Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Magic Staff

Olga and I went back to Hampstead Heath yesterday, taking advantage of the sunny day. I learned that it is possible, when the weather is dry, for the dog to walk on the Heath without getting completely filthy. (Until she intentionally belly-flopped into a lingering mud puddle, that is, to cool off.)

We found this staff leaning against a tree, decked with ribbons and beads. It seemed to have been left over from someone's ritual -- something about worshipping Mother Earth and wishing for healing and thriving.

We left it untouched. I try to respect people's rituals, even when I don't participate. I wonder who left it behind and why?

Olga, on the other hand, found it all rather hilarious.


  1. I love that staff and I love that photo of Olga laughing. In fact, I love that your dog's name is Olga.

  2. Art. Desire. Prayer.
    That stick is all of those things.
    And Olga puts it all in perspective.

  3. great pictures! i can't wait till morning to see them.
    pictures of Olga is always a bonus!

  4. HA! Olga really does look like she's laughing.

  5. I love that staff! I would have been tempted to at least borrow it for a day... And that Olga laugh - warms the cockles of my heart :)
