Friday, August 30, 2024

A Message on the Mat

Here's Olga, surveying our new doormat. I've wanted one of these mats ever since I saw one more than ten years ago during a tour of Trellick Tower. It lived in my memory and when our own doormat finally died I seized the opportunity to search one out on Amazon. I imagine religious proselytizers, leaflet distributors and the Russians will not be deterred.

When it was delivered yesterday, I wasn't home yet and got a text on my phone. At first I thought, "I have to get home before someone steals this package!" But then I figured, it's a doormat. It's going to live on the front steps anyway. So I took my time.

I open and clean out my e-mail every day, and I was amazed this morning to find 61 e-mails waiting for me, delivered within the last 24 hours. All but six of them were spam. I am getting deluged with requests for money from the Democratic party -- like, literally, eight or ten every day. I'm all for the Democrats but that seems excessive. Cool it, Kamala!


  1. You should be more appreciative that Kamala sits down to send you about fifty emails every day. It's a wonder you didn't order the mat with also in smaller text, translated Russian.

  2. That new doormat is not very welcoming is it? Clearly, The Democrats have heard about your vast personal wealth which allows you to spend money frivolously on novelty doormats, vintage colour slides, all manner of books, anti-slug plant stands, your stunning personal wardrobe and day trips to Dublin. Surely you can spare a dollar or two!

  3. I love that doormat. I’d be tempted to buy one, too.

  4. Hi steve, I've been absent for a bit but hope to get back to posting soon. I love this door mat being a bit of a solitary person it would suit me. lol

  5. I love the doormat! I've been getting emails from the Democrats too. Sometimes as many as 10 a day.

  6. I love Olga's face as she stands over the doormat!

  7. Fund raising at its peak right now. Florida can flip but needs $$ for its ground game. I'm told by organizers they're buying identifying t-shirts and equipment for their door knocking youth groups, to protect them from old people thinking they're dangerous teens rather than civic govt workers.

  8. I am fortunate that where I live, package pirates aren't a thing... yet. I've had packages sit out an entire week while I was on vacation and still be there when I got back. I would hate having to tailor my life around package pirates.

    You need to get a gmail email account. It's spam filter works so well, I'm not sure when the last time I had a spam email in my inbox or conversely, a legitimate email in my spam box. I get maybe five or six emails a day and all are self inflicted ones.

  9. The only people to see our doormat these days are Amazon delivery drivers. They'd probably get a kick out of it. Ha!

    I follow a guy who helped create a platform for donating that doesn't send spam emails or texts. They also pick races to contribute to that could actually USE the funds - where they would make a difference. You can pick the issues you care about & contribute to people who just need this extra boost to help win. It's pretty cool.

  10. If you donate once you will always and forever be on the list and it's really a bad strategy because they just end up pissing you off. Or, me at least.
    Now all you need is a small plaque affixed to the door frame that says "Beware of Dog!" because obviously, Olga is not having any funny business.

  11. Did that doormat come in a giant box? Sometimes when I order something online, I am amazed at the size of the box it is packed in when the item is not that large at all.
    My gmail account puts spam in a spam folder so I only see it when I go to empty it. Can't you do that with the emails you don't want?

  12. I love the photo of Olga standing by the mat. Can you unsubscribe to the emails?

  13. Olga's look matches the new doormat.

    I can't remember the last time we had a proselytizer show up. Then again, our dogs running loose have always been a good deterrent.

  14. Most door mats say, "welcome" and your new mat delivers a "not welcome" message.
    It makes me laugh. People that know you will laugh and those that do not will get the message. I agree the KH campaign needs to back off on the fundraising.

  15. Oh my gosh, I'm the same way. I get at least 3 to 4 texts a day and lots and lots of emails asking for money. The problem is they come from a variety of organizations so it's hard to determine what is a real campaign request and what might be a scam. When I contributed, I went to a website that I found on my own.
    I LOVE the new door mat. It's perfect.

  16. I donated and now I get a zillion emails and texts to give more! I'm a retired teacher--how much money do they think I have? I need a new doormat. Mine is worn out.

  17. It's 9:40am here, and I have ten spams already from the Democrats. I've given up on daily inbox maintenance. Periodically I sort by unread email and do a mass delete. It's a pain, and I do with they would stop. Also stop with the text messages, Jim and I both get multiples daily. The door mat is perfect.

  18. I love your new doormat!! Fits my personality well.

  19. It's not just Kamala's campaign bugging us for money, but every state with a Democrat running for reelection! I get mostly text messages and you can block & delete those, however, they use different phone numbers to get through and so, more texts! So, more block & delete!
    I have no use for such a door mat, but I love it!

  20. Olga looks like she'd be willing to enforce the exclamation point on that message! 😄

  21. It's not just Kamala, it's everyone running on the blue ticket in every corner of the country. Too much! I understand the red ticket supporters are getting deluged as well.

  22. oh, and that comment from "rara" is from me, 37paddington. I'm on a different laptop. Also, that's a cool doormat!

  23. I hear you on the text. The spam filter is catching most of them but it's plenty! LOVE that door mat!

  24. Love the mat and Olga's challenging stare - they go together so well :D

    Years ago I signed up for a conference call that originated in the US. Ever since then, I've gotten fundraising emails with every election. I guess my contact info must have been presumed to be originating there, not from Canada. I wish I COULD vote in American elections, especially the current one and the two before that; alas, I can't. I can't even actually donate money, at least I don't think I can. As soon as Biden stepped back from the nominee position and Harris stepped in, I started getting a dozen emails a day. I notice they tapered off after a few days, though. Maybe they have someone fine-tuning the lists!
