Friday, November 10, 2017

Mums and a Lemur

Olga and I found these very impressive chrysanthemums on one of our recent walks. At a time when the petunias are thinning and the nasturtium leaves fading to dull yellow, the mums are looking like fireworks! These made me want to get some, too, but I haven't been ambitious enough to stop by Homebase.

Here's another odd item I found a several days ago on one of my walks to work. When I first spied it on the sidewalk, I thought the animal was a raccoon. But looking more closely I realized that it's a lemur -- and when I turned over the heart, it said "Madagascar" on the other side. This freaked me out a little bit, because I've been to Madagascar. What are the odds I'd find a Madagascar souvenir lying on the sidewalk in London? I think I'll turn it into a little Christmas ornament for our tree.

Yes, we're actually getting a Christmas tree this year, believe it or not! For the first time in six years, Dave and I are staying in London for a Christmas on our own. Air fares are so insane and the experience of traveling at Christmas is so miserable, we decided against flying to the states. I'll probably go to Florida early next year to make up for it.

I got lots of Joni Mitchell reading done at work yesterday. And I stayed away from the newspapers. I'm not sure this is a permanent change -- having worked in journalism I don't think I could (or should) give up news entirely -- but it's a nice break.


  1. Send me a hundred quid and I shall not inform the principal of your school that you happily while away work time reading biographies of your musical heroes. Surely there's shelf weeding and cataloguing to do plus composing vicious letters threatening fines and medieval tortures for failing to return library books.

  2. Wise decision on your temporary news moratorium. I was starting each day with a scan of Huffington Post (it's fun because their hair is always on fire for one reason or another) and MSNBC, but it's beginning to get me down.

  3. I thought that YP was going to offer to not tell you any news at all if you'd send him a hundred quid. He's such a blackmailer, that one.
    Did you read our news? Baby King Richard was born yesterday! We are so happy!

  4. that will be a nice change for you and Dave. I wouldn't travel for the holidays for any reason. and the souvenir was left there just for you.

  5. I love coincidences like that! I was in London this time in 2013 so I'm betting the Christmas decorations are already up on all the big shopping streets. I recall seeing them everywhere I went. Probably a wise move to stay put this year. I agree that traveling during the holiday season is a grueling exercise.

  6. I think that happy lemur should go on your Christmas tree for sure.

    I too am taking a news break. It has turned into something unhealthy and evokes too much anger. I'll be back when I get it under control a bit.

  7. I’m pretty excited to not be traveling at Christmas either - first time since I was about 23 that I didn’t have to travel at least some distance to spend Christmas with family.

    Love the photo of the mums! I prefer the purply ones, but Mike likes orange & yellow so that’s what we have.

  8. Olga appears to appreciate the art of arrangements also. I'd give her an A.

  9. I love the three different colours of mums together - never thought of that. Here we mostly get yellows, oranges and rusts, which aren't really my favourite colours but someone in marketing thinks it's a good idea :) I'll have to look for pink.

    The lemur! So cute! I bet you'll have fun decorating your place for Christmas. We used to travel two out of every three years when our kids were small and it wasn't relaxing and it wasn't fun. Being at home is so much better.

  10. I never listen to the news. We gave up our cable tv in 2014 and never looked back. Life is much quieter without it, and we stay informed by reading all the craziness everywhere on the internet. I've been thinking about getting the Joni Mitchell bio, and would love to hear what you think of it. Love the mums and the lemur.

  11. So, what do you think of the book so far?

  12. We finally made the decision not to travel over the holidays and now we have a very low key Christmas in our own home. My husband loves it. I miss everyone but the older ones have departed now so it would be the same anyway.
