Friday, December 25, 2020


We are having a very damp December. I mean, December's always damp in England, but this seems rather extreme even for here. Yesterday morning -- our first sunny day in what seems like ages -- I wiped down a corner of our living room where we sometimes get spots of black mold on the walls from dampness seeping through from the outside. And then I washed the windows and wiped the sills and the window frames, and this morning there's still more condensation on the glass.

I took Olga to the cemetery yesterday, where the moss is running riot over all the stonework. It finds a little crevice and takes hold, and with all this rain, pretty soon it's as lush as a shag rug or as round and plump as a pincushion.

It's kind of amazing, really.

Our patio looks like we've installed green carpeting. I'll spare you a photo of that.

After our cemetery walk I bathed the dog and then made hot chocolate, which seemed like a good Christmas Eve thing to do. (I got some fancy hot chocolate packets as a very kind gift from one of the students at school, flavored with caramel, orange, ginger, mint and that kind of thing.) Then Dave got to cooking, and made a pumpkin pie and a stuffed chicken dish with rice and herbs.

Last night we watched comfort TV -- "A Charlie Brown Christmas" and "The Sound of Music" -- while Olga snored on the couch.

Merry Christmas from our house to yours!


  1. Merry Christmas to you Steve and Dave and of course Olga. Have a lovely Day. I can see a bit of blue sky through the velux windows!

  2. I hope you enjoy the day, Merry Christmas.

  3. The moss and lichens are so beautiful on the stonework. It's a shame the damage they do. We just returned from a nearby café where we sweated in the sun while we drank our coffee. Happy merry.

  4. Great pictures! And I love the Sound of Music too! But my husband hates it - he used to work in a house for disability services and the clients played the movie on endless repeat. He is frankly quite over the movie. Happy Christmas to you, Dave and Olga!

  5. I am not surprised Olga snored in front of such tv. I would have too. Merry Christmas to you and I hope this day is good.

  6. That moss is amazing. Something we don't see here. Have a wonderful Christmas day!

  7. Your day sounds perfectly cosy. Moss is great. I love its softness and the bright green. Happy Christmas!

  8. Perfect - What A Wonderful Post - Thanx Brother Man - A Merry Merry To You And Your Tribe


  9. Christmas Time is Here is one of the best holiday songs ever. Melancholy is a good Xmas mood, and pairs well with luxury hot chocolate.

  10. Merry xmas to you, thanks for all the lovely pictures of London throughout the year. I am still homesick for that place.
    Take care, stay safe and stay healthy.

  11. Mr. Moon made himself a cup of hot chocolate the other night and searched in vain for little marshmallows in the cupboard. I think he was as amazed that there were none as I was that he would think there might be!
    I hope you and Dave and Olga are having a lovely, cozy day.
    And that moss is so pretty.

  12. That moss is a beautiful green carpet. We have similar weather and moss here, lots of rain and green sprouting up everywhere.
    Merry merry Christmas to you, Dave, and Olga.

  13. Merry Christmas to you and Dave .

  14. I know I told you 3 Merry Christmas yesterday because I didn't think I would be online today but I had to stop in to let you know how good this bbq is on Christmas morning. (lol) Yes morning. I hickory smoked 6 cornish hens, spare ribs and a boston butt pork roast..If you can find the hickory chunks and the hickory flavored dry rub you will have Texas style bbq. Don't leave out the Southern style mustard potato salad. Wish you 3 were here. Merry Christmas

  15. cool stuff, moss. love the pics. Merry Christmas to you and Dave.

  16. Happy Christmas to you, Dave and Olga. Olga has the right idea for the way to spend the day.

  17. Merry Christmas Steve, Dave and Olga!

  18. Merry Xmas! Comfort films are great during the holidays. I've been watching Somebody Feed Phil for some odd reason. Perhaps it's because of lack of travel this year? Gourmet hot chocolate is yummy although I'm not sure how I would feel about some of those flavors. :)

  19. That is lovely moss. In the Seattle area there is the Bloedel Reserve, and they have moss gardens. They also have people out picking the pine needles off the moss. It's just beautiful.
    Merry Christmas to you and Dave, your Christmas Eve sounds delightful.

  20. Love your mossy pictures, especially the first and the last ones.

  21. Merry Christmas. As always, I love your photos. The Sound of Music is one of my all time favorites.

  22. Hope you are having a happy Christmas!
    Have you thought of a dehumidifier? Healthier than condensation and black mould.
    I don't know about you but that tightens up my chest..
    Beautiful mossy shawl on the figure

  23. Merry Christmas to your little family, from our littler family, Moss is abundant here as well, do not stand still for very long. Fair warning.

  24. Merry Christmas to you and Dave! And Olga, too. Your home looks very cosy.

  25. I second the dehumidifier suggestion. The moss is very lovely. Aaaaand: Merry Christmas!

  26. Thanks for the holiday greetings, everyboday! We could get a dehumidifier -- I've thought about it -- but most of the time dampness isn't a problem. It's just in these incredibly wet wintry periods that we really notice it. On the positive side, it's good for the houseplants!

  27. I should send Favorite Young Man to you with his pressure washer to clean up the moss. I love Olga, and you're okay, too.

