Sunday, October 8, 2017

Olga Action Cam!

I finally had a chance to make a video with Olga's new GoPro camera and harness. She wears it well, doesn't she? She doesn't have the humiliated look of some dogs forced to don alien gear, like Halloween costumes or neck cones.

Anyway, I walked her to Fortune Green yesterday, strapped the camera to her back and played Kong with her, and then walked her through the cemetery. I got about half an hour of footage, and I came home and spent about three hours learning enough about iMovie to edit it into a five-minute video:

And here's the crazy end result! It's a bit chaotic at the beginning, when she's running, but I added slo-mo to the second run so it wouldn't make us all feel ill. I had fun putting this together and hope it's fun for you to watch!

Incidentally, it's funny how people react to the camera. One woman, a jogger, seemed very amused; another wanted to know whether I was filming to prove my dog "didn't do it." (I guess "it" means anything bad!)


  1. Thanks Steve, that was magic, I loved it. It almost looks like she's about to take off with her ears flapping like that. What was the music?

  2. "Whistling for His Love" by Danielle Dax and "Portuguese Washerwoman" by Astrud Gilberto. (I don't know how to do end credits yet!)

  3. fun! for some reason I didn't expect the back of Olga's head to be front and center.

  4. If I read dog ears correctly, that sweet puppy was having a grand old time. I know the feeling: Sometimes a girls's just gotta run with her Brittney Spears Ten Speed Gears flipping in the wind and then take a roll on the public green. The boss nova sound track was perfecto.

    I LOVE Halloween costumes on dogs! Does that mean I have to make a huge donation to the ASPCA to atone? DONE.

  5. That was fun! I'd like to think if we crossed paths with Olga, there'd be a shot of us saying, "Hello puppy, hello puppy!" and petting her with great joy.

  6. I am so exhausted already that I could barely watch that. Olga has plenty of energy. Wish I could borrow some.
    She's a darling dog.

  7. Oh my gosh, I loved that video. What made it even more special to me was that it's the same walk I took with you a year ago. It's great to see it from Olga's point of view. I loved the music you chose too! Great job!

  8. I think Olga is a great cinematographer! And the energy! I'm feeling old again.

  9. Love love love! And now we need one of her running through the brush/forest :)

  10. Thank was magic.

  11. Ears in perpetual motion - well, almost. Another perspective on leaves on the ground. I'm pleased you slowed it down in the later stages.


  12. I love it!! Funnily enough, my favourite part (after the flapping ears) was every time she stopped. It was just so . . . abrupt! Is this how a dog's life is? Run, run, run, STOP! and repeat :) And every time she stopped, the Kong got dropped and then picked up before she took off again.

    A wonderful debut film :)

  13. Wonderful Steve! I love the way Olga's ears flopped & I kind of felt I was a little creature riding on her back! She minds you well-congrats for all!
