Saturday, September 7, 2024

Olga Update and Fish Bowl

The hollyhocks are still going at it, having decided late in the season that they wanted to bloom after all. We've had four flowers now, with more potentially on the way!

I'm happy to report that Olga has rallied. She seemed a little better yesterday morning, and Dave and I went to work as usual. Dave intended to come home early and I called the vet to ask about an afternoon appointment. But when the vet's office heard she was shivering, they asked to see her right away -- I'm sure they were concerned about the potential for infection after her surgery. I was pretty sure she didn't have a fever but I said OK, got back on the tube and came home, and took her in.

Sure enough, the vet examined her and said nothing was obviously wrong. Her heart sounded strong, her temperature was normal and her teeth and gums looked fine. She theorized Olga had an upset stomach, which is certainly probable given that she chews up sticks on her walks, drinks out of the birdbath and snatches food off the street before I can stop her.

She took some treats at the vet's, and had another one before I went back to work. We canceled her walk yesterday, so she stayed home for a long nap, and when we came home yesterday afternoon we could see she'd eaten. She also ate as usual last night. So she seems on the mend.

My first trip to work wasn't entirely wasted, though, because on the way I found these amazing bowls set out with someone's trash. They were covered with lime scale -- white hard water deposits -- but I figured I could clean that up, so I grabbed them. Before I took Olga to the vet, I put them in a bucket with some de-scaler, and by the time I came home in the afternoon they were in great shape. I ran them through the dishwasher and voila! More dishes we don't need!

I especially like the bowl on the right, which has three fish on it. It's pretty big -- it could hold half a dozen apples easy.

I'm hoping to plow through more of Barbra Streisand's book this weekend. Remember how I mentioned her casual references that betray her privilege? Well, in one section she writes about a brand of coffee ice cream she loves that's only available from a shop in Santa Barbara. She drops in this sentence: "Sometimes in an emergency situation, I may call Dan, my rose expert who lives in Santa Barbara, and ask him to bring me a couple of pints when he comes down to check on my garden once a week." So, a) she has a rose expert, who b) comes weekly from another city, and c) also acts as ice cream courier?

A few pages later she writes about going with Donna Karan to Deepak Chopra's retreat center in Massachusetts. When she gets back to New York she's disappointed to find that the flowers she'd ordered for the window boxes at her apartment are the wrong color. She calls the plant place to complain, but then decides, "what the hell. It was such an ordeal just to get flowers and potting soil up to the 22nd floor. Besides, I didn't want to kill the poor things by throwing them out. So I simply closed my lace curtains so I didn't have to look at them."

A couple of weeks later, a friend comes over and points out that the flowers are now the correct color. Streisand, astonished, calls the plant place to find out if the blossoms could change color on their own. She's told no, and when she asks Deepak Chopra about it, he gives her some line about how desire can manifest change. But don't you think it's far more likely that the people at the plant place panicked when she wasn't happy and swapped the flowers when she was out? They probably said, "We have to make this right! She's BARBRA STREISAND!"


  1. I agree the plant people probably swapped the flowers.Your hollyhock is a beautiful colour. Very glad to hear Olga is feeling better.

    1. It IS a nice color and such a surprise. I wish I could remember where I got the seeds.

    2. Save the seeds from these flowers.

  2. I think I would have got so annoyed reading about her privileged life that I would have thrown the book across the room many times! (This is why I don't read biographies of famous people!) Good to hear Olga is OK

    1. Ha! Well, the moments of privilege are balanced by a lot of interesting and even self-deprecating bits, so overall I'm enjoying the book!

  3. Good to hear that Olga is feeling better. I had a dog that looked like Olga's twin sister, her biggest sensitivity was her stomach, and for some reason the leaves of the lantana plant calmed her down, I remember that sometimes in the middle of the night I went out to pick leaves from the neighbors' gardens.

    1. Oh, that's interesting, considering lantana can cause liver damage in dogs. Maybe they have to eat a lot for that to be true? (I know this only because my babysitter, when I was a kid, drilled into me that lantanas are poisonous -- though I think they're only mildly so, at least to humans.)

  4. Pleased that Olga is feeling better.

  5. I don’t know that I would have a lot of patience for Streisand’s privilege. I do, however, love your latest treasures.

    1. I'm doing her a bit of a disservice by accentuating the privilege in these posts, but that's what I find most humorous about the book -- her apparent unawareness of how extraordinary these situations are. (She may not be unaware at all, but she never says anything like, "I know most people will find this unusual...")

  6. I can just imagine Dave's delight when he saw the new bowls... "Oh! They are fabulous Steve! Another great find!"

    1. Ha! Actually, he was pretty happy with these. But yeah, sometimes I bring things home and get an eye-roll.

  7. I have put this book on hold at the library. I agree: she is very privileged but she also does wonderful philanthropy that probably doesn't get a lot of coverage, including for women and children's groups. I guess I try and see the balance.

    Glad Olga is on the mend!

    1. Oh, I don't mean to denigrate her at all. I'm a huge Streisand fan and I will remain one when I'm done with this book. I just find these moments of apparent unawareness rather humorous.

  8. Sometimes when I read stuff like that, I ponder what people might think about me behind closed doors. I'm sure I do things that other people might consider privileged in some way or another but in my perspective, seems perfectly normal.

    1. I suppose many of us have a degree of obliviousness to our own privilege, me included.

  9. Could Olga be constipated we had an old Scottie bitch with similar symptoms

    1. No, she's pooping as usual, thank goodness! And she never had abnormal poo, at least that I saw.

  10. My teacups and teapot are Chinese blue on white with that leaping fish. That's a nice find. I'm glad Olga's okay. The shivering made me think of fever.

    1. I guess it's a carp? Or a goldfish? We thought fever too but her nose wasn't warm, which I'd always heard was the best way to tell if a dog was feverish. And then the vet confirmed her temp was normal.

  11. Good news about Olga and glad she's feeling better.

    Barbra is a perfectionist of epic proportions and I don't think she realizes not everyone has a rose expert-ice cream courier.
    Years back I heard her say that at her house the flowers she has, say, in her living room, match the same color as the flowers outside the windows so that your gaze continues through the glass. I makes sense but who besides Streisand thinks like that!

    1. Well, that explains why she was so particular about the color of the outdoor flowers, I suppose!

  12. Those bowls are lovely! What a great find.
    Glad that Olga is better. Enjoy your weekend!

  13. The hollyhocks are a nice colour.
    Maybe it is time to just let Olga relax and not have regular walks anymore.
    It is an interesting theory about Streisand's flowers.
    Will you be eating from the bowls found on the street? Like a bit of Chinese takeaway from Mr Hang Lo with rice, and the other bowl full of chips?

    1. Yeah, we're still debating whether to continue the walks. We do have occasional long days at school and I'm hesitant to force her to stay indoors all that time.

  14. Barbra does indulge in some magical thinking at times. It's hard to believe she has the time and energy to worry about all of the details that she seems to delight in. I wish I had her energy! I also wish I had a dress the color of those hollyhocks.
    Good for Olga. She'll never learn about eating things off the menu, will she?

    1. Olga's main objective in life is to find food -- ANY food.

  15. Minnie will occasionally find a bone or something outside and if I try to take it away from her she growls at me. sometimes I'll take it anyway but mostly I just want to see what it is. Barbra sounds like a spoiled princess. I wonder if the flowers were a completely different color or just a different shade. and really, closing the curtains so she wouldn't see them instead of just enjoying them?

    1. They were originally orange and rust, and she wanted pink and white. Or something like that. I know! Why wouldn't you just say, "Oh, well, they're not the color I ordered but they're still pretty."

  16. I have the same lidded bowl and quite a few smaller versions of the fish bowl. Chinese stores in Australia carry them, probably the original owner got them at a London one. I would have given up on Barbra by now!

    1. Yeah, I'm sure they're common pieces of pottery produced by the millions in China! Part of the joy, for me, comes from the rescue -- cleaning them up, making them presentable again.

  17. I'm happy to hear that Olga is feeling better.

  18. I missed yesterday's post so I didn't know Olga was poorly. Glad to hear she's feeling better now!

    1. Thanks! Yeah, she scared us, but fortunately it was all short-lived.

  19. I love the deep burgundy wine color of that hollyhock!
    Us old ladies (Olga and me) have odd ailments that just crop up out of thin air! Luckily, we survive them! LOL
    I do like the two new pottery pieces!

    1. It's a great color, isn't it? I'm glad you and Olga are both survivors!

  20. Reading about Barbra's privilege (and supposedly not being aware of it) is a bit like reading Golden Age Crime with all the privilege that goes with classism. Well, not really, but you know what I mean.

    I'm glad Olga is feeling better and I really like the bowl on the right, too.

    1. Yeah, it IS the same kind of obliviousness that wealthy people often show, whether their wealth comes from inheritance, industry or talent!

  21. I think your theory about the flowers sounds more likely than some miracle of wishing it were so. Those are two very interesting observations from her book.
    I wonder what delayed the hollyhocks. They are so pretty and here in the desert, so very rare.
    It was great to hear that Olga is okay. And, I love that your vet is so caring.

    1. I imagine a hollyhock IS a rare thing in your part of the world. It probably gets way too hot for them there. I never saw them in Florida either.

  22. That's excellent news about Olga! I was sure that Mari was on her death bed since she was so skinny, but I bumped up her food intake and she looks a bit more filled out. She'll never be a big cat. "I'll close my curtains so I don't have to look at them." That made me dislike her.

    1. She wonders why people call her a "diva," but then she says things like that, and appears to show no sign of understanding how others might perceive it.

  23. Some of the stars have a bimbo side. I liked Barbra's music and enjoyed listening to her.

    1. Well, she's no bimbo, and she IS an amazing entertainer. But she has some fussy peculiarities!

  24. Glad to hear Olga is back to normal. The Google says Barbra Streisand's net worth is 400 million dollars and her husband, James Brolin, is worth 50 million. So I guess she can afford the rose-carer and ice cream courier. And the right color of flowers. BTW, I love your new dishes, regardless of whether you "need" them or not.

    1. I guess that's it -- if you have half a billion dollars you need to spend it on something!

  25. You are lucky you got to those dishes before I saw them! Very nice find.

    The whole shopping mall, with stores underher house...i never got that. It just seemed to rise to a level of self indulgence that puts me off. There is so much good that could be done for others. A lasting legacy in this world...but no. She is an undeniable talent, a genius, and of course there is that voice, but she seems to be a bit selfish.

    1. Wait, she has a shopping mall under her house?! I haven't gotten to that part of the book yet!

  26. I love the fish bowl on the right. We used to have some fish bowls, but they vanished in one of the down sizings.

    1. Many things have come and gone from my household over various moves, too!

  27. Your hollyhocks are beautiful and hopefully they will come back next year. I am also glad to hear Olga is okay. Like you said, she might have eaten something outside. The new fish bowls are good finds.

    1. Yeah, I hope they come back. The fact that they're big and health enough to bloom is a good sign!

  28. I love the anecdotes you're sharing from the book. And those bowls are fabulous. Do you have Mr. Clean Magic Erasers over there? I have found they work wonders on our dishes up at the lake -- the water is super-iron and everything turns yellow. Also, Barkeeper's Friend.

    Best of all, good news on Olga. That makes me smile, big time! Loving the hollyhocks!
