Saturday, February 4, 2023

Unfocused, in More Ways Than One

No, you are not imagining things. That photo is really out of focus. It's the sunrise on Thursday morning, when I was walking the dog, and I took a couple of shots with my ancient iPhone -- and they both look like this. I've had trouble with the phone not focusing in other shots, too. It might have something to do with the battery, which tends to run down quickly these days. I hate to say it, and thus add to the burden of e-waste afflicting our planet, but I think it's time for a new phone.

My phone is more than six years old, and I am always the only person in the room who's still using a model 6S. (They're up to 14 now!) I'm eligible for a phone upgrade under my calling plan. Dave already got one several months ago. I might just take the plunge.

On my walk to work, I noticed that someone's given mustache woman a doobie.

These little creatures are thronging the window of a shop on Finchley Road. They're supposed to hang off the edge of a flowerpot. They're cute, but I can't help wondering whether our planet's resources wouldn't be better spent making something more practical!

Anyway, as you can see, I am struggling for both photos and a coherent theme for today's post, and pretty much failing on both counts.

Yesterday was another very physical day the library. I had to pull a cart of books for the 5th Grade, where the students are about to launch their annual unit on Ancient Greece. (Yes, Indiana Jones is once again along for the ride.) Then I had to pull a bunch of reference books for high schoolers who are about to start a research project. I found more stickers that needed to be stripped off the shelves, and I had some re-shelving too, and that involved more deep knee bends. I got my workout!


  1. I always found those types of pot huggers much too precious.

    I took you literally and was trying to understand where you were pulling the cart of books. Then you pulled reference books and I got it.

    Dooby dooby doo.

  2. When you are pulling these weighty book carts do you have to wear a rope harness? Perhaps your boss sits on the cart like a driver banging a drum so that you can maintain your rhythm.

  3. I like the little imps; and if they bring a smidge of joy to someone then I think it's worth it.

  4. Well at least the little pot clingers aren't made of plastic.
    Get a new phone, Steve. You will love it so much.

  5. Even that bit of out-of-focus doesn't detract from the truly beautiful sunrise there.
    Hope you are having a nice and restful Saturday there and enjoying your weekend.

  6. Someone once gave me a little frog for the flowerpot. It wasn't practical -- kept getting knocked off when I watered! Maybe it was badly made. I still like the photo, Steve!

  7. I think those terra cotta critters are watering signs. Like when the pot is dry, they are pale so watering is needed. Of course, one could just poke their finger in the soil but...that's not as cute??

  8. New phones are super stressful!!! I hate charging mine. That said I got a big screen one last time and it’s transformed my usage. The new iPhone cameras are fab too.

  9. Jim's phone takes way better pictures than mine, so I use his. In the process, I've cluttered up his phone and his sent file in gmail, so perhaps I should consider a new one for me. That was a nice sunrise.

  10. Everywhere I look I see things that are wastes of our planet's time and resources. I can't imagine what the aliens who send a rover to our planet long after we're all gone will think when those first pictures are beamed back.

  11. My phone is almost four years old (XR) and I'll keep it as long as possible. With my slow, rural internet, trying to get a new one all set up is a nightmare. I'm surprised your 6S still updates and does what it's supposed to. You do need a new one.

    YP's comment made me think of my favorite scene from Ben Hur!

  12. Have you cleaned the camera lens?it might have gotten smudged from IPod started taking really fuzzy pics and I just needed to clean it with Q tip and alcohol. I do love all your posts.

  13. Six years is a long time in phone life. I don't think you will do the planet too much harm if you ensure your old phone is recycled.

    I've never thought of being a librarian hard physical work, but then books are heavy.

  14. Just catching up. I'm glad your landlords are fixing things up for you. I'm sure they're happy to have you two there. I stopped by at my condo today, to pick up keys, and it's so dirty. I don't know why people choose to live like that. The condo is going on the market and if my renter doesn't clean it up before viewings, I'll hire a cleaner and take it out of her damage deposit.

  15. Sometimes we need a bit of whimsy in our lives and if they are made to last then why not?
    I am so pleased to see kids using books for research rather than the interwebs which can be so unreliable but too many take everything there as gospel.
    Don't they recycle the components of e-waste if properly disposed of?

  16. I enjoy random posts and most of mine, while titled, wander around a bit. I don't like those ceramic thingies; they aren't particularly attractive. They remind me of those aliens in Toy Story. (or were they aliens?) Hmmm. I have an iPhone Pro 12 that's nearly 2 years old. No plans to upgrade at the moment!

  17. As far as I know, iPhone 7 and older can't be updated, and 10 and older are difficult and going the same way...
    Built in obsolescence 😡

  18. My android phone is 8-9 years old and I have no intention of getting a new one until this one is so dead it can't possibly be resurrected. I'm dreading the thought of getting used to a new one.
