Friday, December 24, 2021

Wow, a Snowbear

Some more pictures from Croydon today. This is another overly optimistic shopfront. Doesn't that launderette make you want to go "Wow"?!

Nearby, this was someone's holiday (or at least winter) decoration. Is it a bear? Is it a snowman? A snowbear? It looks like they had plans for another one but ran out of canned snow.

We are definitely moving into winter. Here's our weather forecast for the foreseeable future (in Fahrenheit, obviously). Looks a bit monotonous, doesn't it? At least it's not going to freeze, which means the geraniums and the sage can stay outside.

Do you remember our friends Chris and Linda, who lived across the hall from us in Notting Hill? I've mentioned them several times here on the blog, mostly during the Brexit campaigns, when they were pro-Brexit and we were anti-. We used to get together for dinner every couple of months. Well, we got some bad news about a week ago. Chris, who was well into his 70s and has been in poor health for some time, died on Dec. 13 -- from Covid, which he presumably acquired in the hospital. He was vaccinated, but as I said, he had other health issues.

Of course we're sad about it -- mostly for Linda, who now must adjust to life on her own. (Chris and Linda used to bicker all the time, and Chris once told me that despite their decades of marriage he thought they were ill-matched, but you know how relationships are. No matter how fraught, they're bound to be mourned when they end.)

We bought Linda a card, and a co-worker who also knows them got them a card and gave it to us to deliver. Several days ago, I put the two cards in a single envelope and took them to the post office to mail. I even had the guy at the counter weigh them so I could be sure they had adequate postage. Imagine my surprise when they came back through our letter box a day or two later!

I could not figure out why. Frustrated, I took them back to the post office yesterday morning. The clerk looked the envelope over and said cryptically, "Sometimes they just don't read." She wrote TO above Linda's address and FROM above my smaller return address on the back of the envelope, and threw the whole thing back in the mail bag. So, fingers crossed, Linda will get it this time.

We're planning to go visit Linda after Christmas.

On the way home from the post office, I had a pocket full of change, so I decided to pop into a local bakery and spend it on some kind of sweet treat for dessert. I had £1.69, and I spied a chocolate cornflake bun -- sort of like a Rice Krispie treat -- priced at £1.60. Perfect! I chose it and paid the guy at the counter with my miscellaneous coins.

He looked at me with a confused expression and said, "It's £1.20."

I looked back at the sign in the display case, which definitely said £1.60, as did all the signs for the muffins and gingerbread cookies on that shelf. But I couldn't very well argue that I wanted to spend more, could I? So I'm still left with 49p in spare change. In the states I could have thrown it into the bucket of a Salvation Army bell-ringer, but we don't have those here. Back into the change bowl it goes.


  1. Not how I would spell laundrette but apparently legitimate.
    I've noticed that Fahrenheit and Celsius become closer? together once you get below 0C.
    Machines sort the mail surely. Machine should know better.
    Yes, never query a lower price and always make a hasty exit.

    1. That's what confused me when she said "they" don't read. Was she talking about machines, or people?! Maybe some postal worker put the envelope through a machine upside down and it read the return address -- but even so, I wrote it sideways to avoid that confusion!

  2. I hope Linda will be okay. Did you enjoy the bakery treat??

  3. Sounds good in the song: "In the Winter we can build a snowbear."
    I bet you can't find a magic launderette.

    1. But the snowbear can't pretend he's Parson Brown. Or, I suppose it could, but not very convincingly.

  4. Liking the sentence -"We're planning to go visit Linda after Christmas."

    1. We haven't been able to see her in months anyway. It's high time we went.

  5. Nice to see not one but two jolly Santa faces in the Wow! Launderette shopfront. Nothing like a bit of festive spirit when you are washing your soiled bedding.

    1. LOL -- that's part of what made the picture for me!

  6. I have to say that the names of businesses are far more colorful there than here. I'm sorry you're going to have such drizzly weather. Our sun is finally out again and things feel much more cheerful.
    Happy Christmas Eve, Steve! I hope it is a sweet and cozy one.

    1. Maybe that's why I notice them. Maybe English people wouldn't raise an eyebrow at the Wow Launderette.

  7. I think the Launderette needs an exclamation mark ... Wow! Launderette!!

  8. Sorry to hear about your friend. Your winter temperatures are awesome. Like springtime here. Merry Christmas my friend, hugs, Edna B.

    1. I don't know -- I almost wish it were colder. It's just so dreary.

  9. People get used to bickering back and forth. I have acquaintances who state it like this: "Who ever lives longest wins." It shocked me to pieces the first time I heard it. They've been married for probably 40 years now. Merry Christmas to you and Dave.

    1. It becomes a method of communication for some people -- just the way they talk to each other. Which is kind of sad, really!

  10. Hoped you enjoyed your bakery treat! Merry Christmas to you and Dave, Steve!

    1. It was worth about what we paid for it. Merry Christmas, Ellen!

  11. Looks like The Christmas Bear to me, ha! Enjoy the holiday.

  12. Your weather looks a lot like ours. Maybe I'll feel better about it if I pretend I'm living in London.
    Sorry to hear about your friends and the crazy goof-up about the sympathy card.

  13. Merry Christmas to you, Dave, and Olga!!!

  14. That weather forecast reminds me of the winter weather I experienced growing up and living in Georgia until 1993. Rarely terribly cold, but with a bone chilling dampness. Stay warm and dry if you can!

    1. Yeah, that's exactly it -- just damp and chilly.

  15. Rain every day. I'd go crazy. Sorry about your friend. I haven't moved a single plant in so far as the coldest it's gotten here is 38˚ but only for a night or two and while the tropicals don't really like it, it doesn't damage them.

    1. Yeah, I think most everything is fine unless it dips below freezing. High 30s never seems to bother plants.

  16. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. He had a good handle on life when he recognized their bickering was not a game changer. Merry Christmas to you and Dave.

    1. I think it's just the way the two of them communicated.

  17. I think it's a snowbear and a happy one, at that!

    Will Santa come and see Olga tonight?

    1. I'm embarrassed to say that not only did I not get anything for Dave, I didn't get anything for Olga either. She'll get an outing with us today though, so she's happy. :)

  18. Wow! Maybe that was a questionable reaction to the launderette. Like, “Wow! You call that a launderette?!?” I hate when I run out of snow-in-a-can. Winter here, too. Raining and only 55. I’ve been to that bakery. SIX means TWO. It’s a shame you can’t keep up. Does the Salvation Army still refuse to help GLBTQ* people? I stopped dropping coins in their buckets years ago, as a result.

    1. I'm sure the Salvation Army still has issues with LGBTQ, being a faith-based organization. But I wouldn't mind giving them the coins just to get rid of them. I suppose they do a lot of good in other ways.

  19. Our weather forecast for this entire weekend is exactly the same as yours. Imagine that! It's raining right now. I love the happy snowbear!

    1. Wow -- I would not have expected that where you are!

  20. Merry Christmas, and enjoy your cut price dessert. So sorry about your friend. His widow will need you to argue with.

    1. Maybe she'll finally experience a period with no arguing, and find it calming!

  21. I'm about 95% sure I designed those washing machines in the launderette in your picture. I can't see the labels on the front from the picture angle but I'm pretty sure they were blue. Seems like a lifetime ago that I did that work.

    1. No kidding?! That's pretty cool! I wasn't close enough to see what brand they are!

  22. Merry Christmas to you, Dave, and Olga. Re the weather, could be worse, it is snowing hard here and we're going to get a mass of frigid Arctic air for the next week. Oh boy!!

    1. Yikes! Well, Merry Christmas to you too, in that winter wonderland!

  23. My in laws bicker all the time too.

    Merry Christmas Steve and Dave!

    1. Yeah, it's just how some people communicate, especially as they get older!

  24. I think, it is a happy bear! or a Snow Claus?

  25. It's definitely a snow bear. Now I can say I've seen a launderette that makes me say WOW. Merry Christmas to the three of you.


    1. It's good to be wowed, but I'm not sure the laundromat ultimately does it for me. LOL

  26. Hi Steve, Dave and my girl Olga. Just looking in to wish you three a Merry Christmas. I don't know if there is a walmart over there but if there is one they do have Christmas stockings filled with doggie toys for pets. Olga might think she is too old to play with toys. Milo and Queen still play with them and Babs is really too lazy but I bought each one a stocking and a blanket for Christmas.

    1. Cute! I'm sure they'll love their toys and treats. We don't have Wal Mart here, but I'm sure Olga will get an extra treat or two. :)

  27. It's sad to lose a long time spouse even it wasn't a perfect match. What relationship is? Our next week is going to be abnormally frigid. I don't look forward to it!

    1. Well, exactly! No one is anyone else's ideal match, are they? That person exists only in our minds!

  28. Merry Christmas to you, Dave and Olga.
    I hope all the Christmas lights will help to get you through your dreary weather.
    New raincoats for all.

    1. I can understand why Christmas lights are such a thing -- we've got to combat the gloom!
