Tuesday, February 28, 2023


Last night I had a terrible time falling asleep. Jet lag, I suppose. This is how it always works -- the first night back I collapse into bed and sleep like a log, because I've been up for something like 24 hours. But the second night is much more challenging.

Still, it wasn't that awful. I was asleep by midnight or so.

At least I get to settle in and return to routine. Poor Dave is off to a choral festival in Oman this evening with eight students and another chaperone. He doesn't mind traveling with students (and he's done it a lot) but coming so closely on the heels of our own trip makes it harder. He had just enough time to squeeze in his routine infusion of Crohn's medication yesterday afternoon.

So, yeah, for the next four nights (I think?) it's just me and Olga. Maybe I can finally catch up on my blog reading!

Our daffodils are looking good, as you can see. We have these now, and then a second crop of white ones that bloom later in the spring. Funny how they're all facing away from the house, like they're shy.

Here's the latest addition to that neighborhood advertisement I've photographed a couple of times. A vaccine critic who can't even spell the word seriously undercuts their argument, it seems to me.


  1. Yes, the misspelling rather undermines the medical qualifications of the author.

    Poor Dave indeed. I assume that is Arabic Oman.

    I've just noticed you have 99 followers. There should be a prize for your 100th. Tea with Steve or a Zoom meeting if the person is not nearby.

  2. Lovely Daffodils and poor Dave. I expect he will catch up on sleep once he is home again.

  3. Poor Dave. I would have a hard time with that travel pace. The daffodils are glorious. Yep, vaccins weaken an already weak argument.

  4. She's a lovely looking woman isn't she? She's from Grimethorpe in South Yorkshire and her name is Betty. Her mum and dad run a fish and chip shop there. It's called "Red City Chippy". Betty used to work there on Saturdays and she claims that her perfect complexion is down to the chip fat. Her brother Mick is in prison in Leeds. He brutally assaulted a spotty teenager who was defacing one of Betty's posters at a bus stop.

  5. I don't envy Dave at all. I would be exhausted. Your daffodils look great, mine are coming up as well. Loved the vaccin picture. I just don't understand the resistance to them.

  6. Leaving the spelling aside (after all, they may have been talking about something else), I wouldn't dismiss a healthy dose of scepticism. I haven't so much as had a flu jab, ever, call me superstitious, never mind the long term and then untried and untested Covid ones. And yes, by the law of the self righteous, I should now be dead. Would serve me right, wouldn't it? Just to prove that a doubting Thomas (make that cautious) will be hung from the next tree. Same difference.


  7. I think for the first time ever our daffodils are blooming at the same time. I read that the state of Idaho is trying to make the covid vaccine illegal and either the whole state or just a county in Florida is trying to do the same thing. I just don't understand the vitriol against the covid vaccine. Don't want it? Don't get it but trying to prevent anyone from getting it is just plain hateful. MYOB. If they think vaccines are fake they should look up photos of the polio wards before the polio vaccine was available, people living their lives in iron lungs or smallpox disfiguring scarring if you survived.

  8. I wouldn't have Dave's job for all the money in the world. I'm glad he enjoys these trips because otherwise they would be hell.
    You and Olga enjoy your alone time! And don't forget to eat.

  9. Love that Dave's students get to travel the world and make music. But poor Dave, having to get back on a plane so soon. Enjoy your homecoming. It always feels so delicious to me coming back home after a period away.

  10. Dave will certainly be tired by the end of the week! I am glad he is helping the students to visit another country. I think it really promotes peace and tolerance when students meet people from other places and cultures.

  11. You should try the 12 or 13 hours (depending on Daylight Savings Time) time change and subsequent jet lag I go through every few years upon my return to the Philippines. I honestly know what a narcoleptic must feel like at times and an insomniac at others. The worst part is it gets worse with age and takes me longer to recover.

  12. Hope all goes well for Dave on his journey to Oman with his students. That's a lot of travel and time change. Oy.
    I can't believe people are still complaining about vaccines. C'mon people if you don't want don't get one. Such stupidity.

  13. Yes, I agree about the vaccine critic. Not a very bright argument.
    I think Oman would be an interesting place to go. I hope he gets a chance to enjoy the scenery.

  14. I was thinking how weird it was that Dave didn't mind travelling with the students & then I remembered that he is, in fact, a teacher. So presumably he LIKES students (I hope). Ha!

    Your daffys are lovely!

  15. For Dave the worst part of field trips is to make all the arrangements and make sure that every part of the trip is accounted for. Having said that, I've done dozens of field trips and for the most part enjoyed them. When kids are away they stick to you like glue.

  16. Daffodils all face one side of the compass, forget which, so if you want them facing out from the house, and you're in the "wrong" direction, lots of luck.

    I, the reluctant traveler, wouldn't be in Dave's place, wherever that currently is, for any $$$. My brother was in Oman ages ago, covering what Western authorities said was a war. He said he'd seen more serious fighting trying to get on the last bus home. But I think Oman is at peace this week.

  17. I have a terrible traveling east, it messes with my sleep so much and I'm awake half the night. The daffodils are lovely. Are they facing the sun?

  18. I don't generally have trouble going east but have a terrible time coming back west. Melatonin has been my friend. Poor Dave! His body clock is going to be so messed up. We have no spring here yet, too chilly!

  19. Off topic but on photography you would like to see Finding Vivian Maier on Amazon Prime. Take a look.

  20. I don't understand why people think the Covid vaccines were untested. They were tested and trialed, just like any other drug, but at a quicker pace than the usual time lags with other drugs, all due to the globally-recognized need for rapid development. It showed what we as a human race could do (well, the science "we", that is) when needed.

    I hear about jet lag but I've never experienced it; the biggest time difference I've been through is one hour. I now hope I never need to travel any further :)

  21. I haven't dealt with jet-lag in years and I'm sure it would be harder on me now. I feel for Dave having to take another trip so soon. Vaccins? Well, they can't blame that on autocorrect!

  22. Our daffodils are sprouting up all over the yard, a sure sign of spring.

    And I think "vaccins" are fake, too!

  23. Oman? Oh, man! That will be just grim after the flight. I am with you on jet-lag -- always takes more than a bit to come to. Good luck!

  24. Daffs always make me smile.
    When I was a kid and we lived in HK I found the flights east to west (home to the UK) were fine - one good night's sleep and we were raring to go - but going back west to east the jet lag was awful.
    I have yet to meet anyone who can scientifically back up their argument that vaccins are fake, unsafe or untested.

  25. Ellen Abbott: it's worse than you say. A few (I hope) Idaho legislators are not only trying to outlaw Covid vaccines, they're trying to outlaw all mRNA vaccines, developed now or in the future. Sigh, I often cringe at being a resident of this state.

    Steve, glad you're home safe and sound. Scritches to Olga, and safe further travels to Dave.

    Chris from Boise
