Saturday, October 7, 2017


I hope I didn't already blog these pictures. Sometimes it can be hard to remember! This is Queen's Gate Place Mews, in Kensington. I like the ornate gate over the street, which includes little monster faces hidden in the ornate vegetation around the medallion at the top:

I don't know about you, but I have found this to be a very trying week. The news was about as depressing as possible, and the resulting Facebook conversations were taxing. Monsters in the foliage, indeed.

I've also had lots of little niggling chores to handle, from scheduling (and then cancelling, as I plan to) the installation of our energy smart meters to planning our Thanksgiving break (Cambridge, we think).

The good news is, I did get Olga's GoPro camera working (woo hoo!) and I even made a video yesterday, of her running around the back garden. But Dave doesn't want me to post it because he was standing in the background in his pajamas. So I'll make another one today, when we're all properly clothed!


  1. What's wrong with Dave's pyjamas (not pajamas)? I expect it's the design he's embarrassed about as I'm guessing he favours a Bart Simpson print... or perhaps Deputy Dawg. Looking forward to watching "Olga on the Heath". "Olga and the Cat", "Olga and Tyson the Rabid Rottweiler" etc..

  2. That's some creepy stonework, Steve. But yes, a quite pat metaphor for so much of life.
    How does Olga's GoPro attach? I can't wait to see the world from Olga's perspective.

  3. those are so cool. was the gate there first or did it get built between the two buildings? it's been a miserable week in a miserable year. and now Trump is promising something which can't be good. I can't even read the news anymore.

  4. It has been an incredibly depressing week. I do think Olga's GoPro would be an uplifting balance to all of that, even with Dave in his PJs. Cool photos.

  5. This is one of the mews that I missed on my "mews walk" last year when I was there. I love that gate and I would not have noticed the faces without your help.
    Yes, I agree this week has been very trying in the news. Down right depressing I'd say. However, my weekend so far has been quite pleasant. I spent a wonderful day in downtown Phoenix touring two hotels, one new and one remodeled. Pictures will appear soon. I also met lots of friendly people and then I joined a group of friends to see "Victoria and Abdul" which is an outstanding movie even if it is a bit sad. So many people think that it would be nice to be Queen (or King) but in essence, it's like being in a sort of luxury prison. At least it was in those days.

  6. Yes, it's been a hard week in an awful year. Thank god for wine and dogs.

  7. It’s kind of hard to reconcile the insanity that is going on in the world with my own personal joy & relief at being able to walk again. It’s time for me to re-engage with the world & I don’t wanna!

    Haven’t we seen Dave in his pajamas (pyjamas) before? Silly of him to not want to satisfy our voyeuristic desires (and boy did THAT sound more lewd than I meant it to!).

  8. I've walked past this place before and have never noticed it was monsters that made up the design. Yup, a very trying week. I can imagine how it is for you. Having to explain you know what. Becoming a spokesperson every time a terrorist (to give him his proper name) goes on the rampage. I just wish your country the best for the future (the immediate one :-D).

  9. I like those little faces; they remind me of gargoyles.

    Not so keen on the rabid little people on social media, though . . .

    Looking forward to Olga Productions!
