Thursday, February 1, 2018


Another random assortment of pictures, taken here and there over the past few weeks.

First, someone's commentary about Internet memes -- scrawled in a decidedly low-tech manner on a waste container for "dry mixed" recyclables.

This is surely one of the oldest fiction books in the library where I work. It's still in good shape, and it's been checked out dozens of times going all the way back to early 1968! It's older than Dave, and only slightly younger than me -- and it ain't dead yet. Someone borrowed it just the other day.

As usual, I've been finding pairs of shoes set out on the street for passersby to take -- both his...

...and hers. (At least, I think these are hers, though they look chunky enough to support a good-sized drag queen.)

The kids at school produced a colorful mural of the London skyline, displayed in the lobby.

And speaking of art, maybe this could qualify as a piece of found sculpture -- Olga and I came across it on one of our walks. I am genuinely stumped about what it could be. I'm thinking it's the remains of a stereo component, but I'm open to suggestions.

Everyday monsters -- a devil cat...

...and a playground Nessie!

And finally, more debris being offered free to passersby in front of the West Hampstead library. I'm not sure who's been putting this stuff out, but every few days it seems there's a new collection -- and it's been going on for months and months. (I've photographed this phenomenon before.) Someone must have a serious hoarding habit that they're trying to break! (I usually pass these displays by, but I must confess I picked up the leather-bound Road Atlas of Great Britain at lower right. I'm a sucker for old maps!)


  1. A wonderful collection of photos, and I love old maps, too.

  2. Oh dear! What on earth is happening to Tower Bridge in the mural?

  3. another fun set of pictures. I wonder what those round knobby things were for on the art/trash pile. and that last pic...freecycle!

  4. I am choosing to believe that the copy of R Is For Rocket has magical powers.

  5. Stereo Receiver. The 4 (5) knobs are the typical rheostats for bass, treble, volume and balance, and probably an input selector. If I started trying to explain some of the other guts yo'd probably delete my post!

    I look at that and see useful parts I'd like to save. Does that make me weird?

  6. A fun tour of your neighborhood.

  7. Good idea to put stuff out and if someone can make use of it fine.

  8. Another great collection of odds and ends. I can't believe that book has been in the library all that time. It's interesting the things that people leave out for others to take.

  9. Yup! I'd have picked up the map book too. And I'd never heard of "R is for Rocket", though I haven't read much sci-fi.

  10. I always love these posts. And to answer utahDOG's question: No, it doesn't make you weird. It makes you Steve Reed's brother. Ha!

  11. I used to be a mapmaker! How the technology has changed. That atlas is a collectors item probably. That is indeed a beautiful mural of the London skyline by the kids at your school. And I'm endlessly fascinated by the practice of putting out shoes for others to take. I suppose it speaks to my own privilege that I can afford the superstition of not walking a miles in shoes whose previous owners I know nothing about. On the other hand, in my twenties, I bought a pair of red cowboy boots from a thrift store in Baltimore, and they were as comfortable and soft as butter my absolute favorites for years. So I'm contradicting myself here.

  12. Great collection of photos! You always find the most interesting discards. Utah dog is spot on, and no I don't think he's weird, maybe I am for being able to identify the components on the circuit board. I covet that amazing Nessy bench.

  13. The mural is fantastic! So bright and cheerful. And I love the Nessy bench.

    You find the best stuff to photograph! Or maybe we are just boring in my neck of the woods. You can walk the same trail for days and see nothing different at all.

  14. And by "you" in that last sentence, of course I meant "I" - lol

  15. LOVE maps! You are so cool! and that pile of trash looks enticing . the shoes the drag shoes, look like danger, as in twisted ankle . Swell shots, all of them. Love the edginess.
