Wednesday, March 10, 2021

I've Seen the Mess

This has to count among the stranger objects I've found on the Heath -- a framed picture sitting on a tree branch. It's a cheerful selfie of a shaggy-haired guy, with a couple of other people in the background, working at the counter of what appears to be a coffee shop.

On the back:

Several people all wrote the message, "I've seen the mess!" One added, "Happy Bad Hair Day."

Anyway, why it wound up abandoned on the Heath (or being taken there in the first place) is a mystery that will probably never be solved. Maybe this guy didn't appreciate people razzing him about his hair.

It's 45º F (7.2º C) out right now and rainy. In fact, rain chance today is 100 percent. The forecast looks like this for the next week. I went ahead and put all the plants back outside because the low temperatures never drop below 39º and I figure they can handle that. Frankly I'm just sick of them being inside. They're messy and they crowd the living room and I need some clean, empty space back again.

I was talking to a co-worker yesterday who also gardens, and she said she and her husband lost all the plants in their greenhouse during the hard freeze we had several weeks ago! So that's how cold it got.

I am so ready for spring.


  1. Down here spring is definitely in the air. Yesterday, sun shining, it was positively warm. Though, living a stone throw from the coast, every so often, on turning a corner, you may find yourself suddenly kissed by the wind chill factor.

    That framed photo's location intriguing. Considering it was left in a woodland area let's hope it wasn't a suicide note. I once came across a man hanging from a tree. I was about eighteen at the time, walking alone, with fields on my left and forest on the right. I ran back to the farm I was staying at, mobilized the male contingent. Alas, it turned out it had been a trick of the light down that clearing. Which was, obviously, good for the not dead man in question (or so I hope) though made me that evening's laughing stock among my friends. I am still convinced he was cut down and squirreled away during the five minutes it took me to summon help.

    Did you take the picture home? Iike the hair. But then I like any hair on men. I also, do not worry, have no fear, Steve, like no hair. Some head shapes lend themselves to being bald. Your mother will confirm this.


    1. There were no indications at the scene of any tragedy, and I did do a news search to make sure no deaths had been reported recently in that area.

      I did not take the picture home, but I think it's a good picture. I'm surprised it wound up abandoned!

    2. This flirting from an old woman is rather unsavoury.

  2. Such a strange thing to find "displayed" in a tree. Maybe someone in the photo (or signed on the back) will see your blog and solve the mystery... er, the mess... which we've now all seen.

  3. Losing plants in a greenhouse is noteworthy.
    There must be a big story behind the photo. Maybe someone who sees this post will know him.

    1. I couldn't believe they froze even in a greenhouse, although obviously it must not have been a heated greenhouse.

  4. And spring is waiting for you with her frolicking lambs, her chocolate Easter eggs and her leafy bowers. Can you hear her calling?

  5. Maybe the photo was dropped and someone found it and put it there in case the guy came back for it?

    1. That's what I suspect -- although why someone would be carrying a framed photo around on Hampstead Heath is a good question!

  6. Well, yet another mystery. Cute guy though.

    1. What was that line from old-time TV? "Just another story from the naked city" -- or something like that.

  7. It's apiece of living art!
    I would've written something on it.

    1. Maybe we're supposed to?! Maybe anonymous passers-by are the ones who have "seen the mess"?

  8. That really is a strange find! Sorry about your weather. Just keep thinking spring is on the way.

  9. curious about the picture. would be fun to know the story. I don't mind having the plants in the house in the winter but they like it much better outside.

  10. That is an interesting framed photo to find there. Mmm?
    Your weather is a lot like ours here. Gray and rainy in what seems like a forever forecast.

  11. You like mysteries! I wonder if someone had a purpose to leave the photo there!

  12. He is a nice looking guy - I hope he's ok!

    Today I wore my coat to work (it was in the 30s), but as soon as I got here I took it off & left it in the car. Woo hoo!

  13. Your first photo, of the photo amidst the greensward, is a winner and a bit of a conundrum in itself. I like the main character and thought I recognized a guy in the background. And originally I thought it was a mirror. So you confused me but made me think. Thank you. And spring, blessed spring, please come soon.

  14. How odd. It made me think of the Miranda July movie "Me And You And Everyone We Know."


  15. Now we all want to solve the mystery of the photo. You do find the oddest things. I am always watching the ground so I don't trip over something so I probably miss all sorts of interesting things when I am out for a walk. Thank goodness you keep me supplied with curiosities!

  16. What mess where? I don't see any mess?

  17. He is a cute guy and the photo seems very personal to toss away.

  18. The first thing I thought is of a separation. Death? And he was placed in a setting he loved in life? Or an ex who just couldn't bear to look at his picture, took a long solitary walk, saying good bye, and then placing the picture there and walking back to a house full of memories.
