Monday, May 16, 2016

A Mean, Mean Cat

Olga was in an exploratory mood yesterday morning. Rather than following one of our normal walking routes, she led me north and west into Cricklewood.

We were on this street, near this bridge, when a woman (walking unsteadily and, it must be said, dentally challenged) called to me loudly across the street. "I like your dog!" she slurred, then waited a beat before adding: "And you're not looking bad yourself!"

Hey, I'll take a compliment anywhere I can get it.

We met the toughest, meanest street cat in the world. Olga passed inches from it on the curb, growling and straining at her leash, and the cat didn't budge. It just hissed and puffed itself up to twice its normal size. Then it followed us for two blocks.

It basically ordered us out of the neighborhood and escorted us to make sure we left!

And as if that weren't already enough excitement, we found a priceless Canaletto propped against a wall next to a recycling bin! Alas, I couldn't pick it up, because I was carrying a bag of Olga's poo while searching for a rubbish receptacle. I was forced to leave my fortune behind.


  1. I think you might need your eyes testing Steve! There was a big green rubbish receptacle right next to the Canaletto! Is Olga a guide dog?

  2. Au contraire, Mr. Pudding -- that is a recycling bin, not a rubbish bin. Not the appropriate place for Olga poop.

  3. But you had a fortune in fertilizer and no-one was scratched!

  4. cat scratches...ouch!!! smart move...get out of town ha ha!!!

  5. Cats are as territorial as dogs, if not more so. Maurice has the scars to prove it.
    What a great post! I know it hurt your heart to leave that art treasure behind...

  6. Your walk uncovered some odd encounters.

  7. LOL...You just never know where you might find a masterpiece!

  8. And did you thank Ms Dentally Challenged for the compliment?! On the other hand, probably best not to encourage any further conversation ...

    Street cats are tough - they have to be, or they don't survive.

  9. let's see...street cat/Olga. I'm afraid it was no contest Steve. good thing you two hightailed it out of there.

  10. I love the cat story - did it damage Olga's ego? :)

  11. I think the cat was Scarface Claw, the nemesis of Hairy Maclary. It looks very much like him.
