Tuesday, October 8, 2024


I was just reading the latest on Hurricane Milton, which seems headed for my home turf in Florida. The forecasters seem to believe the storm will weaken before it hits land in the Tampa area, but it could still be a huge disaster. Stay safe, friends and family.

Life around here is boring by comparison, at least meteorologically, which is good. I'm about to start my annual Dickens novel. This year it's "Bleak House," and after today we'll be off work the rest of the week for our October Break. I'll hopefully have lots of time to settle in and read.

We're not traveling for the break because Dave has several medical appointments scheduled, including one today. He's had this weird thing develop with his eye, involving abnormal blood vessels growing near his optic nerve, and he's seeing a specialist to develop a treatment plan. It happened so suddenly -- he woke up one day last week complaining about spots in his vision that look like scattered pepper, lots of small defined black dots (or red when he's in sunlight). I think the consensus is that it's blood from these blood vessels that has spilled into the interior of his eye. Anyway, apparently this is a known thing and it's treatable, but it is a form of macular degeneration so we're not sure about any long-term implications.

The doctor kept asking him, "Are you sure you haven't been hit in the head recently?" Dave is sure.

Just one more shot of our canna lily, with two flowers fully open.

(Top photo: My walk to work along Finchley Road, yesterday morning.)


  1. The long shadows in the Finchley Road photo look interesting. I hear quite a bit about Finchley Road from various sources. It must be a major road and carry a lot of traffic, which might not be a nice thing.

  2. Lower autumn light picks out so many different things..that is a lovely image.
    Hope all your family stay well both here and there.

  3. You have such a finely tuned eye. Wish Dave’s could be, as well. Keeping a good thought for him and for the good people of Florida and other states in the path of Milton (I suppose I should keep a good thought for the shitty people of Florida, too).

  4. I saw yesterday (I haven't checked this morning) that Milton was upgraded to a category 5. That is so scary. I hope everything with Dave's eye will be okay. Enjoy your break from work.

  5. The special autumnal light is well-captured in the top picture. Sorry to hear about Dave's sudden eye issue and I hope the matter can be quickly resolved. Is it just in one eye?

  6. Sorry to hear about the eye problem. That's worrying. On break again? It seems like a few days since you started back.

  7. The canna lily is gorgeous. What a colour combination! Here's good wishes for a speedy recovery for Dave.

  8. Hopefully Dave's eye condition is completely treatable. Will send positive thoughts to both him and our friends in Florida.
