Saturday, August 24, 2024

Reason to Celebrate

Well, I managed not to spill my coffee this morning (yet), so perhaps that's a sign that the weekend is off to a good start. Dave is still not feeling great but so far I have escaped his plague. Fingers crossed!

This has been a bear of a week. Getting ready for a new school year is always intense, with lots of meetings, required training updates, and getting everything organized, but this year has seemed busier than usual. I guess I really got into the not-working habit this summer. I woke up yesterday morning and thought, "I have to go to work AGAIN?!"

Fortunately the garden is taking care of itself today -- we're getting some rain as I write -- and I'm pretty well caught up on household chores. So I think today will be fairly leisurely and hopefully I can get back to reading. (I am so behind in blogland!) By the way, I did pick up those two books I mentioned yesterday from the free library in the psychedelic medicine cabinet. So now my reading stack is even taller!

I found someone's little Pride flag earring on the sidewalk while walking home last night. At first I was going to keep it, but then I thought they might come looking for it, so I set it on a low wall next to the sidewalk. If it's still there on Monday I'll bring it home to add to my bowls of curiosities.

Oh -- we got a new toilet yesterday. Reason to celebrate, right? Woo hoo! Our old one had a persistent leak that the plumbers just could not fix. We had to keep plastic containers on the floor behind the bowl to catch dripping water from the tank. I could have lived with it, but let's be honest -- for the rent we're paying we shouldn't have to keep plastic containers on the floor. Long story short, the landlords agreed, and the installation went well. So far, no water. Fingers crossed again!


  1. Last night I wondered to myself, I wonder if Steve found the books on the way back from work, sometimes it's interesting how thoughts wander to blogland at all kinds of hours of the day. I'm glad to know that the books were waiting for you.

    1. Funny that those books crossed your mind! Yes, they are safe on my shelf now. :)

  2. Hooray for a new toilet! My reading stack reduced by three books, short ones so I zipped through them in a week, then I received four new ones as birthday gifts :)

  3. The toilet may not have been leaking. It could just have been excessive splashing from the daily bombardment performed by two grown men. My theory will be proven or disproven in the coming days.

    1. Says the man who, when the doctor wants a urine sample, they wring out the toilet mat.

    2. Ha! Well, so far, so good. Part of being a grown man is knowing how to minimize the splashing.

  4. It's funny the things we tell ourselves we can live with; I do that myself, too.
    That little Pride earring is cute and would make a great addition to the Curiosity Bowls.

    1. Yeah, I don't mind a little imperfection but I think this probably would have been going too far.

  5. I’d sanitize that Pride earring, and wear it. My NYC cynicism would tell me if someone DOES pick it up off the wall, it won’t be the rightful owner. Yay to the new toilet. We don’t ask for much here and mostly do things on our own because our rent is absurdly low for the current market (easily less than half). Congrats on not spilling coffee. I spilled pizza oil down the front of my clean shirt yesterday, but it was late in the day.

    1. That's entirely possible, but if someone else wants it that's OK too. I don't think I could l wear it even if I wanted to. I think the holes in my ear are long closed up!

  6. I know London rents are quite expensive, and you live in an expensive area, and you home is a decent size. The mind boggles at what you may pay.

    YP clearly does not know about the care gay men take when using a toilet, unless they are pissed.

    1. I think we have a pretty good deal, all things considered. For London it's reasonable but anywhere else in the world it would probably seem insane.

  7. Usually when you lose an earring you don't know where to search. I'd bring it home.

    1. Yeah, and it's so small they're probably unlikely to notice it in passing.

  8. Regardless of what you pay in rent, you shouldn't have to deal with any leaking or dripping thing!
    Well, Steve, when you start a day like that: "WORK again!" You might be getting close to retirement!
    Enjoy your weekend! Dave ... Feel better!!

    1. The subject of retirement does indeed crop up in our conversations sometimes!

  9. "Work again?" made me think of a story Lis told me about when they opened a restaurant in St. Augustine a long time ago. They worked so hard for the opening, put so much love and energy into it and it was great and everyone came to eat and it was exhausting and as they were shutting it all down for the night, they realized that they had to get up and do it all again the next morning and were more than a bit shaken.
    A new toilet is pretty cool, actually. At least you know it's very clean.

    1. I can't imagine running a restaurant. That is a LOT of work.

  10. Hope you enjoy your weekend and can rest up a bit before your week of work begins. Hope Dave feels better soon, too.

  11. I imagine getting summer break would make it hard to transition into going to work every day. no one is going to come looking for that earring. by the time whoever lost it realized it was gone they would have no idea where it was lost.

    1. Yeah, you're probably right. Maybe someone else will find it who wants it.

  12. Getting back to the work routine is a transition and hopefully in time it will seem the norm again. I guess the books were waiting for you. Your landlord is pretty responsive and getting a new toilet and not just some sort of repair is really good. Hopefully Dave is feeling better and you will escape the lurgy.

    1. The landlord is somewhat responsive. Sometimes it takes them a while, but they usually get around to fixing whatever is needed.

  13. It takes a while for the routine to set in when we start back to school. We aren't used to being so busy.

    1. Exactly! It seems like a lot of work all of a sudden!

  14. Good news on you surviving (so far) the plague. And three cheers for a new toilet. I didn't know that was a pride flag -- it's very pretty. I hear you on getting back to work. Even though I've been retired from "real work" for a while, I still get that feeling every September.

    1. Yes, the Pride flag keeps evolving, and that's the latest (I think?) incarnation.

  15. My sister in law got a new toilet that came with a remote control. It cleans your bum and then dries it, and the toilet seat is heated. Did you get such a fancy one?

    1. Ha! No, ours is not nearly that fancy. I think I want to be responsible for my own bum.

  16. Well, no. When paying rent, you shouldn't have to deal with an ongoing leak. I'm glad you got a new toilet!

    I wouldn't have recognized that earring as a pride flag. I doubt they come looking for it.

  17. I love that pride earring! I've often thought about getting one more ear piercing so I can wear orphan earrings.

    1. I used to have two piercings in my left ear but I haven't worn an earring in decades, so I'm sure they're closed up by now.

  18. I loved getting new toilets when I remodeled my bathrooms! Now I enjoy buying new toilet seats for them every couple of years. Exciting stuff! :) It is SO painful to transition from summer routine into school; I had 37 years of it and it never got easier.

    1. It's funny how a new toilet can be exciting! Ours really WAS very old and needed to be replaced.

  19. I love that earring, it's so cheery as well as making a statement. I think what you did was fair - gives the owner a fighting chance to find it, after all :) But then, yep, into the bowl! (Not the toilet bowl, that is a different discussion - good to have the new one in and working, ha) I keep looking for an appropriate funky bowl to put my accumulated stones and shells in, ever since your post on your bowls. It makes a good reason to visit the second-hand shop, as if I need another reason, but still :)

    1. The world is full of great funky bowls looking for a home and a purpose. :)

  20. Unfortunately, Covid is once again rampant around where I live and many of the people I know, have come down with it in the last few weeks. Fortunately it mostly presents as a fever and feeling lousy for a day or two and then goes away. Hopefully that isn't what is happening across "the pond."

    1. It's definitely still going around, but yeah, seems milder overall than it did at the outset of the pandemic.

  21. (In the middle of the night, you awake to hear . . . drip, drip, drip.)

  22. Happy new toilet! We had one re-installed awhile back, the wax ring failed. I'm so glad there are people who know how to do that and are physically able to lift a toilet. Back to work has to be such a bummer after summer off.

    1. Yeah, there's reasonable do-it-yourself work, but some jobs need a professional!

  23. I love your excitement over the new toilet! Do you and Dave skip to the loo?
