's standards.

Oh, and I am frustrated to find that I'm still having trouble commenting on some blogs. I publish a comment and when I refresh the screen, it has disappeared, evidently into spam. This happens on blogs written by Debby, Boud and Andrew, and probably others. Why me, I wonder?! Anyway, if you write a Blogger blog and you regularly comment here, and you're not seeing comments by me, check your spam folder!

(Top photo: A hoverfly on a hydrangea in our garden.)


  1. Be careful Olga doesn't have contact with the wandering dude. It can cause really nasty rashes in susceptible dogs. Trust me on this one!

  2. I love the Wham documentary and have now watched it twice. That comment disappearing into thin air thing usually clears up after a day or two and things go back to normal.

  3. I would love to read your take on Hunter Biden's laptop. America's right wingers seem to have gone on and on about that for ages and I just don't understand what's going on. In the meantime they ignore the fact that Trump tried to rock the very foundations of American democracy by igniting an assault on the US Capitol. Incredibly, that egomaniac appears to have got away with it.

  4. Yes, your comments do end up in my spam comments at times. Others suffer worse. There is nothing I can do to fix that. I try to check in the morning and evening for comments that have gone to spam. I don't think I like social media algorithms very much and I expect algorithms are responsible.

    Olga looks so happy in the long grass.

    The Biden family is little reported here, so I don't know much but wasn't the child of one of the Kennedys hidden away because of mental health issues when she matured? As usual with me, a little knowledge.

    Oh dear. To an Australian my age you saying you rooted something conjures up images unsuitable for you blog. Thankfully you didn't use rooting powder.

  5. I am always surprised how much a politician's private life - and that of members of his/her family - are given so much importance in the US and increasingly in the UK.
    This story would not get a mention beyond some trashy gossip column here. We had a gay minister of foreign affairs who was mainly critised for his poor command of English (and his neoliberal party background by some). We've had a chancellor (read prime minister) who got divorced and married his mistress during office, a president who did the same. What gets attention is corruption and nepotism but "family values" get a shrug if anything.

    I find that if I register into blogger at the top right on blogger blogs (wordpress is another story), repeatedly, commenting works eventually. You are redirected to your own blogger page first though, annoying but it usually works eventually.

  6. Oh and Wham, I remember when "Wake me up before you GoGo" came out and we watched it on Top of the Pops. We were living in a commune in Ireland at the time with, among others, a gay couple and one of the gay men came into the room where the kids were dancing wildly and watched for a while and then said, this makes me so sad and angry. This singer must be going through hell hiding in the closet. I hope he makes it out alive.

  7. My take is that we don't actually KNOW that the Biden's haven't met the girl because they aren't going to turn it into a media event. And maybe the girl's mother doesn't want a meet-up.
    Hunter had nothing to do with the presidency, unlike the THING 45 spawn that actually worked in the White House [and made millions while her husband made billions], so leave him alone; he has his own issues with which to deal.

  8. Grandchildren can be very complicated, even more so when you're in the public eye I would imagine. I have two grandsons. One lives with us halftime and the other I don't see at all anymore because I can only handle so much shit and drama. And there is my heart, how many times can it be broken before I just settle into a puddle on the floor, to never move again?

    And the GOP didn't have a problem with Herschel Walker not acknowledging his children, so it seems quite hypocritical.

  9. All the Hunter stuff is beyond me as I haven't been following it. The politicians wasting all of their time on shit like that instead of listening to the people and getting real things done. I've got no time for that...

  10. Your comments have gone into my spam before too - maybe it's because you're posting from another country? Who knows.

    I loved Wham too!

  11. I have to wonder how many "problems" that Trump and his sons have caused that they have paid great amounts of money to make go away. How many abortions and secret children? How many women have accused Trump himself of assault? And hey- do we not remember that a porn star was paid off illegally to shut her up about an affair that Trump had with her when Melania had just had Barron?
    This is all so absurd that it makes me ill.
    And by the way- I am so behind on New Yorkers that I'll never catch up.

  12. This is the first I've heard of Hunter Biden's daughter story. The crazies will dig up anything to make a dumb headline and meaningless story.
    I've never heard of "Wham" or listened to George Michael. I think I'll go find it on Youtube and listen.

  13. Maureen Dowd had no business hanging Hunter's laundry out for all to see., especially when anytime Barron Trump was mentioned conservatives were up in arms about keeping the children out of it, unethical to comment on anything about Barron. and one thing I've not seen anyone suggest is that perhaps it's the mother of Hunter's child that doesn't want him involved. maybe it's her choice that Hunter has never met his daughter.maybe he has had no contact with her because his life is just a mess and the mom doesn't want a drug addict in her daughter's life. they want to lay this all on Hunter and Joe but they aren't the only ones involved.

    I think the main reason the right wing keeps attacking Hunter is because they don't really have Hillary to bash anymore.

    lovely picture of the hydrangea.

  14. I read that same column and had similar feelings about it. There is no doubt that Hunter has made a mess of his life.
    I was a huge fan of Wham and George Michael. WhenI was working in St. Louis, my friend David and I used to hang out at one bar with a DJ. The DJ got to know me well enough that he'd put George Michael on whenever he saw me arrive. Those were the days!

  15. Maureen Dowd is a longtime hater of democrats. Her track record on completely unsubstantiated charges against Hillary rules her out as a commentator of any credibility.

    We have evidence that the Bidens are refusing to acknowledge Hunter's daughter? I strongly doubt it. But they may very well respect her need for privacy, which would be blown if they drew her in. Her mother may not want them in her life either. It's sordid to publish this nationally but typical of Dowd. Nyt loves the attention.

    Done here.

  16. Your comments on my blog routinely go into spam and I rescue them.

  17. I get sick of scandal, so I try to avoid reading a lot about it, but if I'm not mistaken, Hunter Biden fought having his name on the child's birth certificate, despite his proven paternity. Said something like it wouldn't be in the child's best interest. I just don't get that.

    Olga might be low energy in those photos, but she sure looks happy! (and that's what counts!)

  18. I too read Maureen Dowd's column with interest. I think it's a sad situation that maybe she should just have left alone, though I think I agree with her conclusions.

    Olga looks so happy in those photos. Would that we poor humans could have the personalities of our pets, eh?

  19. The press has always been fascinated with presidential kids long before Hunter Biden was born. To me, he should have expected the same treatment when they were having discussions on whether or not Joe should run. But I really could care less about his paternity issues when it comes time to vote for the next President and anybody who uses that as an excuse to vote one way or another is pretty sad. All families have black sheep and skeletons. Why would anyone believe President Biden’s family different?

  20. PS I’m always pulling you comments out of my spam folder. It only seem like your comments and any short agreement type comments I leave on my own posts are the ones in my spam folder these days.

  21. Hunter Biden went through a very tough part of his life due to addiction and some really bad choices. Yes he fathered a child out of wedlock, but so what. he was not the first nor will be the last. He pays for her support. This is not Joe Biden's issue, it is a private family matter on Hunter's watch, doesn't have a damn thing to to with Joe Biden's presidency, period. The Republican outrage machine (as usual) is screaming about it non-stop doing their damndest to draw attention away from their cult leader who has been indicted on 37 felony counts of espionage.

  22. Maureen Dowd should have left that alone. It's personal, not related to governance and I guess she needed a bump in her paycheck.
    I do love the name hogweed. It's trying, and failing, to rain here. I wish it would, the grass needs it.

  23. In agreement with others who have said it better - Hunter's actions should not be used as a club against Joe, and maybe the mother of his child doesn't want to have any contact.

    I do read your posts daily but have been commenting less. I'm doing less of everything that interests me while I try to deal with my mom's needs. Also, on issues like today's, everyone else gets ahead of me with much better and more nuanced comments!

  24. Your comments do go to spam, along with a couple of others..but I check the folder every day, so no worries.

    The Bidens' private family matters are just that...and if the girl's mother has been in contact with someone in the Republican party, no wonder they are wisely wary.. someone sounds to want to make something of nothing

  25. In 2017 my husband discovered he had a second daughter, one he fathered before we got together. She is two years older than the daughter we had together. Our family instantly doubled when we immediately and happily accepted his daughter and her husband and children into our family. Because, well, they are my husband's actual grandchildren. That biological connection is real, real, for real. The children born out of wedlock are innocent. They deserve to know who they are, and they deserve to be loved. I'm a bit disappointed in Biden for not opening his heart. But I'm not a national figurehead, nor do I know the whole story, so maybe I'm missing something?

  26. Loving The Olga Girl Moments & Definitely Wasn't Aware Of The WHAM! Documentary - Way Cool


  27. We had a similar situation in my family except that they were boys (2 of them) and the situation was complicated and private. Which is how this should have remained. We don't have a clue what's going on or has gone on, nor do I think it's any of my (our) business.

  28. I read that article too, and I think you and I are exactly on the same page all the way through.

    It's also possible people who moderate comments (like me) might not have been around yet to moderate them...

  29. I love the photos of Olga. She looks so happy! And thanks for the Netflix review of the Wham! documentary. I had been thinking of watching it, and maybe I will! I agree with you totally on the Hunter Biden thing on all counts.

  30. It's possible the girl just wants to stay private and keep her child out of the limelight, away from paparazzi and so on. Let him or her have a normal life.

  31. Caro: I did not know that! Thanks for the warning!

    Mitchell: Glad you enjoyed them. Another day, another blog post. :)

    Rachel: Isn't it great? Really takes me back!

    YP: I don't have much interest in Hunter Biden's laptop, to be honest. I don't think there's anything on there that's germane to the governance of the country -- just a bunch of salacious photos and other personal stuff.

    Andrew: Oh, I know the commenting thing isn't YOUR fault. It's just frustrating and it's interesting that it happens so consistently on certain blogs.

    Sabine: I think it's the Puritan roots of the United States. "Family Values" still carry a lot of weight with some people and politicians are often expected to pass a ridiculous litmus test. It's stupid. Your friend was very perceptive to see that pain in George Michael even way back then! I remember wondering if he was gay (ha!) but that's as far as it went.

    Bob: Yes, I agree 100 percent on Hunter -- he's a mere bystander and not deserving of this scrutiny. Apparently the mother has legally sought to give the girl the Biden name but it's been resisted by the family. Hunter argues it would deprive her of a "peaceful existence." But yes, as I said, I hate making a judgement because we don't know all the facts.

    Pixie: Of course it's hypocritical. Hypocrisy is the middle name of all these culture-warrior types!

    Ellen D: I do agree that they've got plenty of more important things to worry about -- and to Joe Biden's credit, he's spending time on those rather than addressing family scandals.

    Bug: Yeah, that might have something to do with it. I should try commenting from a US web address using our VPN and see if that makes a difference.

    Ms Moon: Oh, absolutely. And Trump's transgressions are DEFINITELY news, given he's the one who was in (and running for) office!

    Robin: Yes, give it a listen! It's very teeny-bopper, and that was their main audience, but George Michael as a solo artist made much more mature recordings.

    Ellen: Yes, the hypocrisy is evident re. Barron Trump. My understanding is the girl's mother has sought to give the girl the Biden name but the family has resisted. Hunter says that's for the girl's own sake.

    Sharon: George Michael had an amazing voice -- but he, like Hunter Biden, also made a mess of his life. Addictions are terrible.

  32. Boud: Yeah, Dowd hammered the Clintons for years, but she's hard on Republicans too. I don't think she likes anybody! The Bidens have made repeated public reference to their "six grandchildren" (this one would be the seventh) so they're definitely disassociating from her. But as Hunter has said, that may be because they think it's better for her. We just don't know all the details.

    Kelly: Yes, that's been his argument all along -- that she's better off not carrying his name.

    Catalyst: I wonder if it wouldn't be better for the family to acknowledge the girl somehow, even if they keep their distance from her. But again, as I've said, we don't know all the facts.

    Ed: Exactly! Every family has its issues. The story is only relevant as it pertains to Joe Biden's behavior toward the girl, and even then it's dubious. That's why I hope this whole kerfuffle doesn't carry any weight with voters -- I really don't think it should.

    Jim: For the most part, yes, I completely agree. I can only see relevance if it's to question the Bidens' apparent decision to publicly celebrate six grandchildren but disavow this seventh one -- which does seem curious given their insistence on the importance of their family life. But they may genuinely feel it's best for the girl, and as I've said, none of us have all the facts.

    Allison: I think Dowd's career HAS been in a slump in recent years and I'm sure coming up with a "hot" column did her no harm. I love the name hogweed too!

    Jenny-O: Yeah, I don't know how the mother feels about contact, but she has sought to give the girl Biden's name, which the Bidens have resisted. Hang in there regarding your Mom! I know it's hard!

    GZ: Yes, there's no doubt that there are a lot of political players who are stirring this pot and hoping to use it as ammunition against Biden in the presidential race. (Mixed metaphors, there!)

    Colette: That's how I feel, but also agree that there may be things we don't know.

    Padre: Yes, check it out! For people of our age group it's a great blast from the past.

    Margaret: Yes, I mostly agree -- except to the extent it pertains to the Bidens' public emphasis on the importance of their family. It's probably legitimate to question how this girl fits in (or doesn't) with those claims.

    Jeanie: Usually if I comment and it goes to moderation I get a message to that effect, and that doesn't bother me. What I hate is when I comment, it appears on the blog, and then I refresh the page and it's gone again! (I suppose I should just stop refreshing the page and annoying myself. LOL)

    Michael: Yes, definitely check it out! If you're of the age to remember Wham! in their heyday (as I believe you are!) you'll get a kick out of it.

    River: Well, interestingly, I think that may be the Bidens' goal. I think they feel the kid doesn't need the weight of their notoriety. But it's easy for that to look self-serving. The mother apparently WANTS to give the girl the Biden name -- or has at least taken legal steps to that effect.
