Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Take a Seat

When we moved into our current flat, we found a bench tucked away in a back corner of our garden. As you can see, it's not the greatest.

Dave and I have been using it, but I've always been aware that it might at any moment collapse under me. It wobbles slightly from side to side, and those two fallen slats aren't attached to anything. They were regularly knocked loose by squirrels.

But now...

...ta-da! We ordered a new bench from Amazon!

It arrived yesterday, and putting it together was kind of an ordeal. The directions said it "should be assembled by no less than two people," which I suppose is a fancy way of saying not to do it alone -- but also seems to suggest that assembly by, oh, eight people would be perfectly acceptable. (As we all know, that would simply lead to a massive argument.)

I enlisted help from poor infirm Dave, thinking he would only have to hold a few pieces while I screwed them together. Things got a bit more complicated than that, but rather than go into detail, let me just say that we survived and we now have a fabulous, stable place to sit outside and enjoy things like...

...our lilies of the valley, which are in bloom. Did you know the French call May Day "La Fête du Muguet," or "Lily of the Valley Day"? Apparently it's tradition on that day to give bouquets of lily of the valley to friends and relatives. (Never mind that it's poisonous.)

We're having amazing, sunny spring weather, and the garden is going gangbusters! This is a great time of year.


  1. Be grateful that bench wasn't from IKEA or you'd have needed more help...and yes, I did know about that French custom...I hope you enjoy the new seat.

  2. As you like my witty comments, I will just say that a lot of screwing must have been involved in the construction of that fine bench. Next time you apply for a new job, in the "other interests" box, you must in future remember to write "screwing" alongside "photography".

  3. Love it! Gorgeous bench in a gorgeous garden!
    The directions for putting the bench together remind me of that southern saying that a task is going to require "two men and and a boy."
    You guys did a great job!

  4. Your new bench is beautiful and looks very comfortable.
    We have masses of lily of the valley so the fragrance in the garden is just wonderful as long as they last.

  5. that's a beautiful bench. I've been casting about for one myself.

  6. Hey, my lily of the valley have just started blooming. I didn't know they were poison. Now as for the bench? You really needed a new bench! Nice choice for the new bench.

  7. I love the new bench, and the lily of the valley is beautiful. I'm sure a garden to sit in will be most helpful to Dave while he recovers!

  8. Love the new bench. Amazon is my best friend. Your potted plants look wonderful. Lily of the valley is always beauty to behold.

  9. The bench looks just right, there. Now Dave can sit and enjoy the gardens while you work :)

  10. Lily of the Valley = my favorite flower....unfortunately have had no success growing them in San Diego!
