Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Sliding Into Politics

Yesterday was pretty low-key -- drizzly and gray. I walked my newly purchased slides down to the photo shop in St. John's Wood to have them scanned, and I would have walked back, but the weather was so grim by then that I decided to take the tube. I got half a dose of exercise, anyway.

These "rescued" slides are a bit different from the ones I've purchased in the past because I know the photographer's identity. Some of the slides had her name on them, and I found a web page about her, so when I put them on Flickr I'll include that information. I've seen others who rescue old photos do the same thing -- post them as the "John Smith Collection" or something like that (obviously using the photographer's name). I'm a little nervous about someone who knew her finding them and getting annoyed, but then, they didn't save the pictures and I want to give her credit. (Her mother's diaries wound up on TikTok!) She died in September 2022, and apparently she left no immediate survivors, so maybe there's no one left to complain. In any case, I think identifying her respects her photography so that's my plan.

Needless to say, given the weather, I did not take the two pictures accompanying this post yesterday. I just thought they went together well, sharing the "fly" theme. (And these flies weren't attracted by substandard poetry!)

This little hoverfly kept perching on my book as I sat on the garden bench on Monday, reading. It's nice to have company.

I also had about a billion starlings in the trees behind me. They made such a racket I couldn't resist recording them:

It was hard to concentrate!

Did you hear about Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the bear? It is just about the weirdest story I've ever heard about a presidential candidate, and that's saying something. That guy is just not right in the head. He makes a big deal about his sobriety but that doesn't sound like something a sober person would do.

And how do we feel about Tim Walz? I think he's a promising choice and seeing him and Harris together at their rally yesterday was uplifting. Even when they're critical of the opposition, there's a positivity about these two that I think the country and the world need right now. And I love this new emphasis on how "weird" the Republican ticket is -- how out-of-step with most voters, how theocratic.

JD Vance is on a roll about the need for Americans to procreate. This despite the fact that the planet is groaning beneath the weight of its burgeoning population. The idea that there aren't enough babies is only a problem if you're obsessed with race or nationhood. The fact is, Earth has plenty of babies. They are not evenly distributed and they aren't privileged to share the same resources, but we've got plenty of people. Let's talk about how to fairly feed and house and clothe everyone who's already here -- and how to simultaneously preserve our wilderness, the animals, the rainforests, the insects, instead of packing more people onto this globe.

Wow! I am in a political mood today.

Last night I watched "Firebird," a movie that came out a few years ago about the relationship between a gay officer and private in the Russian army during the Cold War -- as The Guardian called it, "Brokeback in the USSR." It was a bit obvious, but overall very effective and watchable, especially with its handsome lead actors. I enjoyed it. This may be the first time I've ever watched an Estonian movie.


  1. You have found a valuable has the person who made the webpage for her family tree.
    It isn't the weather to go for a bike ride or walk just to enjoy, is it ?!

  2. My first impressions of Tim Walz are very positive. I think Kamala Harris has chosen wisely. He says that Trump is "weird" and that notion has caught on. Anyone who sprays himself orange and sports an orange beret to hide his baldness really must be weird when you stop to think about it. In contrast, Tim Walz appears to represent the true heartland of America - fair-minded, hard-working, intelligent but down to earth too.

  3. He was an interesting choice by the Democratic Party, no doubt advised by Harris? He seems to be a good bloke and a good choice.
    The TikTok was well done.
    Oh yes, populate or perish. I've heard it all before. One of each sex and one for the country.
    Firebird looks interesting and I am following it up.

  4. I didn't know much about Walz but I like the choice; I think he and Harris pair well.
    As for RFK Jr. he is utterly insane, I think. Why a grown man would drag a dead animal into Central Park and stage an accident "because it was funny" speaks volumes about his character and his decision making process.

  5. Your comments about disposing of slides and the intent of the owner reminds me of an incident that happened maybe ten years ago. I was driving a load of remodeling debris to our county dump and backed up to the spot where I was going to unload it. Near the rear hatch of my minivan, were dozens of polaroids blowing in the wind so I casually picked one up. I was shocked to find a young teenage girl with no clothes on in a very compromising position. I'm guessing she was disposing them now that she was older but hadn't really thought about them being exposed for others to see. I tossed my stuff on top of them to hopefully bury them but I still get visions of some future archeologist digging them up.

    I'm pretty much in agreement with all your political comments today. I still would like to hear the platform for Harris/Waltz instead of just the rally cries that get shown on the evening news. I want meat and potatoes instead of marshmallow fluff!

  6. I'm all in for Walz, though I knew nothing about him prior to this. Boy, that rally was exciting and enervating. I think they'll be a good team -- and the optimism is refreshing! As for the slides/journals -- if you don't want to see your stuff online after you die (OK, that didn't make sense!), destroy it while you have the chance. But yes, credit if available is always good.

  7. I am very pleased with the Harris/Walz ticket. The first confidence and hope I’ve felt in a very long time. WHEN they win, however, I think there are going to be nightmare problems from Dumpf supporters around the country. I love that you saved the photographer’s work and will share it. No one has a right to complain about what you purchased legitimately. Well, it’s their right, but they don’t have a leg to stand on. Have you seen or read the interview with J.D. Vance’s wife in defense of what he’s said. Talk about digging the hole deeper! It’s so frustrating that RFK Jr. can get away with the disposal of that bear. What a nut case. Then again, that worm did eat part of his brain. I’ll bet it was a tequila worm!

  8. Amen to your JD Vance "rant" - I totally agree! If you'd like to spend some time "joyscrolling" check out the hashtag #bigdadenergy (I do this on Threads, but I imagine X has the same stuff). It's hilarious. Here's an example, from Heather Cox Richardson's post from last night: Sal Gentile summed up Walz’s progressive politics and community vibe when he wrote on social media: “Tim Walz will expand free school lunches, raise the minimum wage, make it easier to unionize, fix your [carburetor], replace the old wiring in your basement, spray that wasp’s nest under the deck, install a new spring for your garage door and put a new chain on your lawnmower.”

  9. I am hoping for a big Blue victory in November. It would be great if we didn't have to hear about the former president (I hate to mention his name) ever again!

  10. I think Walz is a good choice, a better choice than Shapiro would have been. and I agree with you on Vance's more babies stance. we don't need more babies when we won't take care of the ones already here. and yeah the planet is groaning with human overpopulation.

  11. I looked up "Firebird", a couple of yummy looking guys indeed:)
    I like Walz too, we watched him last night on CNN. I like the two of them together and it's so nice to see politicians who are not insane. Were the Rebpublicans always so weird or is that something new in the last fifty years? Fuck I'm old.

  12. I forgot to comment on Kennedy and the dead bear cub, messed up, just plain weird.

  13. I also like the Harris/Walz ticket. Something is very off with Kennedy. Trump and Vance speeches are taking them on a road of full self-implosion. Weird is spot on and we all see it.

  14. My biggest question is how Cheryl Hines manages to stay married to Kennedy. She seems like a normal person. Her role as Larry David's wife on "Curb Your Enthusiasm" now appears to have been informed in life by being married to a crazy guy.
    Those starlings are definitely raising a racket.
    JD Vance is a real piece of work, as people used to say. What a jerk. On the other hand, I think that America is quickly falling in love with Tim Walz. At least those of us with a grain of sense in our heads.

  15. I have been watching everything on MSNBC, so I am getting a better idea of who Walz is and, I do think he is a great choice! I look forward to what they can accomplish together!
    Stump, Vance, RFK ... all insanely weird!

  16. I've never seen an Estonian movie, but I did just read a good essay on democracy written by the Prime Minister of Estonia (a woman!)!

  17. When I was younger, Republicans weren't weird at all. (at least here in Washington) They were into fiscal responsibility and I didn't always agree with their non-progressive stances but they weren't racist and would have been shocked and appalled by much of what is going on now with the GOP. In fact, I voted for some of them which would NEVER happen now. Kennedy is a definite whack job. I still worry he could pull votes away from Harris-Walz.

  18. I for one will never understand why people thought RFK Jr would pull votes from Biden/Harris and now Harris/Walz. That guy is a total whack job, the more you know about him the worse it gets, from eating a dog to the bear story. If he is going to pull votes they will come from Trump. Why he continues to bury himself is a complete mystery.

  19. For the first time in a very long time I have hope for a Democrat win. I'm glad to see them punching back at a bully party that seems to know no boundaries of propriety. Turning the other cheek doesn't work after a certain point. And of course I agree a thousand percent with your sentiments on overpopulation. Very well stated.

  20. I like the caption Sliding into politics. It's pretty interesting now when the lead mistaken by the other side. You have to be careful what you say about the other side. One guy can't shut up.

  21. I agree the world already has plenty of babies, but I also agree with IVF allowing parents to have desperately wanted children.
    I like what I've heard about Tim Walz and am hopeful of a big blue win for the November election.

  22. You are so right about the whole push for more babies. I've been thinking exactly the same thing. It is all about identity. There is a strange faction on the right that is obsessed with racial identity and the fear that the white race is declining. It's one of the many, many things about the right that I don't get.
    I'm liking what I see in Tim Walz. I am certainly more hopeful than I was 4 weeks ago.

  23. Your day is like it was a mix of productivity and thoughtful reflection. Scanning and preserving slides while also giving credit to the photographer is such a meaningful project.
    The hoverfly and starlings sound like delightful garden companions, despite their noisy antics. I enjoyed your observations on the political landscape too—such a wide range of perspectives to consider!

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