Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Adventures in Canine Dentistry

Yesterday had a lot of moving parts. I had to drop off the dog for her surgery, drop off my last batch of slides for scanning, get my glasses fixed, arrange a delivery of gardening compost and, oh yeah, go to work and make a living. We had our all-school meeting opening the school year and we're trying to get the library displays set up so there's something on our shelves when the kids show up next week. Lots going on!

I'm sure you're wondering how Olga is doing. Her dental surgery went well. On the way to the vet to pick her up last night, Dave asked, "How many teeth do you think the vet removed?"

"Oh, I think probably just the one -- the incisor," I said.

But we had given the vet license to remove more if she felt it was needed, and sure enough, she surprised us by saying she'd removed EIGHT! I was alarmed that Olga might have trouble chewing or would be unable to continue eating Dentastix, her favorite treats. But the vet said no, she'll be fine as soon as she heals. The vet got out a model of a dog's mouth and showed me the teeth she took out, and aside from the big incisor they were mostly small incidental nubs. Olga still has most of her chewing teeth on the sides and some grabbing teeth in the front. (Dogs have a lot of teeth, it turns out.)

Here she is after we brought her home yesterday evening:

She was still a little stoned from the anaesthesia, I think. Believe it or not, she was very happy and quite animated when we picked her up, but the moment she got home she lowered her defenses and went to sleep. And she's still pretty much sleeping.

Here she is right next to me as I write.

I think we're going to cancel her walk today. Dave may come home and take her out at midday.

Otherwise, I got that compost delivered and I repotted the lawyer's plant (above) as well as our yellow lily. A couple of hogweed seedlings grew in the lily pot and I didn't want to leave them to take over, so I've separated them and if they survive I'll plant them out in the garden next spring. (Again, this is not invasive giant hogweed -- this is the native variety.)

And now, off to work again!

(Top photo: A rose petal and blooming teasels in the garden.)


  1. I think vets might use an anaesthetic that keep the pet sleepy for a while after, even once home. It makes sense. I expect there would be some pain for animals after teeth removal. Whatever, Olga is ok.

    1. Yeah, I'm sure she'll be hurting for a few days but we have anti-inflammatory and anti-pain meds for her.

  2. Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it's off to work Steve goes
    He keeps on singing all day long "Heigh-ho, heigh-ho!"

    Olga has always seemed very resilient so I expect she'll bounce back from the dental surgery pretty quickly. Her mouth must be sore right now.

    1. Or "hi-ho," as I think we spell it in America. :)

  3. Olga is a trooper and I’m sure she’ll be so much happier today without the old tooth pain. I’m amazed by how quickly pets recover from tooth extraction. The photos of her are adorable. Please come to my house repot the plants I’ve been delaying for months (years). What’s this about making a living?

    1. I always feel better when I've repotted a plant. It gives them such a new lease on life.

  4. Oh, sweet Olga! I'm glad you got her tooth issue taken care of. It's good to know she can still have her favorite treats, too.

    1. Yeah, the treat thing was a big relief! I don't know how we'd wean her from Dentastix!

  5. Olga looks less happy today but it's great news that she came through okay and can still enjoy her treats!

    1. Yeah, she's a bit mopey but she's coming along.

  6. By the time my dog made it to old age, he had lost enough teeth on his own that sticks rattled around as he carried them in his back jaw. He could still work a rawhide treat though by working it this way and that with his paws and jaws.

    1. That's what the vet said -- dogs will find a way to chew even without teeth!

  7. I'm glad that Olga is fine. She looks so sweet, sleeping off the anesthesia.

    1. She sleeps so heavily now, partly because she can't hear very well!

  8. Sweet photo of Olga sleeping in the blankets and quilts. She looks so loved!
    Hope she feels better and heals quickly!

  9. Even post surgery, Olga looks regal.

  10. Olga sleeping with her IV bandage just gives me all the feels. Daw....

    1. Yeah, I took that bandage off this morning. Now she's back to bare skin. (Fur?)

  11. Olga not smiling in the first photo! Olga snoring in the second picture! LOL Bless her heart ... She is such a sweet girl!
    Back to work ... so glad I am past that necessity ... I turn 81 tomorrow! Can't wrap my brain 🧠 around that one either!
    Were you able to watch any of the DNC last night? People are fired up for Kamala! So am I!

    1. Happy birthday! I read about the DNC but didn't watch any of it. I'm so glad people are enthusiastic, though!

    2. Thanks, Steve! I'm so glad I will get to vote for and see our first female President!

  12. busy day yesterday. Olga does look a little loopy.

    1. Yeah, you can see it in her eyes. It's like they're spinning. :)

  13. I absolutely love those photos of Olga, especially the one where she's sleeping. Dogs are the best and I am glad that she can get her dental chews. They are Shirley's favorite too!

  14. Happy birthday, Marcia! Olga looks just fine. Surgery is tiring.

  15. Olga looks so serene in that middle photo and completely zonked in the next photo. I'm glad the dental work went well.
    Great opening to the DNC last night. I hadn't planned on watching it but ended up watching it all. I'm feeling cautiously optimistic. It's a good feeling.

    1. Certainly a nice change of pace compared to what we've BEEN feeling.

  16. Olga should feel much better in a day or two of healing. She looks relaxed and happy to be home. Your garden will thrive with all the new compost you are adding. I've got a mix of compost and topsoil coming next week. We'll be busy.

    1. We need to get some mulch, too, but I'm making that a separate order!

  17. Olga looks so different when she's not smiling. That's great that she's doing so well and still has plenty of teeth! My daughter's cat has had to have teeth cleanings (Maine Coons have BAD teeth) and always comes back home staggering like he's had a few drinks.

    1. I'm sure they have to sedate the heck out of a cat to clean its teeth! I can't even imagine.

  18. Now there's a dog with an anesthesia hangover, poor baby. Good news on the outcome though.

    1. She definitely had a hangover! She's better now, though.

  19. Yes, Olga appears to have weathered her experience with the Ogre (er, vet) with aplomb. A long nap makes anything better.

    1. She actually likes going to the vet because she gets treats there. Maybe that enthusiasm will change now!

  20. I'm so glad to know everything went okay for Olga. She does look a bit stoned in that first shot! I bet she'll heal quickly. Sweet girlie.

  21. Some maintain that animals don't have facial expressions. Wrong. Those pictures say it all.

  22. That's such a heartwarming picture of Olga tucked in, sleeping off the anesthesia effects :)

    One of my cats had 14 teeth removed last year. I didn't know cats even HAVE 14 teeth - turns out they have 30! I was given a map of her mouth and where the extractions were made. I suspect dogs' mouths are similar - some big teeth, some medium ones, and a number of wee ones.

    Wishing Olga a quick recovery.

    1. Yes, exactly -- some of the teeth are almost vestigial. So taking them out has little or no effect.

  23. Some days et very busy but that's the way it is. Have a great school year.

  24. Give Olga a kiss from me. She looks so sweet and sad.


    1. She's thinking, "WHY did you do this to me?" But that's because she can't remember how bad her teeth felt before!

  25. Poor Olga looks zonked. I'm zonked after the dentist -- and it's usually just a cleaning. Glad she is back home.

    1. Yeah, she was zonked but she's bouncing back rapidly!

  26. A week from now Olga will be back to normal.
