Saturday, October 8, 2022

Leaf Mania

Since I'll be spending today in the air, I've prepared this post ahead of time to publish this morning. More leaves! Who doesn't love more leaves?!

I was going to try something fancy like putting them all in a grid pattern, but I ran out of time. They look pretty good individually too, all credit to nature.

I'll report back tomorrow after I've landed in (hopefully) sunny Florida!


  1. Very pretty leaves but of course they harbingers of cold weather.

  2. "Leaving on a jet plane" does not mean leaving a trail of leaves.

  3. They're lovely as individuals. Safe travels!

  4. Autumn leaves are so very pretty!
    I hope you do get to Florida safely and met with sunshine ✈🌞

  5. Have a nice time in Florida, Steve!

  6. Beautiful autumn leaves there.
    Have a safe and wonderful journey.

  7. You've found a lot of colorful leaves and I'm enjoying seeing them. It will be a while before the leaves start to color here.

  8. I believe you do something like this every year. They are pretty.

  9. I love the variety, especially that multi-colored one. It has a little bit of every color!

  10. They're just like snowflakes - no two are exactly alike! All are (imperfectly) beautiful.

  11. These are dazzling. I especially love the two-toned ones and the greens surprise me, too. Gorgeous.

  12. "Leafing on a Jet Plane" -- HA! I wish I'd thought of that! Glad you all liked them. Ellen, I've definitely done many leaf posts in the past -- I know I did "a leaf a day" for a week a couple of years ago.
