Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Life Goes On

Olga and I came across this mural in Hampstead while walking home on Sunday. In case you can't read the quote, here it is in full:

A bit on the trite side, for my taste, but I appreciate the positivity. I tried to "Google up" (as we say in the South) the source of this quote, but it seems like an anonymous bit of inspiration that's been drifting around as an Internet meme for years. Someone attributed it to Patrick Henry, but I can't imagine him saying this and then exclaiming, "Give me liberty, or give me death!"

Apparently it was originally part of a Valentine's Day mural, according to this incredibly long, ridiculous article about someone I've never heard of.

Yesterday was wildly busy at work, with all of our rugrats (did I say that out loud?) returning to school for the first time since December and bringing loads of books with them. I checked in 281 books yesterday, which is an insane amount. But I'm glad -- the more that come back now, the less I'll have to chase down later! And those were just the returns -- of course the kids are checking out new stuff too. More of the same today, no doubt.

I tried to look up some information about the sculpture I posted yesterday -- the one featuring the wood blocks in the dead tree. Apparently, like the quote above, its source is unknown, but it's been around since at least December 2019. I'm surprised I didn't notice it before now.


  1. Trite indeed, Steve. "Life goes on". Really? Try and impart that piece of wisdom on the dead. As to "always forgive never forget". That's pretty shit advice. It's probably better to forget - that way you won't need to forgive and everyone is off the hook.

    "Smile when you are sad"? Obviously, don't let it all hang out but, for heaven's sake, leave someone momentarily sad be momentarily sad. And anyone who doesn't have regrets is in denial. A bit of authenticity rather than sugar coating the unpalatable goes a long way.

    Admit it: You enjoy being back in the hustle and bustle of school life,

    1. I do enjoy it, actually. And yes, I think "smile when you are sad" is terrible advice. If you're sad, be sad. Experience the sadness, and know it will pass.

  2. Let's hope that no rugrat parents nor rugrats themselves stumble across this blogpost.

    As for the philosophical advice on the front of that house, I may now make up a few lines to go on the front of our house but they will have a very different, more earthy character.

    1. I'm not too worried! And that poem -- or whatever it is -- could use some earthiness, it seems to me.

  3. I'm sure rugrats was only used in private staff conversations. I am amazed at the numbers of books you mention and it pleases me that book reading is so alive and well.

  4. My 6 yr old GS's elementary school has just started hybrid classes (one week in with half the class/next week online while the other half comes in). Unlike your school, they aren't allowing the children to take out any library books which is really upsetting my GS. Nor is the beloved regular librarian there as she is immune-compromised. Let just say her replacement should have gone into another line of work.

    1. Oh, that's sad! Even public libraries here have been allowing people to check things out, using a click-and-collect system. We just quarantine the materials for 5 days upon their return, to give any virus a chance to die.

  5. you've posted that building before I think. so what is Livingstone Studio?

    1. Textile design, apparently!


      I have posted it before. They always have interesting decorations on the stairs out front.

  6. It's good advice, but I am picturing cartoons birds and forest creatures singing it to me as they dress me in a gown for the ball.
    I just got done taking a Disney quiz so that's where my head is at!

  7. That saying reminds me of a song - I shall have to google it up to see...Oh yeah - Monty Python's Bright Side of Life. Ha!

  8. Nice quote, yes a bit trite, but with an attempt at heartfelt depth.
    Glad to hear the rugrats are back at school. It will be so wonderful when life actually goes back to some kind of normal.

  9. How nice to be back in the library with checking in and checking out going on! I loved doing that when I worked in the library and pulling holds or shelving books! I do miss my library work. Hope all stay safe and the students can stay in school.

    1. I love all that stuff too -- the organizing, the processing of all the materials. I think you have to enjoy that part of the job or it would be really hard!

  10. I see interesting things but never try to look up info on them. I will now try to investigate things.

    1. It's surprising how many questions can be answered online. No more fruitless wondering about things!

  11. I like the mural. That's how life is. I'm glad the kids are back to school. Hopefully, all will go well (virus wise). Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

    1. So far, so good, but of course it's only been two days!

  12. Words of inspiration for the day! Thanks! I bet the kids are glad to be back. I know they are itching to get back here.

    1. They are glad to be back, no doubt. And I am too.

  13. Wow, lots of books returned! That's a good thing, but you must have been exhausted. One of my close friends is a librarian although not this year due to Covid. Hopefully she'll be back to the library next year.

    1. I was tired! I couldn't believe how much stuff we got back all on the first day. Usually I have to nag people a while. (Of course, who knows how much is still out -- I haven't run that report yet! I want to give people a week before I start haranguing them.)

  14. That saying may be part of a song someone copied...

    1. I Googled it and it only came up as a common Internet meme. No one credits an author or a song or any other larger work. So who knows.

  15. Hallmark wall, Like something we might have seen scrawled across a wall in a girl's bedroom in the 90's. Icky. That many books in a day! Your head must be spinning, exhausting.

    1. Ha! Yeah, I find it sort of pointlessly bland.

  16. As Linda Sue says, Hallmark. It belongs in a card. I prefer obladi, oblada, life goes on, brah. La la how that life goes on. Sure, it's sappy, but I can sing along to it. It's great that the rugrats are readers. That's encouraging.


  17. Whatever Livingstone Studios does, I don't want any part of it.
    Enjoy your little rugrats!
