Friday, April 9, 2010


While exploring the city on Wednesday, I saw these amazing tulips near the Jefferson Market on Sixth Avenue in Greenwich Village. They were so vibrant, and much more open than the typical cupped blooms. They demanded to be photographed!

Growing up in Florida, I could never enjoy tulips in the spring. (Florida is way too hot for most bulb flowers -- the sun fries them crisp.) So tulips were always exotic to me, a flower seen only in storybooks about Holland.

Even when I visited the north as a kid, I never saw tulips, because we always visited in the summer or at Christmas. I'm sure I must have seen them in bouquets or in pots -- I wasn't that sheltered. But the first tulips I remember encountering in profusion were in Washington D.C. in May 1995, and they impressed me enough that I can still see them in my mind, brightening flower beds along Connecticut Avenue.

Just another reason to love spring!


  1. Congrats about putting your apartment up for sale. Some lucky person will be so happy to have the space, and you? Just a little less baggage to deal with. Bravo!!

    I'm really happy I got to stay there once, had the chance to meet Armenia before she passed away. I agree leaving the furniture and art will make it more attractive.

    Nice tulips! They are definitely demanding to be photographed.

  2. tulips are my absolute favorite flower.... fun stripey variety!! one of my favorite are the purple tulips that are so dark they are almost black - as the queen of the night variety and the 'black tulip'

    hope your flat sells fast so you have less on your mind.

  3. I think they must just keep creating new varieties of these exquisite flowers. The bulb catalogs are thick these days!

    Someone near and dear to me needs a place to live in NYC, but she will be just a renter. My daughter starts a 3-year program to become a nurse practitioner at Columbia in June. If you have any leads on places north of Harlem, let me know!

  4. I love that tulips just keep coming back every year with no fuss, no demands (except to be photographed of course).
