Tuesday, September 24, 2024

An Autumnal Display of Dog Food

I've photographed this little dog-legged street in St. John's Wood before. The only time I ever walk it is when I'm going to the Post Office, but its quaintness makes the journey a little nicer.  I wonder how many times someone has bumped a car or truck into these buildings?

I mailed my overseas ballot yesterday, having received an e-mail that it was available from the supervisor of elections in Florida. I had to follow a special link, mark the ballot, download it along with an accompanying voter certification statement, print them both, sign the statement, put the ballot in a special envelope all its own, then mail it and the statement back to Florida in a larger envelope. I was very exacting about every step, and nervous as a cat while I was doing it because I didn't want to miss anything.

So yes, I have cast my ballot in the U.S. presidential election. I've done my part, and it feels good to have it behind me.

I'm already seeing autumnal-looking leaves on my walks to and from work. It seems a little early still, but I guess it is officially autumn!

I think I figured out what was going on with the woman and her snail-covered suitcase on Sunday. Remember I mentioned some of the tents along the high street were occupied by community groups focused on recycling? Well, one of them offered a "pop-up skip" where you could dispose of things like household electronics or textiles that would otherwise go to the recycling center (or in the trash). I bet the woman brought that suitcase to put it in the skip. Unfortunately I don't think it was a real skip, and I'm not sure they were taking large items like that -- so I'm not sure she was able to get rid of it.

Of course, all I can think is, "Poor snails." Why didn't she brush them off first?

We just replenished Olga's supply of dog food. I thought the cans looked rather colorful (and seasonal!) all lined up together. She loves this food, but to be fair, she loves any food -- and I love all the labels and the names of the flavors. After all, dog food is marketed to humans, not dogs! The "Rest Up Recipe" even has bananas in it, an ingredient I don't think I've ever seen in canned dog food before. And the "Fishy Fish Pie" is quite...fishy.

I swear I am getting no compensation for posting this picture. (But Lily, if you want to compensate me, please feel free to get in touch. I will accept payment in dog food.)


  1. That street is lovely--so picturesque! The dog food cans are artistic indeed. They do make fish based pet food VERY fishy. I try to stay away from it. Sunday lunch is an interesting one. I wonder what's in it!

  2. The dog food cans are cute. I can't imagine driving anything larger than a Mini Cooper on that sharp turn in the narrow street in your first photo. I bet the house on the corner gets scraped regularly!


  3. I have never seen such interesting dog food cans before. I like them and there's such a variety of flavours there. Olga is very lucky. I'll have to check the supermarket shelves here and see what's on offer for Australia's dog population.

  4. I have never seen such appetizing dog food boxes.
