Monday, February 19, 2018


Yesterday morning I had a chance to walk down to the lake and sit out with my coffee and my camera. I watched the ducks and anhingas come and go, and the light went from gray and misty to bright and golden. It was a beautiful day, cool and clear, as days often are at this time of year in Florida.

You can't quite tell, but that's a wood duck in the picture above:

Is there a prettier type of duck? If there is, I've never seen it. I wish it had been closer but they're pretty shy. That picture doesn't begin to do them justice.

Then I went and visited Maybelline, my dad and stepmother's dog. She's still crazy energetic when I first walk into her fenced yard, and she still tackles like a linebacker. She's just playing, but she's pretty rough. I got some dramatic scratches on my forearms from her paws.

It's even hard to get her to stay still long enough for a picture!

My stepmother is trying to find a new home for Maybelline. She feels like she can't give the dog the attention she needs, which is probably true. Maybelline spends a lot of her time in a good-sized fenced yard and though she's treated well, she's just too strong for my stepmother and she's obviously hungry for human contact. She leaps into my lap every time I visit! I'd take her back to England but Dave would kill me -- and God knows Olga would never forgive me. Besides, Maybelline doesn't have much experience with living indoors. I think she needs a big space where she can run around and work off all that excess energy.

So this may be the last time I get to play with Maybelline. My scratched-up arms aren't sorry, but the rest of me is.

This is also a great time of the year to be in Florida because many of the tropical trees are blooming. The neighbor's tabebuia is waving bright yellow blossoms against the sky, and I wouldn't be surprised if the jacarandas and kapoks are out, too. (We're a bit too far north for kapoks here, but we do have jacarandas, particularly in some of Tampa's older neighborhoods.)

Last night my stepmother made beef stroganoff, one of my favorite dishes, and my stepsister and her husband and son came over. We drank a bizarre electric-blue sparkling wine my stepmother found at the grocery store. It looks like Windex, but it tastes pretty good!


  1. I think that the caption for the Maybelline picture should be "Don't You Want Me Baby?"

    I further suggest that Mrs Moon should adopt Maybelline.

  2. Oh, I've been wondering what that yellow flowering tree was. Thanks for giving me the name.

  3. I hope she finds the dog a home...has she let her vet know? They can sometimes help with finding homes or a rescue to take the dog. Shelters aren't the best option because the euthanize for space.

  4. I hope she finds a good home for Maybelline. and what a beautiful tree. I've never heard of it.

  5. Dear Mr. Pudding,
    Not in this lifetime.
    Yours truly.
    Ms. Moon

    1. I'll bet Owen and Gibson would love a dog, though. Their mom and dad, maybe not so much!

  6. I hope Maybelline finds a wonderful loving home with a big yard and lots of room to play. She's a beauty. Absolutely love seeing that Wood Duck there. Haven't seen one since we left Washington. Such a gorgeous bird. Enjoy your journey!

  7. I also hope that Maybelline finds the perfect new home! I love those yellow blooms. This is such a pretty time of year for mild weather areas.

  8. Yes, those leaping dogs are too much for me. I'm just glad I've always favored cats!

  9. Dear Mrs Moon,
    In spite of your denial
    It is clear that I
    have stolen your heart.
    Woof! Woof Mom!
    Yours very faithfully,

  10. Would love to know the conversation there around the events in Parkland. Those kids are so inspiring to me.

  11. LOL at Mr. Pudding & Ms. Moon. They're often almost as entertaining as your posts - ha!

    Love that tree - it's gorgeous!

  12. It's hard to give up a pet but sometimes it's best for the animal. I hope your stepmother can find a good home for Maybelline. What a great name, by the way.

    Your first photo is beautiful - all that reflection in the water!

  13. This sounds like a pleasant break from London.

  14. Dear Mr. Pudding,
    No. The end.
    Love...Ms. Moon
