Monday, November 13, 2017

Muddy Scrubs

After a whirlwind round of housecleaning and laundry, I took Olga back to Wormwood Scrubs late yesterday morning. She was more excited to get outside than I've ever seen her -- she was whimpering on the train and she wanted to run all the way from the train station to the Scrubs. I don't know what got into her, except that she stayed inside all the previous day while I was out walking across South London in the rain. Maybe she'd just built up a head of steam.

Look at her hiding behind that tree! You'd never know she was there, would you?

The Scrubs were really beautiful yesterday -- still very autumnal, though the trees have lost most of their leaves and we're definitely moving into winter mode.

At one point, while exploring some trails in the northwest corner of the park, I came across an area behind some thick brambles where there were several piles of shoes. Men's shoes, women's shoes, trainers, work boots and sandals -- a full assortment. It looked like they'd been brought in bags and dumped. I couldn't tell if someone lived back in there, or they'd been stolen, or both -- but it creeped me out, to be honest.

I could have used some new shoes by the time that walk was over, though. It sure is muddy out there at this time of year! (Or, as I put it to Dave, showing my age: "Holy mud bog, Batman!")

Someone definitely needed a bath when we got back home. And Olga did, too.

Last night we finally watched "Grace and Frankie" on Netflix. In fact, we watched three episodes. It's not at all what I expected -- I thought it would be much more sit-com like (I guess I'm thinking of "Kate and Allie" and "Will and Grace" and all those other sorts of shows). "Grace and Frankie" seems more sophisticated and we really like it so far.

We need some new things to watch on TV. We've finished "Stranger Things 2," and we're caught up on the new "Star Trek." We were watching "Designated Survivor" but that show, in its second season, seems to have run off the rails a bit. We're still working our way through "The Sopranos" and I'm still watching "The Wire" when Dave's gone to bed (defying conventional wisdom, he doesn't particularly like it).


  1. The shoes probably belonged to random dog walkers who were unaware of Gozo - the legendary cannibal monster who lurks in the woods of Wormwood Scrubs waiting for his next victim. Did you also happen to see any little piles of bones?

  2. Strange that the shoes were dumped there. You are an explorer. And Olga your trusty sidekick.

  3. Finding trash in the woods creeps me out too.
    I really enjoyed Grace and Frankie. Didn't think I would but I did.

  4. I have to give you lots of credit for slogging through all that mud. Olga looks like she's loving it. I really enjoyed Grace and Frankie. I've been watching the new Netflix series called "Mindhunter" that is very good. I think I have two episodes left. I also started watching an Australian series called "Wanted" that is pretty funny in "Thelma and Louise" sort of way. And, last night I watched two episodes of "Amazing Hotels". The first was about the Marina Bay Sands in Singapore and the second about the Mashpi Lodge, sometimes called the "cloud" hotel in the rain forest of Ecuador. Both were pretty fascinating in completely different ways.

  5. maybe someone was pissed at someone and got even by getting rid of all their shoes. I've had several people recommend Grace and Frankie. it's just that I don't watch TV that much.

  6. That is quite a crazy pile of shoe trash. The small town where we live has a lot of homelessness, and we see piles of stuff that we would really rather never have seen. Ugh. We are in southern California at the moment, visiting with my mom and babysitting my sister's VERY LARGE, VERY RAMBUNCTIOUS Great Dane. It is fun to be with a sweetheart of a doggie.

  7. Even though I am a Catman, I love the pictures of Olga looking back for you. And that pile of shoes was very strange. The last thing I really watched on tv, other than the evening news and cooking shows, was a disk of "Fences", a great performance by Denziel Washington.

  8. Do you like the new Startrek? I don't have Netflix and would have to pay to stream it. Paying offends me, I'm already paying for satellite, enough! So, is it worth seeing? I'm asking as an old die hard Trekkie.

  9. Olga is so sweet and funny hiding behind that tree :)

    That mud was worthy of your Batman comment!!

  10. I have to ask, since Olga is such a cute dog and I can picture her called Cuddle Bug, or Smoochy, or Sweet Ums -- why is she called Olga? No judgment here, it's just that Olga is a very Soviet handle and she, the Dog, is such a cute and spritely little bundle of love.
