Thursday, September 19, 2024

Manny Two

This is the much-graffitied wall of Abbey Road Studios, which I walked past yesterday evening on my way home from a post-work pub gathering. One of my co-workers, the other library assistant, is leaving at the beginning of next month and the school has decided not to immediately replace her. For a while, at least, I'll be doing the work of two assistants (and splitting it with the other librarians). Remember how I was talking about how to spend my free time at work? Yeah, that whole conversation is pretty much moot now. Anyway, our pub gathering was to celebrate our departing colleague. She's moving to Spain where she's going to hike and learn Spanish and not work at all. Must be nice!

I started off yesterday with a dentist's appointment -- just a checkup after my recent cleaning. There's no news to report, thank goodness. The dentist still wants to replace one of my aging fillings and, ideally, do a root canal on a slightly discolored tooth in the front, but I'm in no pain and nothing is urgent so I just keep putting it off. If it ain't broke don't fix it. (And as far as I'm concerned, it ain't broke.)

I also double-checked my US voter registration which is still valid and active, so no nefarious voter-roll purges have targeted me, fortunately.

Here's our newest patient in the plant hospital, a Monstera I found yesterday morning walking the dog. In fact, I found it on the pile of trash on the problem corner I mentioned in yesterday's post. (Of course, more trash had been deposited there!) The plant was bone-dry, so I brought it home and gave it some water, and I'm letting it recover in the dining room. I thought it would perk up significantly but it still looks pretty much like that, so recovery may be a process. It needs a clay pot, some fresh soil and some TLC.

Dave and I had a Monstera when we lived in New Jersey that we named Manny. So we're calling this one Manny Two.


  1. I suggest cutting off the dead leaf on the monstera, maybe the others too and just have the bare trunk so it can put its energy into producing new ones. They'll grow from the roots and eventually there will be enough that you can remove the original stem if you want. I don't think new leaves grow along the stem when old leaves are cut off. I have three in my garden and all I do is pull off yellowing and dead leaves when I notice them.

  2. I was just about to say what River says above....cut those dead leaves off and it will have a better chance!

  3. I don't understand these roll purges if they happen no apparent reason.
    Did Manny 1 ever fruit? We've had Monsteras in the past and they never fruited.
    It is just as well you only rescue plants and not stray animals.

  4. Welcome home, Manny Two (or Manny Too)! We had a monstera in Santa Barbara that was enormous. We gave it to friends when we left. What a joy it was. Smart move for the other library assistant. Where in Spain?

  5. I thought you might come up with an original name for the newly adopted swiss cheese plant - perhaps Archibald after Cary Grant or Roy after Rock Hudson.

  6. Monstera plants take up a lot of horizontal space when they get going! My neighbor brings me plants he finds in the trash, to take care of.

  7. Well, one thing about being busy at work is that the days will fly by! ;)
    Where will you fit that giant plant when you have brought it back to life? One day you will need a bigger apartment for all of the plants you have saved, Steve!

  8. I think Manny Two has found his forever home!

  9. I vote for cutting it back, too. But I guess I'd give it a couple of days to see if those leaves are still able to come back.

  10. Ha! We have cousin monsteras. I found mine at the dump and now have four separate plants from that one. Yep. Be brutal. Cut off the stems! Especially if none of them don't perk up.
    Do you get a raise now that you'll be doing the work of two? Or at least one and a half? You should.

  11. Oof - that sounds stressful to have to take on extra work, but maybe it won't be that bad.

    I love that you're the plant whisperer & can't wait to see how M2 does!

  12. M2 has found the ideal home and will magically grow to a beautiful plant. I will look forward to seeing the progress.
    Picking up the work of a departing coworker temporarily is usually the norm until a new hire is brought in. Anything less than this indicates you should pace yourself.

  13. I may be wrong but I suspect voter registration purging of eligible voters is about as big an issue as non-eligible voters voting in a precinct. I'm sure it happens here and there but nothing that would change a vote outcome. Purging a voter registration role has to be done. I look at the lists of names at my local poll that the kind ladies there has to sort through whenever I vote and it is quite lengthy. I can't imagine what it would look like after a decade of never sorting through it.

  14. There are days I feel like that Monstera:)

  15. I hope things work out for you in the library and with the plant.

  16. Good luck with Manny Two. If anyone can nurse it back to life, it's you. It's amazing how much graffiti accumulates on that Abbey Road wall. It looks like it might be time for another paint job.

  17. Well, if anyone can save a plant, you can. I have always admired your green thumb!
