Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Second Portrait

Here's one more shot of our red-hot pokers, which are almost at the end of their season. They really do stand out in a garden, don't they? That bright orange is pretty incredible. You can just imagine them growing by the thousands in the valleys of the Drakensbergs in South Africa, their home turf.

As promised, here's the second portrait Martin painted of me. This is the larger one, apparently -- I still haven't seen the original, only a small copy. I told Martin I thought I looked pensive and maybe even sad, which he said he hadn't intended. I guess my expression is open to interpretation! I love the way the jacket vanishes into the dark background.

Finally, here's the latest picture of our avocado, which has been growing like crazy this summer. Remember how it looked in June, when I repotted it? Dave's already talking about moving it again, but we can't get a bigger terra cotta pot -- at least not from our normal supplier -- so I'm not sure what the next step will be. I think it can go another year or so in that pot. We're in no rush.


  1. Pensive more than sad, I'm thinking. I'm always fascinated by what the artist sees in the sitter. They often bring out qualities not always obvious to the casual observer.

    Judging by the expressions on the face of the tallest cat sitting behind the avocado, it is also surprised by the plant's progress.

    Ms Soup

  2. Wonderful portrait! You should be doubly pleased that they both turned out so well. I don't think you look sad. I think you are deep in thought, perhaps trying to solve the world's problems. :)

  3. I love the painting...wonderful...

  4. I love the portrait! It is simply wonderful! I, too, like the way the jacket blends into the background. A perfect use of light and shadow!
    My avocados look like yours do! I had one that I just cut everything off of but the stem. It's leafed out nicely. Maybe you could find a different vessel to plant it in- something from a thrift store. A repurposing, as we say today.

  5. That portrait is fantastic. Did this one make it into the gallery show?

  6. Wow...You do look deep in thought...It is a lovely portrait. Martin is very talented.

  7. You look like you're listening to someone talk about a serious subject... It's a great portrait!

  8. You know. . I would buy that portrait! Or at least a print. I really like it in its own right, and to actually feel as though I've sort of met the sitter adds an unusual demension.

  9. I love the portrait! I didn't think sad but it is really an excellent capture.

    I have a red bud tree in a pot (plastic) bigger than the one your avocado is in. this tree has been in a pot all it's life. I guess I've had it for at least 15 years, maybe longer. it's sort of a dwarf, confined as it is in the pot.

  10. I love that portrait. He's really talented.
