Saturday, July 17, 2021


This is the scene that greeted me when I returned home yesterday and looked out the back door. Crazy, right? A wall of green! I don't remember the garden ever looking so dense and lush. We can barely even see the buildings around us.

The teasels, in the center of the frame just behind the barely-visible birdbath, are huge. They must be ten feet high and they have at least a dozen flower heads apiece. Allowing those to grow -- they appeared on their own, from seed -- has really created a showstopper.

Here's the scene from another angle -- the back of the garden looking toward the house, along what is normally a narrow path between two flower beds. As you can see, the plants have encroached on the path to such a degree that Dave didn't even try to mow it the last time he mowed the lawn. There's red persicaria to the left, a large burdock to the right and beyond that, another teasel.

Olga is so happy to lie in the sun. I love how she's perfectly using the leaves to shield her eyes.

I've been calling this lamb's ear (above) but apparently it's actually a species of Verbascum, commonly known as great mullein or Aaron's rod. It grew wild, with no encouragement from us, and sent up a big flower spike. Now it's blooming yellow. 

Our jimsonweed, or datura, is blooming too. Even though it's in a pot and sitting up on a table, something's eating the leaves -- but it's a tough plant so it will be fine. Out of that entire packet of jimsonweed seeds I bought, we got only one plant. The others never sprouted.

On the front porch, the snapdragons are doing their thing.

As long as we're talking about the garden, I have some exciting news. I've mentioned the weekly BBC show "Gardener's World" here on the blog many times. Dave and I love it and have been loyal viewers for years. Last year -- in order to develop content during the lockdown -- the producers invited viewers to make videos of their own gardens and submit them to the show, and this year they've continued that feature. Each episode normally features two or three viewer videos.

Well, just before I left for Florida, Dave and I pulled together a video of our garden and sent it in, talking about how we've allowed many so-called "weeds" to grow and had some luck creating wildlife and insect habitat. The BBC asked for additional footage, which Dave shot while I was away, and now they've slated us to appear on a future "Gardener's World" episode -- number 19, to be specific. Woo hoo!

Nothing is final yet -- I get the sense that this could all change at any minute -- but apparently they've re-edited our video which is a good sign.

Dave is going to be in the states when that show airs in a couple of weeks, so I hope he'll have access there. We'll let our friends know closer to the date -- you're getting the news before anyone else. And yes, Olga is in the video too.

Can you believe it -- our garden, on television?!


  1. Brilliant. Fingers crossed it works out.

  2. How exciting!! Didn't I say you should make a video? You had probably done it already before I suggested it? Make sure to let us know when it is to be shown. Glad that you are safely home, just in time for some nearly Florida style temperatures by all accounts!

    1. You did say it -- we'd thought about it already but it was in fact your comment that prompted us to go through with it. So thanks for the motivation!

  3. I can easily believe your garden will be on television. It’s a marvel. And a perfect escape from city life whenever you need it. Glad your home. Hope jet lag passes quickly.

    1. you’re you’re you’re... That was autocorrect. Argh!

    2. Darn autocorrect! The jet lag is still kicking my butt, unfortunately.

  4. That is marvellous Steve! Please give your loyal British fans a heads up when you know for sure the date of your "Gardeners' World" cameo. Be sure to let Mrs Kravitz know too. She will be thrilled for you and will probably dance a little jig on her designer paving.

    1. Dave has been relishing the opportunity to tell her. We predict she'll turn 20 shades of green.

  5. I've just updated my Aaron's Rod post from June ("I'm Not A Foxglove") by adding a picture of ours this morning, three weeks later. Aaron had quite a rod! It has been quite entertaining.
    You get a few flowers coming out each day, opening before dawn, but they only last a day. Evidently, it is thought the seeds remain viable for up to a hundred years.

    1. Well, that explains it! We wondered where this seed came from, since as far as I know no one around us has this plant in their flower beds. I guess it's been in the soil waiting for just the right opportunity.

  6. Your garden on the telly! And Gardener's World, to boot. That is so cool, Steve. Even I, who does not watch TV, will attempt to find the episode if and when it happens. I do follow Monty Don on his website/blog/books.

    I did laugh at how wild the garden became in your absence. Reminds me of how quickly kudzu takes over any untended areas over here. But at least your place looks wildly beautiful.

    1. Yeah, thank God we're not dealing with anything like kudzu, although it does FEEL a bit like that!

  7. Congratulations, Steve. That’s quite an accomplishment!

  8. That'll be the effing BBC I guess, and no doubt it will be geo blocked to Australia. You pay fees and taxes to the BBC, but you can't share what it makes to friends around the world. I suppose, actually know, our ABC does the same. Why do people use VPN addresses? I think we know. Sorry for being such a grump. The snapdragons look great.

    1. Yeah, I don't know how the BBC decides to license its content, but it's ridiculous if you can't get it in Australia. (And vice versa.) Seems to me you would be a huge market for them.

  9. You'll have to let us know exactly when it's on, I can't miss that.

  10. How wonderful! I hope I can see ot somehow.

    1. Apparently it's available in the USA through something called Britbox, which is a subscription service via Amazon, and it's also on YouTube, but I'm not sure those are the newer episodes. I'll try to learn more.

  11. Congratulations! The garden is wild and beautiful.

    1. There's a lot going on, that's for sure! LOL

  12. Sounds exciting! You have done such a great job in your garden. It really looks fabulous!

    1. Thank you! We love it. England has the perfect gardening climate.

  13. That is so cool, Steve! I am looking forward to the show.

  14. how exciting is that! you and Dave have created a very cool garden. no wonder they chose it.

    1. Thanks! They seem to like the concept of "re-wilding," which is basically what we're doing.

  15. How exciting that your garden is going to be featured on that gardening show. It's easy to see why they chose it. It is beautifully lush and green.

    1. It blows my mind that they think we're worthy!

  16. That is so exciting that your garden will be on TV! Glad you had a safe trip back to the UK.

  17. Hooray!!!!your garden work is beginning to pay off. If you are not getting paid it still should make you feel good about your hard work. You are blessed to come home and everything is growing. Last April I went in the hospital and came home about 2 weeks later and wasn't anything growing in my vegetable garden but weeds. I would have danced in the center if there was something to be happy about. (laughing) I was very angry with my son. After asking him how my garden was growing and he told me it was good. Maybe he didn't know the vegetables from the weeds. I see Olga sitting there with the leaves over her eyes. Tell Dave and Olga I said Hi. Glad you had a safe trip home and an enjoyable trip with mom, family and friends.

    1. Add Olga and Dave to the work that was done in the garden. I know Olga only wanted the sun out of her eyes. (laughing hard)

    2. That's funny, that your son said your garden was growing fine and all you had were weeds! Some people really can't tell one plant from another. Were you able to resurrect or replant any of it?

  18. Congratulations on your impending fame and notoriety!

  19. What exciting news about your garden!! Maybe it will eventually be on YouTube or something where all of us can enjoy it.

    You've had me researching your Jimsonweed/Datura. I have a friend who grows Datura and calls them Moonflowers. I grow Ipomoea alba, which is also called a Moonflower (and is in the Morning Glory family). Did you know yours are in the same family as tomatoes and potatoes... and are poisonous?!

    1. Yes! Datura is indeed poisonous, a member of the nightshade family. We have a fair number of plants that are poisonous, like foxgloves and corncockle. But none of us are going to eat them.

  20. You were away two weeks. That's a long time in the life of a plant.

    1. It's true -- I hate being away from the garden for so long!

  21. I CAN believe it. I hope I can watch it here!

    1. I'll try to do some research on that. As I told Jennifer above, I've heard it's available on Britbox via Amazon and also possibly on YouTube.

  22. She really is, and I missed the opportunity to make her an Instagram sensation, so maybe this is the second-best thing. :)

  23. Congratulations! I think it's wonderful about your garden being shown on television. I hope you can tape the show. You've put a lot of work into your garden and it's beautiful. Enjoy! Hugs, Edna B.

  24. That's so exciting! I've been checking and the only way I can discover to watch the shows as they come out is via Brit Box on Amazon Prime. I know I would love the show and I definitely want to see your garden AND Olga on it.

  25. Woo-hoo! I've referred to it as a jungle in the past. Perhaps you could send in additional video of you and Dave in loincloths, pretending to be twin Tarzans!

  26. How exciting! I'll have to see if it's on BritBox.

