Saturday, February 25, 2023

Food and Palm Fronds

It's our last day in Florida. By the time the sky looks like this again, we'll be in the air headed toward England.

Yesterday was pretty low-key. There was lots of eating. We went to breakfast with Dave's parents and their neighbors at the Cortez Diner right down the road. (I had French toast.) Then we ran a few errands and came back here for lunch (sandwiches), and I did three crossword puzzles. My vocabulary is now refreshed with useful words like "bah!" and "eeriest."

Later we went to dinner at Mar Vista, a popular seafood restaurant on Longboat Key, where I had yummy but rather dearly priced shrimp and grits. We ate at an outdoor table beneath a spreading buttonwood tree, and I got two glasses of wine that were filled right to the tippy-top. Talk about a holiday pour!

Here are some more photos to give you a sense of the atmosphere here in Bradenton:

It's been great not having my heavy camera to tote around, but I have missed it. There have been a few photos I was either unable to take or had to take differently because I had only my phone. But it's a circumstance that has made me think differently as a photographer and I guess that's not a bad thing.

We've been checking in on Olga in her kennel every day. I know I haven't posted any dog-cam photos, but that's because they mostly look like this:

Not very exciting, right? And kind of pathetic. Poor girl! It's like she's in jail.

But the kennel (sorry, "luxury pet hotel") posted some photos to Instagram of her out and about with the other dogs, and they were a bit more lively. Here she is rolling in leaves, as she loves to do:

That Weimaraner looks very doubtful. Like, "Can you believe this crazy dog?"

Anyway, we're going to enjoy our last few hours among the pelicans in this tropical paradise, and then we're off to Tampa to see my step-sister, return her car and catch our plane. For better or worse, normalcy returns tomorrow!


  1. The water is beautiful, isn't it?
    Gosh, that trip seems short from this end of it. Won't Olga be so happy to see you and Dave?

  2. The ocean looks like glass! It seems you have had a wonderful visit and your pictures have been fun to look at!
    Olga in jail?!? LOL That girl looks like she is enjoying her own little vacation! You are such a doting Daddy!

  3. Olga seems to be doing fine. The weimaraner, the ones I've known are very dignified, is a bit shocked at this rowdy girl.

    You fitted a lot into your short visit, and the pictures are just fine. Good enough fer who they're fer, as they say.

    Safe travels.

  4. I love the image of the lone palm tree and the sea beyond it like glass. Sounds like you have packed a lot in in the past week. The usual gang of press photographers will be at Heathrow to witness your return. "There he is!"

  5. I love the photos of the water and I'm glad Olga is getting outside to roll around. She'll be so happy to see you two when you get home.

  6. It looks to peaceful there in Bradenton! Have a safe trip home!

  7. The blue skies and blue sea are so beautiful. What a wonderful journey you had there. The time seems to have flown by. Love that photo of Olga rolling around. That made me happy!
    Have a safe and good journey home.

  8. Your photos, as always, tells your stories so well. Olga doesn’t look like she’s been suffering but I'm sure she'll be so happy to be home with you. From my view, your trip this time seems to have been excellent. So glad. Safe travels.

  9. I go into vacation mode every time I see palm trees and blue sky/water. I'm pretty sure I've been to Bradenton before. Is there a river? Anyway, sounds like good eats and a great time. It feels like you just got there!

  10. I love that photo of Olga in the leaves. Happy dog.

  11. I love all the water scenes. You've had a nice break with beautiful scenery and warm temperatures. It seems like it went fast.
    I booked airline tickets and hotel reservations for a weekend in Santa Fe New Mexico in May. It feels so good to have a trip on the horizon.

  12. That sure went by quickly!

    Your final photo of Olga has totally made my day. I look forward to hearing about your happy reunion.

  13. For sure! If someone is using aerie, obi, or Uta (Hagen) all the time, they are surely doing daily crosswords.

  14. I suspected there was a change in the air around here! It was Steve just down the road from Venice.
    Thank heaven you finished up with a happy roll in the leaves; the first picture of Olga is heartbreaking. :0)

  15. I hope you take pictures of the happy reunion.

  16. The sea looks wonderfully calm. I guess it is a bay or inlet. Your time has passed so quickly.

  17. A flying visit indeed. Back to work on Monday? Does it mess with your body clock?
    So good to see Olga rolling the leaves. I guess if she was at home she would be sleeping so no real change. Don't believe her when she tells you she was miserable.
    Safe travels.

  18. This was a very quick trip but your crowded a lot into your time.

  19. Olga looks very happy rolling in the leaves. I love the photo with all the boats and that white/turquoise shack with the flamingoes. Have a safe flight back.

  20. Olga just sleeps so she adapted well to the kennel and she looks happy rolling in the leaves. Animals are very adaptable, I know my cats do the same when I am away. My neighbour told me they were "as good as gold" when I was away. Really? They misbehave with me. I enjoyed your photos, quality just as good as ever even if you were using the phone. Phone cameras are fine 99% of the time.

  21. Safe travels back to the UK. I have been out of blogging for a bit, so I went back and read all of your posts from Florida. You have a great eye for taking photos!

  22. The stillness and clarity of that blue sky and water is unbelievable. Beautiful photos, despite not having your big camera!

  23. Too Funny - Also, I Hear On The Camera Front - Dig The Clarity Of The Water There - Way Cool

