Sunday, July 16, 2023

Two Pairs of Twins

Yesterday was a wild, windy day -- something about the hot weather in Europe pushing air currents northward to England, if I understood correctly. We're not getting the heat, fortunately -- our daytime temperatures are a very comfortable low 70s. But the plants in the garden are taking a beating. Yesterday I found some of the sunflowers slumped over and staked them up.

I had to get a routine blood test at the Royal Free Hospital, so I walked over in mid-morning and took care of that. Then I took Olga to the cemetery, where we encountered the sprites above, part of a disheveled grave decoration. (The houseflies are a nice touch. I think it was too windy for them to fly around, so they were parked there.)

I spotted these two in the window of a neighbor down the street. They're sometimes on the windowsill, but this is the first time I've seen them perched atop that stained glass. Cats are so funny -- any opportunity to gain a bit more altitude is always a good thing.

And that's it for life around here, unless you want to hear about me cleaning the bathroom!


  1. Like Dudo and Moose in he window. There's something oddly charming about the houseflies.

  2. I like the little graveside statue.

  3. Yes. I am sure I am not alone in wanting to hear about you cleaning the bathroom. We want to know how thorough you are and which products you use. Do you wear "Marigold" rubber gloves? Do you sing when cleaning and if so what?

  4. Well I just told everyone about cleaning my house!

    My cat has taken seeking height to the point of finding the hole behind the fridge and hiding in the roof space.

    Those two make me smile. Often called Tuxies, I prefer Jellicle cats as per TS Eliot.

  5. It is windy here too..the rain is welcome but we could do with a bit of heat as well!!

    Love those two the pair of china "Wally dugs" (dogs) one saw on grandparents' mantelpieces.

  6. Tuxedo cats are nature's comics. We're having scorching weather alternating with wind and rain, with the results you describe -- flowers in need of support and encouragement.

  7. The cats looks like relatives of Mitchell and SG's boys, Dudo and Moose. Cats can get in or on anything.

  8. oddly, Cat does not try to jump up on any furniture except my desk and the big work table. she jumped on the dining room table once and I chased her off. she does have two windows she can look out, the big bay in the living area and a window in the dining area sitting on a chair I put there for that purpose.

    it's still horribly hot and dry here with no relief in sight.

  9. I wish I had known you were going to post photos of twins. I would have sent you one of my twin brother and me. LOL! I love seeing the twins there.

  10. I love that photo of the cats - they seem to be looking at you with disdain, as cats do. Dr. M & I laughed yesterday - we have a fan blowing out of the kitchen door (to try to get some air flow going) and the neighbor's cat stopped & looked in & jumped like what the heck is THAT? Ha!

  11. That cat photo is great. Almost a perfect mirror image if one were a tiny bit taller! Definitely bookends.

  12. Yes, keep busy but stop before the bathroom report!

  13. Low 70s? I'm jealous! I bet your humidity is tolerable, too.

    After learning about Netsuke in your post yesterday, I came across the word in the book I was reading last night! I was pleased that I knew what she was talking about!

  14. Those two cats in the window make a very charming picture. They appear to be mirror images of each other.
    I looked up the benefits of Sister Cities. They are mostly cultural along with an exchange of ideas and cross education. However, to be honest, I haven't seen any results in that direction other than the occasional organized tours to one of the cities.

  15. Those two cats are so alike and so alert. Great photo.

  16. Seeing cats sitting inside a window on a ledge makes me feel happy.

  17. Love the cats' pose and am envious of the weather! High 80s here and we NEED some rain!!

  18. I guess that for indoor cats, watching the outside world is like watching TV for them.

  19. Mitchell: Yes, very like your boys!

    River: There's something intriguing about it!

    YP: Cif and Harpic! No gloves, though. :)

    Caro: Is THAT what a "Jellicle" cat is? I always wondered.

    GZ: Yes, they do look like a pair of figurines!

    Boud: Well, at least you're getting rain -- a crucial component of scorching weather. (But I know there's been way too much rain in some areas.)

    Bob: They could be cousins!

    Ellen: A cat likes nothing better than a view outside, where they can torment themselves watching birds.

    Robin: And I guess the flies are twins too. If you'd sent your photo I could have had FOUR sets of twins in this post!

    Bug: Cats don't like any unfamiliar objects. The cat on the left in the photo always cracks me up. It looks perpetually freaked out.

    Jeanie: I took a photo from another angle where they were sitting in the same pose, but it wasn't as good.

    Red: Too much information!

    Kelly: Isn't it funny how that happens? You learn something new and then see it everywhere. I've experienced the same thing.

    Sharon: Thanks for the info on sister cities! I guess an organized tour definitely counts as cross-cultural exchange.

    Catalyst: Both in a state of alarm at Olga's presence!

    Andrew: I thought it was particularly funny how they're atop the stained glass. That can't be a very wide perch.

    Margaret: Yeah, we're doing well with the temperature, I agree. It's even a little chilly at night, not that I'm complaining.

    Ms Moon: I wonder if it frustrates them, or if they feel like they're "participating" but protected?
