Monday, November 27, 2017

Sunny Sunday Walk

I tried my best to stay home yesterday. I read all morning, relaxing on the couch, and it was fabulous. But around 10 a.m. the dog began staring me down, quivering with anticipation and jumping at every turn of the page. Well, you can't read under those circumstances, can you? The pressure is too great.

So I caved in and took her to the Heath, where, as you can see, we had a beautiful sunny walk. (You can barely see Olga out in that field.)

Every time I go to the Heath I see something new -- like these trees shaped just like a treble clef.

We also found a suspiciously black and hairy object nestled in the leaves. A bear? A badger?

No, just someone's old coat.

In the end, it was good to get out of the house. I suppose that's partly what dogs are for -- to keep us moving!


  1. Remember those "Where's Wally?" books (i.e. "Where's Waldo?"). You could launch a similar series with photographs of Hampstead Heath - "Where's Olga?"

  2. Dogs and children will protect us from sloth.
    Beautiful pictures, as always, Steve.

  3. Good eye to see the treble clef.

  4. yes, dogs do force us off our butts and out into the world. I wouldn't know any of my neighbors if it weren't for Minnie.

  5. Looks like a beautiful day for a walk. Olga has such good ideas!

  6. I looks deceptively warm on your sunny walk but I'm betting there was a chill in the air where you are. Over here it has been unseasonably warm. The snowbirds are loving it.

  7. The Heath looks like a marvelous place and Olga quite obviously loves it.

  8. So what WAS that big black thing? It looks more like a discarded coat than a creature.

  9. I need a dog. Have you even tried to walk a cat? :)

    I like YP's idea of a Where's Olga book!

  10. That should read "ever" (not "even")!

  11. My dog has been driving me crazy of late -- pacing back and forth. Honestly, she's very old (13) but acts like a spring chicken! Dogs!
