Friday, September 20, 2024


I passed this theater in Islington on the bus the other day when I went to Hackney. On the way home, I got off the bus specifically to photograph it. I'm not sure why "Beetlejuice" is spelled out two times and then broken off mid-word the third time. Is it a joke from the movie? (I've never seen "Beetlejuice," believe it or not.) And how can I possibly pass up a midnight showing of "Rambo: First Blood"?

Yesterday was pretty quiet at work, but I made major progress on several long-overdue books. I had about ten high school kids with books that were due last spring! Of course I've been sending them notices and writing their parents, but I wasn't seeing a whole lot of progress. Finally, yesterday, I wrote several of them telling them to see me right away, and if they didn't I'd come and find them in class.

I should know by now that all I have to do is threaten to embarrass a kid in front of their classmates and I get results. I got everything back or paid for except one boy who said he will return his book today. (We'll see.)

Our school community art show opened yesterday, and as you can see, there's quite an assortment of submissions on display. My very blue picture is right in the middle there. The well-meaning organizers put it in a glass frame, and I'm a little concerned that there's now too much glare to see the subtle detail in the photo. But I got lots of compliments on it, so who knows. There's an accompanying guide that includes a statement from each artist, and there are also some free-standing pieces in the middle of the room -- pottery and sculpture and fiber art.

Points for humor to the guy who drew the "Birds of Regent's Park (as seen from a distance)" at upper right!

There was an opening party yesterday afternoon -- I snuck away from the library for half an hour -- but of course I wound up mostly talking to the other exhibitors, rather than paying closer attention to the works. So I'll have to go back when the gallery is empty and check everything out. Maybe I can get a better, more complete photo.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it's a joke from the Beetlejuice movie, if you say his name three times he appears and creates havoc.
    The art display is very nice.
