Friday, May 20, 2022


I have nothing much to write about today, so let's just take another look at the garden, shall we?

This is how it looks in the late afternoon. A far cry from the winter view! Yesterday after work Dave and I sat out on the bench, which you can barely see beneath the trees in the back, and admired all the flying insects illuminated in the shafts of sunlight. We seem to have lots of little gnats and hoverflies and things. Maybe it's our "No-Mow May" approach to the lawn.

This is one of our climbing (or maybe rambling?) roses. Dave didn't prune it this spring because we learned the hard way that spring pruning eliminates the blossoms. It didn't bloom at all last year.

This is red campion (despite the fact that it's pink). It grows wild in the garden and comes back every year with no intervention from us.

These snapdragons might look a little tired, but that's not surprising -- they're from last summer! Our winter never got cold enough to kill them so we just kept them, and they're blooming again this year.

The sage has sent up a flower spike. (This isn't cooking sage -- it's an ornamental variety.)

This is one of my favorite roses. In addition to looking amazing, it smells heavenly.

And here's another shot of the foxgloves. Wouldn't this picture make a good bookmark?


  1. Spring has sprung...Beautiful!

  2. It is a beautiful rose and I am sure I can smell it from here.

  3. What's that orange circle in the middle of the first image? Perhaps it is a reminder to clean your camera lens! Your garden is a lovely oasis.

  4. What an oasis! I imagine just stepping into the garden lets you shed your worries and ease your mind.

  5. I guess I won't ask, "how does your garden grow?"

  6. The orange rose almost looks as if it is going to a costume party, disguised as a carnation. How lovely all of the flowers are! And yes, the picture of the foxgloves would make a perfect book mark.

  7. So much beautiful lushness in your garden! I just planted my flowers this week as it was too cold before that so it will be a while before I have snapdragons and daisies blooming.
    Since you mentioned bookmarks, I wondered -do you ever print any of your photos as gifts?

  8. I never grow tired of seeing your garden and yes, I would love to have a bookmark with the foxgloves! I just discovered today that there's a built-in plant identifier in the photos section of my iPhone!

    I don't know if you ever look back at replies to comments, so Pat wanted me to let you know he hasn't had his DNA tested, but knows he's not a chihuahua! He's a Boston Terrier mix. 😉

  9. Holy Crap That Is One Amazing Camera With A Top Shelf Aperture There - Well Done

    P.S. Olga Girl Is The Best Dog Ever - Its Uncle T Biscuit Time

  10. Your garden is just lovely. That peach (?) colored rose is just beautiful. No wonder it's a favorite.

  11. Beautiful photos of your lovely flower garden.

  12. Thank you for a great parade of flowers. What a garden you have. In pruning roses: just remove the deadwood. That's it. Or you found out what happens if you go further!

  13. That last one is a perfect bookmark and that rose is stunning. I'm wishing I could smell it. I love that first photo. The garden looks so lush and full of color.

  14. Beautiful rose! Your garden really is wonderful.

  15. Flowers are always fascinating, a joy to behold when we bother to look. But so often we don't.

  16. It looks like a jungle. Beautiful.

  17. I want your weather! I lose everything every year, with bad indoor light for wintering over. It looks fabulous, Dave. You can tell you put lots of love into it.

  18. Your flowers are beautiful. That rose is gorgeous! I agree the foxglove could be a bookmark. A beautiful one! It must be such pleasure to sit out in your yard. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

  19. The blossom of the plant you called climbing or rambling rose looks very much like what we call a wild rose here because they spring up everywhere and grow with wild abandon! Prickly things, but lovely when they bloom. Your garden is a feast for the eyes. That full rose ... ah, beautiful.

  20. E: Finally! It's still kind of chilly out there, though.

    Andrew: That's how I know it's an effective picture. :)

    YP: Haven't you ever heard of lens flare? LOL! I was trying for that effect, for the record.

    Wilma: It IS an oasis. Very peaceful back on that shady bench.

    Bob: Thanks! :)

    Ed: You're seeing it!

    Ms Moon: That's a great way to put it! It reminds me of a flamenco or can-can dancer, with swirling skirts.

    Ellen D: It must feel great to finally get them planted and be able to look forward to the blossoms!

    Sabine: Thanks! :)

    Kelly: OOPS! My apologies to Pat! :)

    Padre: Olga's next biscuit will be from you. I'll be sure to tell her.

    Ellen: Thanks! I call it the salmon rose, though that doesn't accurately describe the scent! LOL

    Robin: Thanks! :)

    Boud: Well, most roses we take down to just a foot or two high every year, because the flowers come on the next year's growth. But climbing and rambling roses are different, and require that previous year's growth for blossoming. (Which is probably what you're saying.)

    Sharon: I wish I could have a scratch-and-sniff blog!

    Allison: Thank you!

    Tasker: Thanks! One thing I like about photography is it forces me to notice little things in the garden.

    Catalyst: It is a bit jungly! And we're trying to keep it under better control this summer. LOL

    Edna: It is especially nice to sit out among all the lushness, particularly at this time of year.

    Jenny-O: Yes, they ARE prickly! We have a couple of them, and at least one is a volunteer. So it could be the same plant you're describing.

  21. I love the color and lacy edges of that rose! I take too many flower photos in the spring and enjoy looking at other people's too. :)

  22. Oh my, that top photo of your garden evokes a magical place in which to dream, and your flower close ups are simply stunning.
