Monday, February 3, 2014

Top o' The Shard

I've posted a few photos of The Shard, the 87-story spire of glass that is now the tallest building in Europe. It's easily visible from all over London, but we'd never been inside. Until yesterday, that is. Taking advantage of yet another rare sunny day, Dave and I decided to go up in The Shard and check out the view.

It's not an inexpensive outing. The tickets are £30 apiece (about $50), which is frankly insane. But we figured, why not do it just once? Dave wondered if they'd give us a drink, at least.

The answer is no. And despite the fact that the observation deck is named The View, Barbara Walters and Whoopi Goldberg were nowhere in evidence. (Dave gets credit for that joke, too.)

We did have an excellent view of the Tower of London. I wondered what its inhabitants from centuries past would think if they could see The Shard.

And farther afield we could clearly see the white gleam of St. Paul's Cathedral.

We couldn't see as well to the far west and south, because the sun was low and everything was a bit backlit -- so I didn't get good photos of Westminster Palace, Battersea or Elephant & Castle. But oh well.

All in all, I'd say it's an incredible view, but it ought to be about half the price.


  1. Oh my goodness! LONDON!!!!!
    That does seem a bit pricey. If not a drink, then how about a cup of tea, a tiny biscuit?

  2. These photos are just gorgeous. You can see all the way to Canary Wharf in the first one. And those two of the Tower of London and St. Paul's are wonderful. I'm sorry I didn't go now. But, you are so right, $50.00 is crazy expensive. You picked the perfect day to go.

  3. Thanks for the views Steve. It's so pleasing to be able to see so much more of St Paul's "footprint".

    I agree that the price is too steep (pun intended).

  4. Thanks for the views Steve, especially the clearer angle on the cathedral.
    Admission too steep (pun intended).

  5. London's answer to the Empire State Building! Which was pretty expensive when we went but I don't remember exactly how much -- certainly not $50!

    Beautiful views, though, with or without Barbara and Whoopi. (I forgot that Whoopi played Guinan on Star Trek Generations which we caught yesterday on TV).

  6. Great photos! I am surprised at how small the Tower of London seems and how large St Paul's cathedral is. It seems the other way round when down on the ground
