Saturday, December 23, 2023

We're Here

Dave, Olga and I made it to Pevensey Bay yesterday. The trip was not without adventure -- we managed to board the wrong train, which we did because the ticket agent at London Bridge told us to go to Platform 7 NOW as our train would be leaving in a matter of minutes. We were a little too efficient and speedy and caught the train BEFORE our train, which turned out to be headed to Gravesend, east of the city, rather than southward.

We realized our mistake almost immediately and I was dismayed because I thought we'd have to backtrack, and we had an anxious dog and a HUGE suitcase, but it turned out when we got off at the next station we could simply catch another train from there headed in the right direction. So it all worked out fine.

Olga insisted on sitting on my foot as we waited for the right train. I don't know if that's because the pavement was cold or maybe she just wanted reassurance that I wouldn't sneak away without her.

She was happy when we were on board, headed to St. Leonards Warrior Square (which is a great name for a train station) and then Pevensey. Here the train was running right alongside the English Channel, which was just beyond those trees, as the sun was setting. Quite picturesque except for the dirty window.

Stone's Throw cottage is the same as it was when we were here in July, which isn't a surprise, I suppose. Poseidon still presides over the garden (top photo, at sunset) and all the furniture is the same. We haven't even had a chance to take a walk yet, because it got dark almost as soon as we got here. Instead we ordered groceries and take-away food, settled in and watched "Oppenheimer"...

...which was a good movie, but rather jumpily edited and perhaps a bit overlong. I fell asleep in the middle for about 15 minutes and woke up and felt no need to see what I'd missed.

This morning Olga was raring to go at 4:45 a.m. I got up only because I didn't immediately realize how early it still was. There's a timelessness during these dark winter days, being in a strange house with a glass wall looking out on only blackness. It's like being in a room with no windows. We'll see what daylight brings!


  1. I love the photo of Olga on your foot. One way to keep tabs on you!

  2. She was stopping you from jumping onto another wrong train! Can't trust these guys to get me to the seaside. It sounds like a place Captain Hastings would drag Hercule Poirot to in the off season, well muffled up.

  3. That shot of Olga's butt on your foot is adorable. What a lousy start to the trip but glad it was so easy to recover from. I was taking a train north from Málaga one day. Similar situation, but I luckily noticed. And then the agent came running after me to apologize for the mistake. Have a wonderful time. It looks so idyllic. (I hate when the train windows are dirty!)

  4. You being a local shouldn't have made such a train mistake, as we shouldn't have when we left the train at a station before the Sydney domestic airport station a couple of moths ago. You think you know and are relaxed but you don't know.

    I think Olga just wanted a warmed bum from your foot. Let's see what the morning brings.

  5. Glad you made it to the coastal cottage. Getting a grocery delivery so close to Christmas seems quite optimistic to me but then again I have never had a grocery delivery and know little about these things.

  6. My dog used to lay in front of the door to leave the house whenever he sensed us packing for a trip. To open the door, one would have to push his entire body across the carpet on the other side while he heavily sighed.

  7. Merry Christmas to you, Dave, and Olga! Enjoy your getaway.

  8. I love the photo of Olga looking out the window in the train! Lovely sunset! Glad you got their safely and hope you have a wonderful time.
    Merry Christmas to you and Dave and Olga!

  9. I'm glad you figured out the train switch early. We had boxers growing up and then later we had one when the kids were growing up and they all wanted to sit on your feet.

  10. I think Olga's trick was a combination of keeping you in place AND keeping her butt warm! Good girl!

  11. I seem to recall our staffordshires sitting on our feet. "My human." I love Poseidon. I'd rent that place just for him.

  12. Olga! She's so sweet sitting on top of your foot.

  13. Olga sitting on your foot is just priceless!
    Christmas 🎄 at the beach ... How cosmopolitan! 🥂

  14. Sounds like you're going to have a great time.

  15. Some day, you will have to do a travel post from Olga's POV. That would be funny. "Even though he is on a leash which I have attached firmly to my collar, he cannot be depended upon not to stray. When we stop, I sit on his foot to reinforce the 'stay!'

    Enjoy your holiday. I remember last Christmas when you were so worried about Olga's health and here she is, still going strong and up for adventure.

  16. Franklin likes to sit on Carol's foot. I think it's his way of telling her she's a member of the family and he'll take care of her. I hope you enjoy your visit.


  17. So glad you figured out the train situation and arrived safely. It sounds like you've settled in nicely. Enjoy!
    By the way, Phoenix had London weather all day yesterday. We rarely get all day rain so it was quite the treat especially for the parched soil.

  18. I love all your photos, especially that first one! It's striking!

  19. That sunset sky is incredible! I loved "Oppenheimer" although it was a bit long and some of the courtroomish stuff dragged for me. Have a wonderful stay!

  20. Olga looking after you!
    She must remember the way by now..and it's a good place to go

  21. I am glad you liked Oppenheimer. I have seen it three times and each time I catch something I missed the first time. I think it is fascinating especially the interrogation scenes where he was accused of being a communist and the Lewis Strauss intrigue. I hear more each time I see it as I did not catch everything first time round. Glad you are liking Pevensey Bay again.

  22. That photo of Olga sitting on your foot is a classic! Your surroundings look dark and dreary so I'll be interested to see what the day brings.

  23. Enjoy your time at the beach. Ocean views and sea breezes are the best.

  24. Olga sitting on your foot cracked me up!!! But when you said London Bridge, I thought you were vacationing for the Holidays here in Arizona!!! We bought it from them you know, and it is is Lake Havasu, AZ. *LOL*

  25. Frances: That's what Dave says -- she wants to be sure we're close!

    Boud: It does have a sort of Agatha Christie vibe. Hopefully no dead bodies, though!

    Mitchell: Well, at least you got an apology!

    Andrew: We made the mistake because we were in too much of a hurry, because of what the agent said. If we'd just taken a beat we'd have seen what we were doing wrong. Lesson learned!

    YP: Oh, no, you can get a grocery delivery almost anytime. We've had three since we arrived here. Christmas Day and Boxing Day might be tricky, though.

    Ed: Ha! He tried to keep you home but he knew it was a losing battle.

    Jennifer: Merry Christmas to you and Gregg, and Marco and the dogs, too!

    Ellen D: She does love to look out the window.

    Ellen: Funny! I wonder if boxers and staffys are closely related. They have similar body types, and boxers are a bulldog relative, I think.

    Bob: She IS smart!

    Ms Moon: I love him too, though sometimes when I glance out the window I think someone's standing in the garden. It freaks me out a little. (Even though he's only about four feet tall.)

    Colette: She's a character!

    Marcia: I think this may be the beginning of a new tradition!

    Red: So far, so good!

    Debby: Olga has been slowing down for a while, but yeah, she's still remarkably healthy, all things considered!

    Janie: Dogs do sit and lie on each other in the wild, so the behavior comes naturally! (I know this from watching African wild dogs at the Bronx Zoo.)

    Sharon: That must have been a welcome change! Now perhaps the desert will bloom well come spring.

    Kelly: Thanks!

    Margaret: It was interesting, and I wouldn't want to decide what parts to cut to make it shorter -- but I was left with the overall impression that it was overlong.

    GZ: I think once we got here she knew exactly where she was.

    Rachel: I can see how multiple viewings would bring new information. (Especially for me, since I missed part of it!)

    Catalyst: The day is fairly dark and dreary too! LOL

    Susan: It's blowing a gale out there at the moment!

    Bohemian: Yes, I know you have the real thing there! I meant London Bridge train station, not the bridge itself. :)

  26. The wrong train would be a big gulp. I'm glad it worked out OK. Love seeing Olga on the train! And that sky in your opening shot -- unbelievable!
