Sunday, October 13, 2024

Autumn Cemetery Visit

Olga surprised me yesterday by ginning up the energy to go to the cemetery. We hadn't been there together since August, and frankly I wasn't sure we'd ever go again, so I was glad for the opportunity. Usually we set out for a walk and she turns around at or near the top of our street, ready to come home.

And not only did we get all the way to the cemetery, we walked the entire thing -- not just the back half like last time. The old girl was having a good day!

The area that was thick with green hogweed in July is now relatively bare (above), the hogweed having died back for the year.

It was a fairly unremarkable walk, but as I said, I was happy that it happened at all! The cemetery itself is pretty timeless so not much had changed there -- just the slow revolution of the seasons.

I didn't even bring a tennis ball this time, and though there was no squirrel-chasing, there was definitely squirrel-watching. She seemed to have fun. Look at that dog grin!

She is still sound asleep as I write this. I'm hearing lots of snoring.

Otherwise, not much happened yesterday. I read about 50 pages of "Bleak House," which is slow going at first, but now the plot's beginning to pick up.

I just opened my e-mail and found 28 spam messages, 13 of which were from the Democratic party or the Harris campaign. Can I just say that I am SO READY for this election to be over? It feels like it's been going on forever, doesn't it? I realize I may not be happy with the ultimate results -- and it's inexplicable that the race remains so tight -- but still, I am ready to move on.


  1. These recent political seasons have been surreal. Hideous and surreal. And now that we know how much damage Trump did in 4 years, it’s frightening to think of what he’d do if given the chance again. So, I’ll focus on a great day with Olga.

  2. Here in Germany, political parties are not allowed to address people personally by using their personal data such as email addresses unless specific and explicit consent has been given. Most of the campaigning we get here is on TV, on placards and by representatives of the parties setting up stalls in the pedestrian zone of town centres on a Saturday morning where they engage passers-bys in conversation and hand out leaflets.

    Not surprising that Olga is been having a sleep-in after her long walk yesterday!

  3. Enjoy Olga's good days with her. She is such a happy dog

  4. Looking back to the immediate past, I would say that President Biden left it too late to resign. There was no time to have a proper Democrat contest between possible candidates such as Gavin Newsom, Pete Buttigieg and yes - Kamala Harris. Instead, she was given the ticket unopposed.

    Oh and "Good girl Olga! Well done!...Here, have a squirrel-flavoured snack!"

  5. With UK elections followed by USA ones we have had months of politics, and like you we are sick of it all, they do live in a very different world to us. Glad to read Olga had a lovely walk and day yesterday, small treasures to keep us smiling.
