Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Spooky Ceramics

The ceramics shop on the high street has adopted a Halloween decorating theme.

I've never been in this place. It's a paint-it-yourself establishment where you buy the blank and the glazes, sit at a table and decorate your piece, and then they fire it for you and you pick it up when it's done. I see tons of people there, so it seems pretty popular.

I doubt that anything I painted would turn out this well!


  1. We had a friend in San Diego who insisted we do this with her and her partner for her birthday. We did. I’m actually an artist. I threw mine out.

  2. Believe in yourself Steve! Come on man - go right in there and get creative! I am sure I am not the only one who would like to see your ceramic artistry displayed in this blog. The skull with a lid could be you - and you could put pins and drawing pins (American: thumbtacks) where the brain should be.

    1. I'm not paying £31.50 for an unpainted skull! That's insane!

  3. The first plate is brilliant.

  4. I'd love to take a crack at painting the "monster with horns" ceramic and then use it as a pot scrubber holder by the kitchen sink :) Both plates are impressive. I thought at first that the edge on the second one was some kind of applied decoration until I looked more closely and saw the variations in the design - amazing job.

    1. I like the monster with horns too. If I were to pick any of those designs, that's the one I'd choose!

  5. I have never done that ceramics thing, but it does look fun. And those Halloween ceramics would be a treat to do!

  6. Second plate for the win in my eyes!
    I've never done that either. For whatever reason I've had absolutely no desire.

    1. The second plate wins for the level of detail, I think.

  7. Clever painting! I would be no good at that either.

  8. If I knew how to draw and paint I think I would try that... or not.

    1. Might be fun for a party or gathering of friends. And then I'd donate my creation to Goodwill!

  9. I took my grandkids to a place like that when they were small. it was fun though I have no idea what we all did.

    1. Well, if you remember the fun, that's the main thing!

  10. They have a couple of places like this in the Phoenix area. It might be fun to try it some day....maybe not with Halloween subjects.
    If you are guessing the Marriott Marquis, you are correct. That is where we are staying.

    1. Yes! That's what I guessed! I love their revolving rooftop bar. Great place for a martini. :)

  11. Try it sometime. You might surprise yourself. I taught ceramics for years. People have more talent than they realize. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

    1. Really?! I had no idea you had a background in ceramics! I did ceramics at summer camp as a kid but now I just don't need more pottery sitting around.

  12. Buck Up Brother And Go In For A Date Night Activity - Mix Up A Vodka Martini In Your Water Bottle To Be Discrete In A Public Setting And Splash Around Some Glazes - You Will Be Amazed At What Your Able To Come Up With - Stay Adventurous


    1. The great thing about England is, discretion with alcohol is virtually never a requirement.

  13. I see people do this for birthdays, etc. all the time - I wouldn't be very good at it so I'm glad I've never had to try. Now, if I could crochet a cover for the plate...

  14. I LOVE their clever window display! Our small town use to have a pottery place like this and we went there quite a few times. I still have things in my home that we painted. I think you need to go do it and write a post about your experience! (they might even throw in a free item to paint for the publicity) I'd love to do a skull for Dia de los Meurtos!

    1. Maybe someone will have a ceramics-painting party at some point!

  15. My daughters used to love places like that. Older Daughter is extremely artistic, so her pieces looked professional.

    1. I'm always impressed with the display items they have in the window -- the completed pieces are really impressive. Your daughter could contribute some!

  16. The artistic gene skipped me entirely, so my plates would not be nearly as good. It does look like fun, though.

    1. I like to think I have some artistic ability, but I'm not sure it would extend to painting ceramics. I haven't tried in many, many years, though.

  17. My oldest kid went to a place like that for a birthday party and raved about it. Seems like a good gig since I imagine coming up with a design that someone would want to purchase is the hard part. Let the customer design what they want to buy.

    1. It would be fun for a party, and then you'd get a great keepsake as well. I can definitely understand the appeal.

  18. Replies
    1. OK, interesting! Never heard of her.

      (Readers: This is in response to a question I left E on her blog.)
